<<@firststagegaming says : lol. He’s not the world’s first . The Saudis have trillions. They just arent as stupid and white and willing to disclose it to the world. lol>> <<@JohnC-b3r says : This makes my brain feel like inflamed intestines which contains toxic waste that needs to be expelled through some kind of blow hole. If you believe what the system is telling you, you people are all crazy.>> <<@frop666 says : These people are so stupid>> <<@Druac says : I don’t care what the media thinks of LEON THE SPACE KAREN…he deserves zero respect and has brought it all on himself. 😂🤡🤣>> <<@audreycherami1499 says : Elon hating. Wow.>> <<@jasonclements4607 says : CNN SUCKS>> <<@chethanslthippeswamy says : it really sad how people can not differentiate man from his achievements, i am an engineer and big fan of his engineering achievement but i can not be ignorant of his twitter post and how he manipulate people with his conspiracy theory. man is mess , we fan boys should not enable him it is too dangerous. it is time for standup to him.>> <<@yaouG1 says : The power of capitalism and american dream. No other country has it. Legends has it thag lgbtq community is snuggling with gender identification. They are growing up to be on their 50s and still are confused of their gender. Well done>> <<@jillianlawrie8618 says : Pay your taxes Elon no matter what he owes America to do his part>> <<@jamesstewart8377 says : They know what they are doing. They think this hurts Trump, don’t get it twisted.>> <<@ste9474 says : He gets hate because he is publicly right wing. Period. Left wing media brain wash people into thinking what they want people to think about Elon Musk>> <<@FurqatAlinazarov says : I often feel that I'm stupid, than I watch CNN to remind myself that there are people way more stupid>> <<@tubegersh says : CNN hates anyone associated with the right. grumpy losers on steroids>> <<@tubegersh says : "deeper instability" - 😂😂what a ridiculous news anchor herself rather obviously unstable. she likes to project>> <<@tubegersh says : who elects the leftist lackey media? No-one! Arrogant patrinising stooges of the Dems who have stopped reporting the news>> <<@randatatang9222 says : That lady sure doesn't like Elon, but who gives a sh*t what she thinks. She's an inconsequential journalist>> <<@countrywest973 says : ELON MUSK IS A HERO.... HE PRACTICALLY GAVE LIGHT TO THE CENSORSHIP THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAD ON ALL BIG TECH AND SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS.... AND IS FIGHTING TO PROTECT OUR 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHT TI FREE SPEECH... MEXICAN AMERICANS DE CALIFORNIA FOR TRUMP USA 🇺🇸 ....... SI SE PUEDE 2024>> <<@davidpar2 says : _Major_ leftist butthurt, for starters 😆😆😆😆😆>> <<@elijb3102 says : He’s not the first trillionaire. There are many royal families that own most of the oil in the world that are trillionaire or what about the Rockefeller’s. Just saying…>> <<@YOSH-KE says : Very Tocqueville headline. American being scared of AI is interesting, AI starts off with no money.>> <<@YOSH-KE says : This is value in terms of assets of varying liquidity, and treasury notes. Jesus may have passed away broke, but his philosophy has increased morale and efficiency by substantial margins throughout history. Power will always be bottle-necked by creativity and competency, it just helps you hire people who are creative and competent.>> <<@Nothinghere-p3e says : Not lying but He's the only billionaire who's has a Vision unlike other others>> <<@shazamshazamshazam696 says : In my opinion, Elon Musk is an anti-democratic (small D) authoritarian aligned more with Putin and Xi than the U.S.A. and his government contracts must be cancelled. He is deliberately damaging our nation.>> <<@iancaldeian says : Kara Swisher is incredible. She keeps hitting home runs after home runs.>> <<@user-Atamigaputer says : A once admired rocket man leon is now despised for his support of ruzki and also paying millions supporting a rapist and convicted criminal, he is now considered to be a traitor>> <<@Prudence-i7u says : Oh who cares a hundred yrs from now. I have to live it now>> <<@MrJammat191 says : Musk works with the best brains - it’s not as if he’s a super genius>> <<@PangeaTalk says : You all have it soooo wrong. Elon is a saint for what he’s done with Twitter and free speech>> <<@BrianRutledge-w9n says : DEMOCRATIC MUST KEEP AN EYE ON THIS JACK ASS ELON AND HIS SUPPORT OF DONALD THE CON. NO ONE SHOULD TRUST HIM PERIOD.>> <<@bweduwabango2064 says : His tweets are amazing. His cars suck for the planet Electric produces 50% more CO2 than diesel. CNN sounds like a jealous cry fest. They asking if a Trillionaire is stable??? lady you're not stable. Unhinged talking all kinds of conspiracy theories about Republicans because democrats are in a cult of hate.>> <<@markshoemaker4619 says : She is a hater>> <<@cuttingedgeConsistentTraders says : When they are gossiping about him, Elon is busy inventing solutions to save their lives. Wow!>> <<@Drew-DTM says : Elon Musk is a conman. He didn't invent the electric car or anything else. He took previous inventions and put his name on them. He should be remembered for what he is a very good conman.>> <<@nmn9166 says : Elon is a legend . A genius and a true free speech activist . The left are crazy .>> <<@Hermitthecog says : Seriously, *this* is the conversation to have now about a clear traitor of democracy?!? Has anyone at the table apologized yet for Hitler since he was, after all, vegetarian?>> <<@Stanley3163 says : Now he aims for a proxy.. he himself is also a proxy.. the real big boss is Jewish powerhouse. How does this sound.>> <<@Wisecookie-x2j says : I want to like Musk and feel actively rejected by him being a white supremacist and anti-female. Sad emoji face>> <<@patrickmccaskill6238 says : If Elon musk was to the left this wouldn’t be a discussion!>> <<@stevenhinesley-g6j says : I think if they keep trying, they will eventually prove the people wright, F...K him and Trump.>> <<@AFK-47x says : The Kara Swisher epic fails at being condescending due to her ignorance of facts: She countered the Coleman Hughes's points about Elon Musk's accomplishments by saying, "Yeah, and Henry Ford was a great guy." Henry Ford was a notorious antisemite, was cozy with Hitler, and was sympathetic to the Ku Klux Klan. I'm no Elon Musk fan, but that was cringe.>> <<@markthomas7279 says : The woman in the white jacket is of limited outlook. The woman not in the white jacket is deluded. For he earns insane amount of money read, I should be able to take some of his!!!>> <<@markthomas7279 says : His tweets are fine. You can block him if you want.>> <<@markthomas7279 says : Nothing!>> <<@hilsontraveler1359 says : A man of his title should not be so opened with his political ideas. It ought to be a way to keep him off. The X shareholders should find a way>> <<@evet4775 says : Kara’s the only honest broker up there.>> <<@juanvasquez2099 says : She's mad nobody will know her name and everyone will remember elon musk>> <<@thereviewracoon says : Starlink is amazing, the single cat lady panels and their simps are losers!!! 😂>> <<@jeanghiberti9944 says : Great to see a Trump supported as richest man in the world. He’s brilliant and knows democrats are full of shit.>> <<@VF180s says : I love Kara Swisher. She’s smart, has brass and can go to to toe with anyone😊>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : The Matt Damon film 2014 film ELYSIUM is becoming reality. Cuz like equity and stuff. MATT DAMON!!🥸>>