<<@vanoneal1116 says : Hands, feet, heals, & elbows , knees and eyes say bye bye , they must be loosing their heads that side>> <<@TomDuff-ts5jk says : Terrorism! is Terrorism! It Doesnt matter who does it , its Brute evil ! Kids have phone also>> <<@mikec4196 says : who are terrorists in this story?>> <<@donaldketter4589 says : And here we are in USA with basically no president and Kamala Harris spewing stupid idea of 2 state solution>> <<@VenkateshP-rt4sk says : Kameeni wearing women undergarments all threats zero meter ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…>> <<@VenkateshP-rt4sk says : Change name from hisbulla to herbulla ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…>> <<@jonh9561 says : Given the latest response form the UN, it has to asked, what is the point of the UN. This is an attack against known terrorists that got what was coming to them ...... end of.>> <<@yekhezkiellotzem7518 says : Thank u>> <<@craigclass says : 2000 free circumcisions>> <<@michaellim8601 says : The man with the golden pager.>> <<@michaellim8601 says : Talmud Sanhedrin 72a.>> <<@michaellim8601 says : The Spy who Paged me>> <<@whaletune says : I agree. Except for shrapnel, in most cases, it should only have been the targeted individual who was injured. I wonder if they went so far, since the message was from "headquarters", that the pagers only exploded when one pushed the button to see the message. The reason I say this, is someone could have picked up a pager when it "buzzed", saw who it was for, (i.e. not them) and then handed the device to the actual "owner" of that device. Which would have the effect of being more accurate and better targeted. The act itself, from a professional stand point, was brilliant! To be able to have infiltrated their market supplier with these devices so they were actually distributed themselves to their leadership and important troops was remarkable. Real James Bond stuff. The phycological horror of it was just as brilliant in these facts: 1. Someone has infiltrate their organization in such a way as to know of these devices being used by their "members"; looking over ones back 2. They can't hide behind the civilian population like they seem to do (human shields) 3. They are "marking" (branding) these soldiers with a ruined eye, damaged hands and probably significant facial trauma for life 4. The soldiers injured are hopefully injured in such a way as to render them unable to carry out military exercises, at least in the near term 5. The "head-game", with the new explosion of their "backup" walky-talky's, to begin to fear ALL technology around them. 6. The logistical nightmare/cost ratio of having to carefully check all their existing equipment to see if it is safe to use, vs. the costly reality of probably having to chuck all the gear which seems to have been infiltrated and start over. 7. Rendering their "best", fastest, troop/leaders communications abilities, to perhaps "runners", and much slower "physical" tech (paper?) communications for the immediate future, to name a few new realities ...and so much more.>> <<@CliveNEWMAN-k2c says : That's Israel, very very smart nation!!>> <<@user-id3lr6xy5r says : This is turning into like the Allo Allo's exploding chickens skit>> <<@TheBeastsex says : Un is the biggest terrorists. What a surprise>> <<@garryrichardson4572 says : I canโ€™t believe the UN could possibly condemn targeting combatants and avoiding civilians. Just shows how corrupt the UN is.๐Ÿ˜ข>> <<@user-hn9qo9px7f says : NYT is an unreliable source.>> <<@georgesmart5673 says : You"re a sick little bunny! So it was only Hezbollah people that were killed/injured?>> <<@asrdarkhorse96 says : Based host, marry me>> <<@dylangriffiths5284 says : When do they get a new shipment of alarm clocks?>> <<@laurencebrowning1545 says : The Zionist state started with terrorism & seems to continue with terrorism! While the Western โ€œdemocraciesโ€ look on & say nothing. Bit like the genocide in Palestine!!>> <<@bluelineheroshero says : Terrorist supported by news and internet places.>> <<@bluelineheroshero says : Iran funded by USA present government.>> <<@thesmallfrog7832 says : Wow, this is a bit of a cesspool. Not quite only the people holding the pager taken down. 3000 people injured and children dead. Exploded in public places. Imagine if a foreign government perpetrated this in Sydney or New York and injured that many people in public spaces. Shame on those who are getting off on this. The hypocrisy.>> <<@MannyWdz says : Just terrorists? ๐Ÿ˜…What about the children?>> <<@KYN_AFRICA says : Most of the casualties was on the hands and face because they sent message before the explosion,...So majority of them were holding it and looking at the screen.>> <<@jgvp5787 says : THE UN IS A HAMAS SUPPORTER. WHAT THEY SAY WE CANT BELIEVE. UN MUST BE REPLACED>> <<@baltrade5637 says : Dont mess around with intelligent people!>> <<@RahulSehgal5521 says : Hezbollah do not turn TVs on>> <<@peterrichardson5385 says : idiots>> <<@Reality_show.for.success says : https://youtube.com/shorts/kCMowkjy3SI?feature=shared>> <<@rrickey360 says : So tell me the children who were killed are they also terrorist's.>> <<@Glendram says : Remembering Oct 7>> <<@al-elreginaldekeanyanwu5514 says : Great news reporting!>> <<@AbdullahSheikh-jd1yj says : Israhell terrorist attack>> <<@khalilmekdachi7070 says : You remind me of radio Berlin during the nazi era . Same racism>> <<@jeanjohansen4060 says : Dont mess with Israel>> <<@DS-ll5fn says : Breaking News: Hezbollah to change name to: "Hiz-balls-a-gone"... Got it?๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@juliesabuero9851 says : Sack UN>> <<@BalancedSpeaker says : Hey Israel should not terrorise terroristsโ€ฆโ€ฆespecially in their own backyard.>> <<@janreid1629 says : Our Government is unbelievable. These terrorists in and around the Middle East, Afghanistan and parts of Africa and Central and South America hate the West, hate good and want to drag us back into the Dark Ages. They want females to be mere chattels, to destroy anything full of light and truth.... they are full of demonic hatred. This is a Spiritual fight. Politicians unless born again by the Holy Spirit can't see this....therefore we get really dumb decisions . Wake up people, while there is still an opportunity to turn this around. Christians need to be praying with all their might. We have a Deliverer, His Name is Jesus .๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™>> <<@nevilleabbott2330 says : These telco companies are really getting nasty for late payments, i mean what happened to a simple payment plan>> <<@dannypembroke2372 says : Well reported, Sky News Australia. You are the light in the sinister darkness of MSM. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ>> <<@PanRider939 says : 2:47 I like how she corrects herself from โ€˜peopleโ€™ to โ€˜terroristsโ€™. Honest reporting at its best.>> <<@RajivJi-oz1ld says : Pager convert to islam ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@AhemISee says : Shari Markson your the F***en Terrorist. Get a brain and go see Dr Mads Gilbert.>> <<@kapitidon says : Sharri; thank goodness for your take on the news, so refreshing in these times. Were any BBC journalists killed or injured in this strike against terrorists?>> <<@kapitidon says : Sharri; thank goodness for your take on the news, so refreshing in these times. Were any BBC journalists killed or injured in this strike against terrorists?>> <<@1czechit1 says : Well, that hit below the belt.>>