<<@SquirrelMaster69 says : Visiting a gravesite like that is bad for karma? 🐿️>> <<@mitchell-uk9up says : I like to be the first to say who f--- ng cares>> <<@SambarSlayer says : That would be implode>> <<@nosilencedthoughts says : seems sky is following the trend of other media outlets calling it an explosion, what happened to fact checking or are you changing those ...>> <<@Lord-Snowflake says : I've got a few drawings i made with crayons, showing that a submarine made of "carbon fiber" tape and bondo from O'Reillys, can make a real submarine.>> <<@DonaldDeCicco says : This is just sensationalism. None of this matters. It's not as if deep ocean subs are being mass produced and a recall is needed.>> <<@michaelbarclay4803 says : Its a grave yard the titanic people should just leave it alone show some repect>> <<@yogibbear says : This is nothing new. If you looked at the construction drawings the failure mechanisms are blindingly obvious. Lul epoxy a carbon fibre hull to a titanium flange. What a joke. You don't need to be a forensic scientist or material scientist to go "oh yeah the end piece is intact vs. the carbon fibre piece that imploded". Random piece of junk hobbled together by insane idiots and the only people to feel bad for are the passengers that believed the deluded story they were told to buy the tickets. We live in clown world. 🤡>> <<@picobyte says : It didn't explode. It imploded.>> <<@JohnFourtyTwo says : 2:39 The U.S. Marine Corps has nothing to do with submarines, that would be the US Navy. The Marines specialize in amphibious warfare (beach landings) and other land warfare operations.>> <<@cella6495 says : Explosion or implosion?>> <<@ChumpyChicken2 says : Implosion you clowns>> <<@Jim-i4j says : Wow that’s unbelievable>>