<<@coachafella says : One more awful example of how the right has to make up issues to get outraged about because they can't talk about what their real agenda is. Every single insult and criticism they make up to throw at the left is nothing but an absurd lie in an attempt to persuade the gullible. Vote Blue like your life depended on it, because it does.>> <<@coachafella says : If Sanders is an example of what happens to women who have children, it's one of the strongest arguments yet for being childless.>> <<@mellycone5317 says : So basically your kids disrespect you ok>> <<@michaelparent8118 says : What ultimately the whole point about judging people based on having children is pure garbage.>> <<@michaelparent8118 says : This is total bulshit about children. Families today are much more complicated because there's many more people. And step parents are real parents are real parents in many families. Some step parents turn out to be horrible. Some kids refuse to accept them. But in Harris's case, they have an excellent relationship, and it's very clear she plays a major role if you've listened to the kids talk. So all of this is just bulshit.>> <<@michaelparent8118 says : This is total bulshit about children. Families today are much more complicated because there's many more people. And step parents are real parents are real parents in many families. Some step parents turn out to be horrible. Some kids refuse to accept them. But in Harris's case, they have an excellent relationship, and it's very clear she plays a major role if you've listened to the kids talk. So all of this is just bulshit.>> <<@michaelparent8118 says : There are eight billion people on this planet. 4 billion since the 1970s. I don't think we need more people. There are plenty of people they just need to be distributed. In more efficient way in economies of industrial Nations. The problem is those very same nations are railing against immigration.>> <<@jamesstewart8377 says : Why can’t you understand that there has only been two Presidents who didn’t have children? There is an inherent quality in being A United States President that you have to have, for lack of a better phrase, “skin in the game”. When you have a child or children, what this country turns into in the next 50 years is much more important to you than to someone who won’t leave anything behind.>> <<@jamesstewart8377 says : Because there is an honesty in pointing out the fact that she has NO investment in this country’s future.>> <<@Kikki-n4z says : What kind of a woman talks like that about another woman ….. disgusting>> <<@MaudePoison says : Kamala Harris also doesn't look nor sound like a man!!! Hope those kids didn't come through IVF! We women all have different experiences though.>> <<@melvincrawford4833 says : You all missing the point , her daughter just called her ugly 😂😂😂>> <<@JamesBradberry-t7y says : BTK's daughter looks great. 🤣🤣>> <<@RaymondHng says : Humble politicians do not spend $19,029.25 on lecterns.>> <<@davidrobinson9507 says : Childless in Canada here ; You know what? The Americans who are talking this way are pathetic. I'm a retired school teacher. There are a number of former special needs students with whom I am still in regular contact , on the phone and socially. This brightens my life, and I know it makes their life that much richer simply because I have time to talk on the phone or sit down at the Legion and spend a couple hours with. I never felt the need to have children. I keep my attention to my art mostly, and I love my life. The judgemental and shallow level of this kind of talk is shamefully stupid. In my career over 24 years I affected the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands of kids, all positively I think, because I never yelled at any of them and I always gave them fair attention . That's more than enough for me. I'm honoured to have interacted with kids in my work and I think it was even better that I didn't have to ever go home and be on duty for kids of my own. These idiots who are trying to make bay out of being or not being a parent, are stupifying the whole beautiful experience of sharing the world with others on our own terms, which is civilisation, which is diversity and which is what we're so good at as humans. Shame on those idiots.>> <<@brandonprince3297 says : You thought the Handmaid's Tale was dystopian fiction? I seem to remember a German regime that was very keen on women having more children. Just because you refer to the Fatherland or Motherland doesn't make you a good person.>> <<@CoreySmith-nw5tx says : Sarah is so gross>> <<@himmeldonnerwetter1 says : I don't live in the U.S. but is this woman a governor? To sad for words!>> <<@HarrySatchelWhatsThatSmell says : Intellectually bankrupt.>> <<@bmathesh says : They shot down the IVF bill so that they can pass it if Trump wins smh its all politics>> <<@jacc9061 says : Here’s the win for Vance: these folks are making media with a ridiculous conversation about whether all women should have kids.>> <<@daisyl2629 says : SHS can take her Ozempic face and show us just how humble she can be after Trump loses>> <<@jerryesplanada1715 says : Feel sorry for Sanders' kids for having a mother like her!>> <<@beewa8840 says : What's up with Scott Jennings? He almost sounded reasonable.>> <<@agnesbiney4272 says : Kamala will win by a landslide, Trump the convicted felon is heading to jail. He should never have been allowed to stand in the first place! He has made the US a laughing stock!>> <<@JulietVAustralianAuthor says : Incompeyent Kamala they are in power and failed to stop the wars thousands perished>> <<@mikel7296 says : "KAR'MA HARRIS"..is no longer on a BLUE WAVE..She's on a "MEGA TSUNAMIS" ...That "SWIFTLY" going to drown out the sensless.."RED'TORIC">> <<@lyndapressley9827 says : Having children but acting like a child!>> <<@trudygreer2491 says : SHS will NEVER be pretty...>> <<@carolinemaybe says : “Parental cosplay” is a brilliant line. Thats exactly what they’re doing.>> <<@lspiegel5704 says : No employer I know has ever asked if a potential employee has kids. It is absolutely not a requirement to be president and these republicans who make fun of anyone who doesn’t have kids is disgusting.>> <<@mariamwikali7904 says : That was unnecessary what if she had fertility issues and it was not her wish not to have her own kids...>> <<@jerseygirl615 says : Seems like she is pretty in tune with the family unit to me>> <<@jerseygirl615 says : Humility comes from faith not having children>> <<@vanessajackson965 says : How dare you Sarah Huckabee Sanders!!!! What about women who have had children THAT HAVE DIED! I no longer have my only child on earth because she passed away a few years ago! The negative comments about having children is or not, is VERY PERSONAL to a woman & YOU people -republicans who believe the lie -that women without children are less of a woman or not humble as you so arrogantly said! Why are you even a governor? I'm not a single issue voter, but this is enough to make me never want to support anything a republican says/does again for that reason alone. Shame on you all who support that point of view re having children or not!! By the way learn to speak VP Harris's name CORRECTLY!😪>> <<@aaronjohnson5250 says : Huckabee is not the brightest lady and she has nothing to offer the public in the way of ideas… that’s the modern GOP: fear, demagoguery and division.>> <<@learasummons4867 says : Is Donald J Trump convicted of sexually molesting a woman ? Is Donald J Trump convicted of 34 different counts of felonies ? Is Donald J Trump listed on the flight log of Jeffrey Epstein's pleasure plane that trafficked teenage girls for sex ? Had Donald J Trump bragged about grabbing women by the private parts ? Does Donald J Trump's have more recorded lies than all the other presidents combined ? If the answer is yes ,then do you approve of your own husband doing these same things?>> <<@shad0wCh8ser says : Have you refunded the ppl of Arkansas for that bogus $19,000 lectern invoiced by your friend that doesn't cost $19,000 yet? And I quote, AP NEWS: "The lectern was purchased from Beckett Events LLC, a Virginia-based company run by political consultant and lobbyist Virginia Beckett. According to a breakdown from Beckett Events that was included in the audit, the total cost included $11,575 for the lectern, $2,500 for a “consulting fee,” and $2,200 for the road case. The cost also included shipping, delivery and a credit card processing fee. Similar lectern models are listed online for $7,500 or less.">> <<@shad0wCh8ser says : 🤔 Let me put on my thinking hat: A childless women's vote count as much as a someone w/ 10 kids so I don't even know what the purpose of that talking point is other than "I don't want your vote bc you don't have kids." I'm just saying. If you are TOO dumb to get that then you def won't get votes. And I feel bad for all those kids with parent who would think less of someone whom they don't know just bc they don't have kids. I guess pregnant teens who don't even take care of their kids are considered to be "better humans" than childless ladies going to college. 🙄Sheesh! And YIKES! That local crackhead head w/ 5 crack babies > childless ladies who are living life right and trying to get they 💩 before they have a kids in bad circumstances. I mean the examples goes on and on. I really don't know their reasoning for this talking point —well, most of their drugged out homeless ppl-like talking points like "they're eating the cats and dogs!">> <<@SejoPas says : Fake news DEI media🤮>> <<@jeremyball8505 says : Sarah Hasabeen>> <<@angusmacaskill9026 says : As far as I know, Donald Trump has 4 children (and maybe several more). How humble is he?>> <<@ProblemsNeverEnd says : So Sara Huckabee Sanders is saying FOX News host Laura Ingraham has no humility because she doesn't have any biological children?>> <<@WatrfrontTampa says : How much did Trump PAY her to state this vile rhetoric against other women. Kamala is a step-mother and the kids love her! Obviously Huckabees stone cold heart and disgusting words shows what your made of as a person ! I am a Republican and will vote for a REAL DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY with Harris/Walz !>> <<@ucruci says : Her so called "Pro Life" state Arkansas has a dubious record of 3rd HIGHEST INFANT MORTALITY RATE and 4th HIGHEST MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE (death of mothers) in the nation. Medicaid is cut off less than 2months after the birth for mothers and pre-natal care is inadequate for many women in her state. Would you want to have children in her state?? Why would you?? This is true for other Pro Life Southern states.>> <<@VolaToloa says : Sh has no idea , as to what Kamala is ……>> <<@joetdf3478 says : She said there is no one keeping Harris humble. She literally told a self deprecating joke...get over yourself and the out of context reaction.>> <<@rao212 says : Let’s assume their premise for a moment that having kids makes a person somehow “better.” HOW IN GOD’S NAME IS THIS PARTY PRO-CHILD?!?! Forcing child rape/incest victims to bear babies, attacking public schooling and child labor laws, refusing to address climate change or the proliferation of guns, refusing to fund child care or school lunches, the list goes on!!! Pat yourself on the back for being a parent while you $hit all over the kids of this country! Enough!!!!! 🤮>> <<@eddieedmondson7698 says : Hoickabee gives me the willies. Bent as they come, and a two-faced professional liar with it. Perfect Republican.>> <<@Prudence-i7u says : No your kid was calling ya a hound dog in a polite way. 🤨>>