<<@MrAllan9 says : Shameful lies, projecting their evil on a good man through fake news.>> <<@stevesandgroper3241 says : Fortunately we have Donald who calls for peace every time (/S). Remember this comment about protesters: "Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?". How about Proud Boys "stand back and stand by"? Gandhi couldn't have said it better (/S).>> <<@joenewman6494 says : Look at all those haters on that stage did they forget he was president once before and we had the most secured borders and economy in 40 years and these leftist looneys gave the nuke key to Biden🤦‍♂️>> <<@linneamanion says : Desperate devious democrats egged on by Kamala - she is root cause and pulls the strings, but others take the rap!>> <<@linneamanion says : Signs of Kamala desperado?>> <<@taynathibault9752 says : this dude is not a good speaker. get rid of your Automatic weapons.. What is the common denominator.. GUNS. GUNS.GUNS.DA.>> <<@lovemine7 says : Because they are responsible>> <<@MichaelParks-m1k says : President Biden hasn’t been ‘CLEAR EYED’ about anything for a long time>> <<@GaryTollett says : It's true democratic party is Americans enemy taking America down the dumpster>> <<@mightymouse2098 says : Democrats are responsible for the TOTAL NEGATIVE REHTORIC THEY SPEW. ITS ALL OVER THE TABLOIDS, TV, RADIO. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH>> <<@Bosvark-dh says : It all started with Killary and she is still at it>> <<@pearsonart says : Of course they’re responsible. The timely release of “Civil War” to streaming services last weekend … unbelievable. The president character clearly is meant to represent Trump. The movie is shameful. It ends in the main character being executed on the floor of the Oval Office. That is how little respect there is from Hollywood for the will of the people to elect a populist president who promises to end global wars, protect free speech, take on big pharma, improve children’s health, end regulatory corruption, shrink federal government and return rights and responsibility back to states.>> <<@We_the_People_2A says : The ‘threat’ that Trump presents, is the threat to expose the entirety of the Deep State.>> <<@wesleydunn5106 says : They are behind it and are supporting it.>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : They are indeed directly responsible.>> <<@TRC1989 says : Directly responsible is absolutely accurate. I can’t talk to my democrat coworkers they’re brainwashed through and through.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Riiiiight. Convicted Felon Trump and CF Vance keep pushing the racist lie about people eating cats and dogs leading to bomb threats and democrats are "directly responsible", Keithy? :I>> <<@DavidH-u4y says : Keith spot on. 100% correct.>> <<@Brendan-ow6bi says : How many MAGATS running for office have guns in their campaign videos again? I’ll wait dip shits>> <<@Brendan-ow6bi says : Diaper Don is the dumbest person ever! So his supporters are….>> <<@nancy3853 says : What bunch bull!>> <<@robby_itlo_amer2248 says : ❗ Breaking news ❗. Whistleblower from ABC news confirmed the 2 moderators @ Debate. Went over the Question s , w/ Kamala 😵‍💫. Only to Fact Check ✅. Trump 😡>> <<@MikeInOregon says : “Won’t someone rid me of this bothersome priest?”>> <<@robby_itlo_amer2248 says : 🥸 Of course. Democrat s. Causing Up - Tick in U.S. Crime. Defund Police. Look what happened in Minneapolis. Tampon Tim let the City Burn ❤️‍🔥 Down. Causing looting. What about the Illegals criminals committing Crime. Aurora, Colorado is EX.>> <<@Triggerhippie70 says : LMAO! Incredibly Intelligent Leaders that our puny minds can't comprehend. What an a-hole this guy is. We know exactly what they are saying and it's all lies. We're not stupid, at least not the folks on the right.>> <<@robby_itlo_amer2248 says : 🌏🦘. KJP 🤡. Even if Kamala wins in November 5th. KJP , you have lost your JOB ❗. Some are Saying, David Murr? From 🔤 News will be the NEW press secretary. HA HA❗>> <<@Triggerhippie70 says : I'm so tired of hearing these people calling Trump a thread to our democracy. This man is not a threat, that was proven during his administration, and it's also been proven that they've tanked this country in a matter of 4 years. So, who really is a threat to our democracy? Not Trump.>> <<@PsyllyViews says : lol democrats are shameless.... if only they ddnt try tp assassinate trump twice, Also not to mention BLM and antifa riots. as well illegal immigration committing crimes across the country. Stop gaslighting people... only democrats will fall for it since they hate intelligent arguments... hence, they are walking low information imbeciles.>> <<@FranksHairSalon says : What a crock of shi1, Rita. And you know it. You should stop lying to your gullible viewers. They believe the nonsense that you f00ls tell them. You think the dems are bad? The 10 worst things about Trump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdstZDCCgAc&list=TLPQMTcwOTIwMjRJHFuMcYty4Q&index=4>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : "Mentally defective people, the leftists" And you want us to tone down rhetoric? No😂>> <<@rodicaionescu3024 says : She us evil DEI they are stuck with this Viipers Kamala too Onama is con artist communist stupid failed president Thry wants trumps dead>> <<@gavinhellyer9505 says : You are total imbeciles. Open your eyes. The Dems aren't perfect, no, but that sums up America. Rita, you've once again managed to engage a guest who is an even bigger idiot than you. Trump does not help himself the way he talks, and the stupid statements he makes almost every time he opens his mouth. You have to remember that America is a country that accepts children getting shot to death at school as "a fact of life" and where any lunatic maniac can get a gun if they wish. What do they expect to happen? And these things are about the only things NOT discussed when a shooting occurs. So the Dems are not blameless in their behaviour, but for Sky News Australia to continually imply that it is completely the Dems fault, is merely a piss weak way of exonerating Trump for his continued non-presidential imbecilia. I have noticed of late that a few people other than me are starting to question your hopelessness, and as I have said many times, it is a good thing that hardly anybody watches you.>> <<@garfield3443 says : You ain't black if you don't vote Democrat. Over 90% of blacks vote Democrat and they are the deciding demographic in many elections.>> <<@rodicaionescu3024 says : 2020 campaign started antifa unde Kamala order to burn iur cities Antifa is a communist international organization O wih conservatives start protesting all ove America but they are mot mobsters l Like Kamala organization She is a monster 💩💩💩🧠🧠🐍🐍🐀🐀🐀🐀😳>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT>> <<@cnath3466 says : Karine Jean-Pierre is the soul mate across the ocean, of Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesperson. Both of these cheap fakes enjoy their job of spreading lies to the public. KJP opens her mouth and rubbish spews out. She's just as disgusting as her boss, Backdoor Kamala.>> <<@erikawilliams8172 says : Constitutional Republic not democracy>> <<@louminarty says : 😂😂😂 yeah because America is usually such a utopia of peace 😂😂>> <<@ericmarin6454 says : Sideshow Bob in an orange pant suit 🤮>> <<@telenaaiken95 says : Bullshit>> <<@user-pj5ub5cp9k says : The constant deluge of Trump cult propaganda coming from Sky News Australia shows how completely lacking in journalistic integrity Sky is. Disgraceful.>> <<@federalistpapers4523 says : *Anyone who votes for dems at this point, needs to be tested.*>> <<@adriennem3168 says : Soft on crime policies = More crime.>> <<@mitchell-uk9up says : The government I'm here in America appears to no longer represent the people.>> <<@ls6559 says : Thank You Mr.Keith Hanson for Your Professional Points!!!!!>> <<@TrickyBoy1517. says : The left can't tolerate anything. Not opposition, not people disagreeing with them online, not losing, definitely not the truth.>> <<@TrickyBoy1517. says : Can one of the gormless lefties here explain why the needs of the vast majority didn't matter during COVID, but matter when it comes to polls and elections you want to win? Can you at least be thinking adults for once and recognize the hypocrisy?>> <<@jamespeacock8665 says : Sky hosts and some of their commentators are literally revelling about the violence that took place in Lebanon. Denouncing violence while revelling in it. Truly have become the most ridiculous media outlet. Lucky no-one watches it.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Karine -seriously -you are a nutcase>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Funny how everything they are saying Trump will do they have been doing to their political opponents for the past several years>>