<<@yasserabdallah3034 says : I think this lady she need to go to jail She’s making people hate each other she’s is also refugees don’t anyone forget that England people arrived in Australia in 1788 so Australia for evryone that is citizens and we all under the law no matter what religion you follow but she’s the only B….. against Islam for I don’t know why? Do you think Islam is Gaza or that few countries? Look at must riches people are Islam and they don’t need your country sorry not yours it’s the aboriginal country end of the day we are all back round is import that’s the truth but we are all under the Australian low My god bless this country and keep this lady and the ones like her away from the community>> <<@alexanderburridge9112 says : Pauline, I'm sending you Vardos a white Angel In regards to the military getting powers like Goku, full package I'm in the English Royal family and have connections to get this done.>> <<@raygiddings2715 says : Let's be honest if Australia has any future thats why we need to get rid of Anthony Albanese and his Federal Government at the next Federal Election because if they stay in we are doomed.>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : No surprise here!!!!......BCA companies and members is the LNP's biggest donors!!>> <<@glennbarton8265 says : Every politician needs to held account . No just a oh well that went wrong try again next time>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : All the labour supporters must be happy with the state of the nation. There’s no issues and no problems. And the status quo will continue.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : Can't stand ALBOSLEEZY!!>> <<@homebrandrules says : bravo pauline>> <<@James-to6tg says : I will be voting ONE nation.>> <<@WalkiTalki says : The point of the matter is that he has to be held accountable. Treasonists do not willingly accept accountability. MPs that don't do so should be replaced. All the arguing with citizens and not one censure or complaint. A no confidence vote is the most benign action and that hasn't even happened.>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : And they never will. Nothing is ever their fault.>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Go Pauline ✅👍>> <<@RottenWoodInPower says : Me as a migrant vote for Pauline Hanson>> <<@tedda6171 says : Every single Australian Politician owes Heston Russell a huge apology for allowing this disgraceful episode to happen.>> <<@pattodox says : Vote one nation>> <<@mariomoleta1545 says : Albo would have been a Mussolini collaborator if he was born in 1930's and 1940s Italy.>> <<@colinalexander3929 says : Australians are no longer just being treated as fools they are being treated as worthy of admission into a mental asylum. Listening to the BCA assessment of the PM it highlighted the contemptuous level of faith he has in the Australian people. Then to hear that Ministers are denying responsibility for the services they are overpaid to manage, it highlights those that are truly worthy of internment and treatment in a mental asylum. How dishonourable can they get?>> <<@jeffodonnell9551 says : Albanese him and his GOONS need to definitely to go next election worst government Australia has ever had.>> <<@GlennPiggott says : We are headed to an economic cul de sac and Albo and his seven (diverse non dwarf) cabinet are culpable. He lost ALL credibility since the VOICE. He's done.>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : Warnings are not something Albanese pays attention too.>> <<@virginiawilliams7790 says : Pauline is so right. Thank you for not giving up!🎉>> <<@formthesouth says : Albo has completely destroyed this country. He is absolutely the worst Prime Minister to ever run Australia. Absolute giant bag of hot Trash.>> <<@durv13 says : the only women that is qualified to be P.M>> <<@durv13 says : i love watching question time in parliament . penny wong is a total joke . although she has more balls than albo . she still talks crap . trying to say they trying to build houses and make it viable for young ppl ? yeah , if the government can own more of your house than you do . and she brags that that idea has been on the table for almost a year , but noone wants it . i wonder why ? lol , and the plan to build more houses was 2 years ago . zero houses have been built . but theyve spent 35 million on thinking about it . and the plan was for 37'000 houses . but theyve let 1.5 million ppl into the country . do the math . lol we'd still have a huge housing crisis , even if they did build what they said they would but never have . and i hate . yes hate . penny wong the way she turns her back on the opposition . that just shows contempt>> <<@durv13 says : even the greens are voting against labor . whats that tell yu ?>> <<@penbee9316 says : The Voice wasn’t about Aboriginal rights, it was about Aboriginal control of land and their ability to autonomously pass on control to other parties. It’s about opening up another avenue for corruption. Corporations and Government working against the people. Mussolini called it, fascism.>> <<@ChristineSchollbach says : please tell Australians about who takeover UN>> <<@lukei6255 says : Pauline should establish a new independent Australia, with no GGs or English royals. Just one nation.>> <<@herbertsaldanha5335 says : Thankyou Pauline Hanson for speaking up for born female. BORN FEMALE ALSO HAVE RIGHTS. THEY WANT THEIR OWN TOILETS AND CHANGE ROOMS AND SAFE PLACES AND WANT TO COMPETE WITH BORN FEMALE ATHLETES. THE GREATEST DESTROYER OF PEACE IS ABORTION, ABORTION KILLS THE LIVE INNOCENT BABY , IN A MOTHER'S WOMB AND ENDANGERS THE LIFE OF THE MOTHER. THOU SHALT NOT KILL, A COMMANDMENT GIVEN TO US BY OUR GOD OUR CREATOR. CHILDREN WANT TO BE WITH CHILDREN THEIR OWN AGES DEFINITELY NOT WITH CHILDLESS UNCLES AND AUNTS WHO CHOOSE TO BE CHILDLESS. STOP, STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP KILLING LIVE HUMAN BABIES IN MOTHERS WOMBS, INNOCENT LIVE CITIZENS OF AUSTRALIA>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : What a FACE>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Everyone accepts he is accunt and has no ability>> <<@kenn6592 says : ... he does not understand. Exactly it. No idea on business, economics and how every day Australians live.>> <<@WayneMackenzie-r3x says : Vote Pauline in for frig sake>> <<@ThomasThurbon says : You have my vote Pauline.. Too much common sense 😂😂 Go get em..>> <<@pbee8335 says : They ain't Government>> <<@user-gn2ke5gc1m says : Spineless>> <<@noelgarbellotto7400 says : The New World Order global elites have had the top priority from this government from day one. Australians have been pushed aside as second rate citizens in most areas affecting us all, we need an effective leadership to strengthen this nation into a positive forward moving economy not stale hot air unproductive talk, productivity is the answer in case they have forgotten what built this fabulous country, thanks Pauline for being the peoples voice of common sense.>> <<@stevenhamilton9790 says : What’s the point of having this on when the voting system is corrupt for two major uni parties>> <<@stephenstrong8885 says : Unfortunately here in the UK we are just starting our Labour journey, and the reality and future omens are not good. When they lose the next election as ever they will leave the country wrecked, out of control immigration, even higher taxes, poorer pensioners and Unions powers strengthened to create a strike happy cadre of Loony Lefties. But it sounds like Oz is in no better place, cuts down the leaver options.>> <<@kyrenwhelan2593 says : That is normal behaviour for albo!>> <<@whiteysrides8204 says : Pauline for Priminister>> <<@SilvioV-r9g says : What a energy what a designation...😊...well keep quiet till elections and then suddenly vote all for Senator Hanson One Nation...😊>> <<@ShaneLong-nk5cy says : Find out if any GAZZA people coming to Australia got the pager>> <<@guymorgan4930 says : Pauline Hanson is one of the most divisive and Discusting polititions in our parliament. You are irrelevant hanson .>> <<@dpitt1516 says : There is no accountability by Labor, Greens and the Public Service - Why on earth do they get paid the big bucks when there is none ! Absolutely pathetic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They just look after their mates with golden handshakes ! The whole system stinks to the core !!!!!>> <<@goingriding71 says : Albo , working for the UN, not Aussies…>> <<@lukebrennan5780 says : I will be voting One Nation.>> <<@ianking-jv4hg says : Albanese's consistency is refusing responsibility !>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Narcissists always do.>> <<@justinwolff1416 says : I don't believe for one moment that Albanese "doesn't get it" and "he doesn't understand". I believe he is following the orders of Globalist elite's, and being well rewarded for his anti-Australian treachery against the people of our nation.>>