<<@leojablonski2309 says : Cancel ABC. THEY LIE.>> <<@petermurray2414 says : Willasey won an award? What for? Deception? NEVER trust him.>> <<@petermurray2414 says : If the ABC will not apologise, its boss should resign and depart in disgrace. No departure payment!>> <<@johnlane7080 says : We send our finest to these God forsaken countries to do a job noone at Aunty would have enough guts to do and yet these despicable journalists think they have a right to judge with 20/20 hindsight. Discusting.>> <<@craigpurcell5289 says : Can someone find an “accidental” edit that didn’t support the underlying ABC narrative. If they’re always accidental, surely at least one would go the other way ??>> <<@user-tq4zm9yr6l says : Where is the defence minister on this? Where is the accountability from the communications minister? Totally disgusting.They take service medals from soldiers pretty quickly but let this rubbish continue.Who would ever want to join the forces if the government lets this rot continue>> <<@mclanaford2957 says : ABC must be defunded and BOYCOTTED.>> <<@countyorga764 says : "Head" polishing ( with blisters as evidence ) murdoch turd kenny. Still desperately searching for relevance. Piss off.>> <<@tedda6171 says : Wouldn’t expect anything different from the ABC - what has disappointed me most is the lack of response and support for Heston from the Australian Defence Force or the RSL - what a spineless bunch of cowards.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : DISCUSTING ABC!! A BUNCH OF TAXPAYER BLUDGERS!! WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY!! WHO LISTENS OR TAKES NOTICE OF ANYTHING THEY HAVE TO SAY!! ALL LIES!!>> <<@rodsloane706 says : So it would seem Willacy lied....just to get a sensational ABC story. This shouldn't surprise anyone. The ABC's irrelevant, not even credible now.>> <<@jimdavid7710 says : Williisee should hand back that ‘Walkley” he’s an old fashioned shonk.>> <<@swordscot says : He should sue them .>> <<@TonyAustin-zs4nk says : Keep the f'n pressure on these mongrels>> <<@ashado4489 says : If this does not deserve a royal commission into the enture operations of he ABC, I don't know what does.>> <<@tonyweatherall5440 says : The ABC is disgraceful - why should the tax payers of Australia keep funding this left winged bias>> <<@ianatkins1213 says : ABC management is a law unto themselves. It’s their tax funded political hobbyhorse. TV and radio rating show ABC doesn’t find itself into too many peoples’ homes.>> <<@MsSheila54 says : Mark Willacy should be jailed and the ABC closed down. No more funds from us taxpayers.>> <<@achebwahs1111 says : ABC is a rat's nest of agenda driven propagandists. Their audience a bunch of shiraz swilling backyard solutionists who enjoy smelling one another's flatulence.>> <<@josephchudleigh8367 says : If it was on any other network and not the ABC , Mark Willacy would have been sacked .>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : The ABC just needs a couple more "Inclusivity" Officers 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@hadrian3487 says : The Australian ABC is just like the American ABC. They are unwatchable.>> <<@chriscavell8681 says : Yes cut all tax payers money DEFUND THE ABC NOW!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@MichaelStrange-n2w says : 🦗🦗🦗from Willacy….🦗🦗🦗from senior ADF…ABC in damage control…it’s no error as explained by ABC heads..you can’t make ‘errors’ of that nature..it was purposely produced and reported on….ill bet no one in the current govt will hold the ABC to account !>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : I HATE WAR CRIMINALS>> <<@philliplipple1799 says : Do not forget the other hatchet jobs, Cardinal Pell being one of them.>> <<@yodaandthebike5839 says : Disgusting manipulation by the ABC. I am so sick of my taxes paying for an organization whose views and beliefs I am in complete disagreement with.>> <<@ayfj4572 says : What pure slime Willacy is, absolute scum.>> <<@stevenmoule2236 says : Bureaucratic media is appalling in every country it exists.The mother of bad ideas.>> <<@amcconnell6730 says : If people infiltrate a governement funded organisation and then use their position to undermine the armed forces of that country ... what would you call that?>> <<@GeoffRowe-k2p says : No one watches this corrupt media outlet Labors ABC.I gave up decades ago, waste of time listening to lies; deceipt and garbage.>> <<@gavriloprincip1477 says : I"m from The Bush and live in a remote area. I grew up with the TAXPAYER funded "Auntie" it was much loved, listened to and watched. Not any more. It was hijacked by the followers of the Head of the ABC's Special Projects Radio Department Allan Ashbolt (Do a search on him) and turned into a collective. Now in the Bush, "Their "ABC is intensely disliked and referred to as "The ENEMY" by an ever increasing number of Country Australians."Their" ABC" can push their Neo-Marxist agendas, as long as it isn't tax payer funded. Defund them and make "Their" ABC" a Subscription only service.I DGAF that Their ABC activatlty HATES me, as long as I am NOT paying them to do so. DEFUND "Their" ABC.>> <<@robbo6689 says : Amusing. Sky 'News' calling out the ABC on lack of accountability...with absolutely no sense of irony.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Why was the Australian military there again. Oh that's right at the request of our American overlords.>> <<@paulieb9137 says : As a former Australian soldier I'm discussed by the lack of action by all levels of Governments on this matter, how quick they are to throw these soldiers under the bus. If I see any ABC cameras at my local ANZAC dawn service they best stay clear of me, what has the Country I served overseas for and love become. I have no words................>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : While I find the doctoring of that tape disgusting, from the ABC, I don't find it surprising.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : BS again and again and again>> <<@richardsuter2816 says : Most disgusting is that if you or I committed these crimes we would be jailed ! Defund ABC is a must !>> <<@rinzler9775 says : That is why accountability needs to be forced on them.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Thanks USA look at all the trouble you've caused Australia. The Yanks Are no friends of Australia that's for sure.>> <<@adamsmith-bq8ku says : The Murdoch obsession with the ABC. Give it up eh, its boring.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : This only raises one question what the hell was Australia doing in Afghanistan in the first place. Hmmm . The Afghanistan's we're not and have never been Australia's enemy.>> <<@userjoe4321 says : Mark Willacy is a rat!>> <<@graemekeeley4497 says : Heston Russell story is what happens when ABC journalists approach a story wanting to achieve their ideological objective, not to simply find the truth. Journalistic ethics do not apply because, as activists see it, the ends always justify their means. Labor is attempting to ram through Parliament proposed ‘misinformation’ laws. These laws will force social media companies to censor the opinion of mainstream Australians if it is ‘reasonably verifiable as false, misleading or deceptive.’ These standards will not apply to ABC journalists ABC's fact-checking body will be the one responsible for determining what opinion is censored and removed online. It took a brave Channel 7 Spotlight’s report into the ABC’s misreporting of Russell’s time in service forced the national broadcaster to launch an investigation into its own journalism and delete a video.>> <<@peterguertler2752 says : Defund the ABC nobody watches this channel>> <<@FLAPARON says : Does Gobels run the ABC? Its not news its trendy lefty propaganda>> <<@AshleyJOsborne says : This is treason. Nothing else. It is treason. This should be referred to the NACC they are federal employees.>> <<@CraigBarron-z4f says : My Dad was in charge of the transmitting side of the ABC in the 1960's through to 1991 at the ABMNO facility in SW NSW....He was a faithful socialist and only watched the ABC throughout his television viewing....He died 26 years ago and would be appalled at the hard left bias this channel promotes with it's lies and propaganda....When he was alive, the ABC was a non biased and trustworthy precurrer of news content and loved by viewers on the left and right...I'm glad he doesn't have to witness the Marxist takeover that has occurred with this now insidious programmer.>> <<@sallycent6598 says : It is the military job to investigate the war crime if is committed by a soldier isn’t the journalists job or business to investigate the soldiers.>> <<@TheWaynos73 says : They edited that sht more the Bakersfield Massacre from The Running Man>>