<<@Griva-u7c says : Варвары встретили реальность 22 века>> <<@lyft4238 says : No-ball-ah>> <<@d.flaherty227 says : Beware the one-handed man>> <<@carolinetheherbalist says : Hezbollah was going to retaliate utilizing their walkie talkies as backup. Guess that didn’t go as planned.>> <<@morro4398 says : Pagers were made by *Motor-Allah* 📟💥🐷>> <<@johntheclyde2816 says : Aaaaaand…..now….walkie talkies are self destructing….the skill and innovation of Mossad almost exceeds belief. Next up….dishwashers🥃>> <<@faribaimani8457 says : Israel is more and more hated by the humanity. It’s an embarrassment for the good and decent Jewish people across the world. Living in the eco chamber of outlets like this is not true reflection of the real people of this world.>> <<@Baerchenization says : Next up, halal pork meat :D>> <<@pigjubby1 says : 1:15 vocal fry>> <<@TomasFunes-rt8rd says : Greetings - this is The 72 Virgins Introduction Agency, and it's your lucky day !!>> <<@bluddyrowdy8757 says : Hahahahahahahahahah>> <<@ellindamartin5601 says : Where were they made ? Israel had nothing to do with that .>> <<@rexroscoeroggaschjr7530 says : Terrorists now terrified…of everything>> <<@baba.mkhulu says : you mean the 'terrorist organisation' : NATO? surely? 🤔>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : The zionist youtube taking side of the terrorist nation of Israhell & deleting comments, of course they are the truth haters>> <<@Tiredofthiscrap247 says : Pagers are so outdated. I still own a few from the 80's I kept them because my parents... They had sprint "block" phone by 2001. It is just very weird, and outdated terrorism.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Terrorist attack by Israhell out desperate because it was crying & begging for the conflicts to stop>> <<@stewartbrooker says : Do we not care kids got killed in these indiscriminate sort of attacks by Israel?>> <<@UltraPerception says : THE FIERCE IMPLEMENTATION OF JUSTICE IN THE HARSHEST OF TERMS IS WHAT MAKE ME LAFF THE MOST SO FROM NOW UNTIL XMAS PERIOD U BE STRONG COMEDIC INFLUENCE FOR ME>> <<@AustinFarrara says : Hahahaha>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Your making a big deal over pagers you never made a deal about suicide bombers>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Sorry, wrong number!>> <<@truefactjack says : Message in a pager...>> <<@peterolsen9131 says : the grim beeper!>> <<@itmaster3805 says : No need for all those 72 virgins , Each, now Just sayin>> <<@whatever9770 says : Canada isn’t exactly a democracy, when Trudeau can close the bank accounts of citizens that don’t agree with him>> <<@wilburgraham6260 says : Attention-Allah paging 😂>> <<@SaintSkanderbegus says : In shock and without nutz>>