<<@jwurnig says : trump is not a friend to Israel.>> <<@jc2953 says : Propaganda>> <<@j.d.1506 says : I don’t disagree with loomer on alot of things, but she has aligned herself with anti semites like Kanye west and nick fuentes and others. She also lacks any tact and is very immature sometimes. I don’t like her lack of professionalism.>> <<@jsting1052 says : Lies about Trump Democrats are evil !!!>> <<@nathanjacobs17078 says : Shame on this journalistic filth, shame on you for listening to Hakeem Jeffries as an authoritarian source, he is against the Jewish people.>> <<@nathanjacobs17078 says : When will you liberal Jews stop supporting the Nazi democrat party? Do you not understand that the democrat party is far left and support Hamas?>> <<@KeepItReal33 says : “Conspiracy theories” that turn out to be true, within 6 months….🙄. Go ahead, Israel….backstab the only US candidate that supports you….🙄>> <<@susilwas says : There are NO conspiracy theories, they allways become real in time.>> <<@DroriShmueli says : JewYork is now Cannibals on the loose York.>> <<@DroriShmueli says : American shnorers better by a frikkin clue..>> <<@DroriShmueli says : Laura Loomer is mostly right so is Melanie Krell.... MelK.>> <<@DroriShmueli says : History is rhyming.>> <<@DroriShmueli says : 30K from America.. Big Whoop..>> <<@DroriShmueli says : Voodoo cannibals are now all over America...>> <<@DroriShmueli says : Allot of Russians in Israel are returning to Russia... the quality of life there is now better than in the west... no LGBTQPIA in Russia.>> <<@DroriShmueli says : 60 percent from klanmerica... very surprising.>> <<@DroriShmueli says : JewBags on the left love sucking cock...>> <<@DroriShmueli says : The diaspora will be no more... they will all RETURN against their will...>> <<@GOODJMR says : Not conspiracy theories. You're just not looking at the effects of open borders of the last 4 years. ❤>> <<@LarryCohen188 says : Hopefully, USA tax dollar stays in USA rather than protect this apartheid.>> <<@LawrenceM-bishnoi says : India stands with Israel 🇮🇳🇮🇱>> <<@connortilson7141 says : Israel is a Rogue State and MOSSAD is its Terrorists branch!>> <<@MeMe-u7z7f says : Aaaaaa seriously 124 do yous have to go woke as well!!! Trump is a friend of Israel>>