<<@videofreak6047 says : As history shows, once the price of things go up, they rarely come back down, to what they were before .>> <<@travstar5447 says : KPMG gets its coin from Vic Labor......and Vic Labor gets its coin from used and abused Hardworking private sector Australian Taxpayers. Wonder why Dan quit so quickly??>> <<@VK6AB- says : Misleading, the ALP has presided over near record rates of change in CPI since coming into office in 2022. The damage has been done, the massive prices increases due to ALP policies are now baked in.>> <<@tagiscom says : You mean because of rampant immigration which has made every relatively quiet coffee shop and restaurant into a migrant child care center?>> <<@scottfrance1400 says : America is about to crash and burn . The US dollar is about to half , they want to get people buying houses at the top price so when we crash and burn with the US , you're all in debt for absurd amounts of money you will never be able to achieve in a recession/depression environment. Investors are running for the hills , and so too are developers due to the inefficient time delays due to lack of tradies thanks to the governments absurd laws and revenue raising excersizes . Lets not forget who had the revenue raisers running around locking up people fining them , taking their licences and strapping businesses up in costly red tape for decades now. The bubble is about to burst dont be caught folks they want you to buy a house get in debt at the top of the market to hold you accountable to absurd repayment prices during the coming crash which will in turn leave you no other option but to file for bankruptcy or keep paying it off during a drepression only to have to hand the house straight to the bank anyway because your income doesn't even cover the intererst , falling more and more behind month after month until your either homeless ,financially ruined or dying from their jabs. And you will be the out of pocket loser, while albo gives himself another payrise .>> <<@ParashuVisu says : Politicians always LYING, this is true example 😂>> <<@c.a.mcneil7599 says : So it’s just slowing down inflation rate not what was inflated. It’s a compounding thing. Don’t be confused with deflation and a lower inflation rate.>> <<@Joegolberg1 says : Our economy is like a flailing fish, fighting for its life. The normal state of the U.S. economy is actually very bad. Because of this it goes into convulsive spasms fighting to grow any way it can out of desperation. Tricks, gimmicks, rule changes try to stimulate the economy and prevent it from falling but they only bring temporary relief to people since, when you factor in inflation we are declining.>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Tell the stupid S.O.Bs to visit a grocery store and quit lying as Andrews did.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : The coalition wants a recession.>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : KMPG Chief Bullshite Artist>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Well done CHALMERS next Best World Treasure following Labor tradition Keating/Swan. Don't know why conservatives hate Australia so much...>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : What a lload of BS, my weekly grocery bill is still 30% more than it was before this Clown and his Incompeteent Cabel were accidentally elected.>> <<@lauran1212 says : B.S....more gaslighting>> <<@turtle-frogs says : Tell Coles and Woolworths. I just paid $11 for a box of cereal.>> <<@eb2505 says : I still by my groceries, and I still pay my bills. Not sure what planet these people are from.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Your grocery bill will be half this weekend then ? What a load when has the price of anything just dropped so suddenly>> <<@Dismas2503 says : Excellent. Dutton has missed his wave.>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : All fake news Pete, you really don't know what day it is.>> <<@Berserker978 says : Too Fkn Late. 😆>> <<@jennifermichael4756 says : Yeah everything looks good during election time and in between it’s shit. He is a con and does things to win votes not to better the country>>