<<@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary says : government co-owner business plan unfortunately is about GovKey the government can change the name of homeowner and cia keycutters will change keys so its mi 2001 mass immigration hidden taxz>> <<@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary says : cruisin' tHoms Metro metropolis' free childcare Registered charity tax exempt business Zero superannuation refunds until eighty or ninety Age discrimination GovKey needs to refund superannuation to worker's and low income overtaxed taxpayers to invest or health or travel or even Mediterranean diet because Superannuation is not building fast rail or cabin parks or low income discount card or trams it just sits there in the trillion dollar SC superannuation casino>> <<@Mike-h7y6v says : ?!>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : The problem for labor - is labor itself. In that - they only pick lawyers - ex union officials - former union lawyers - and barking mad social justice warrior idiots. That's not to say you don't fight for workers rights - and you can't have progressive social polices. Labor talks a big game on everything. It's like listening to drunks in the bar on Friday night. It's all talk. And the reason labor are so bad at politics. Is they have locked themselves into ideology - not policy. The difference being - ideology - is some invented fake social narrative on - race - climate - gender. And those are the international policies of the loony left. Labor has not worked out - how to do - economic policy - and social policy. Both of those polices - elude labor. Economic policy means - labor - has to get into it's ranks - people who understand business - and corporate finance. They need to control the unions - and also set the economy up - so big - medium - small business - all make money. Whilst ever labor recruits- has been's - from the labor movement. Labor are dead in the water. Labor decide to lock themselves into ideology battles. And those battles - set very rigid - narrow lines of thinking. Labor never thinks. They need industry people - medical people - corporate finance people in their own ranks as politicians. The reason being. The ideology of old left wing labor - gets worse every election. Labor refuse to accept. Every month - they should visit an Australian regional or outback town. Hold community government cabinet meetings. And make decisions - that help and improve people's lives. Labor hide in Canberra - fighting everyone. Every time - they run in a wall - 12 - 18 months after an election win. And no-one is looking at - how the world economy works. High end robotic manufacturing - bring production back to Australia. Medicine research - should be a area - for big investment. Labor has no vision - of forget class warfare. If you want to build a country - that has - a very productive workforce. Education in schools has to change. Discipline has to return to education. Education become more hands on - so that theory - is also practiced - so students are much better educated for the workforce. The issue is. Ideology is dangerous. It tells people - you can only think like this. When politics - has to a very wide approach - and governments - do the things - no-one else will do. And governments can't see themselves - as just digging in on hard left wing policies. They need - a much wider view - of how everything works. And you set everything up - so it works better. And you look after your own country. If your policies - are any good - you don't have to worry about anyone else. You run your own race. There's a lot of positive things labor could and should be doing. The current leadership - is clueless - backward thinking - and lacks any skills - to build - a strong - economy - that propels Australia - to a world leading economy. If labor dropped the unholy - trio - of race to become everyone is treated the same - drop the over compensating - the victim mentality. Climate policy - is more suited to what works - and gender - is like race policy - everyone gets treated the same way. no-one has more rights then anyone else. Given labor used to be - for - equal rights. Labor has gone overboard - that radical groups - are more entitled then anyone else in Australia. Means labor - starts fights on issues - that they have incorrectly - assumed the minority are always right - and the minority has to have more rights then anyone else. That the reason these policies blow up on labor - is they - go against everyone else - for the wishes - of a few people. That again - is completely against what labor used to be. Equality for all. Labor can't see it's own flaws. The fix is not hard. It's admitting - you have to bring your thinking - into the modern economic world. Not fight it - embrace it. And use it to benefit Australia. That's the problem labor has. Labor is lost in the 1970's. Those days are gone. The world has changed. Labor refuses to change. That's why labor - is in trouble with voters now. It's not what the greens or liberals do. It's down to the people you pick to be politicians - and their skills and talents. That is where labor breaks down. And labors vision - is all over the place. Labor if it - woke up to it's own lies. Should be a political outfit - that if they changed their economic thinking - would be a much better - political movement. The issue of green energy - is a false narrative. In that they refused to look at the technology of Co2 - air scrubbers - could have been built beside - coal fired power plants - to remove more Co2 then emitted. And seeing they are going to nuclear submarines - build nuclear power plants. Using the latest small modular reactor design. They refuse to look - at energy alternatives - and how that technology - has progressed. As green energy - has logistical problems - from not enough mines - to inefficient - to very limited operating conditions. Means they are an intermittent form of generating electricity - they are unreliable. And labor would rather show you - have blatantly stupid they are - and drive off a cliff. Even though they should know - it's going to hurt. Labor comes into government with the Robin in the hood - approach. Everyone is hiding money - labor must steal from everyone. And that's labors right to do so. And then unleash - higher wages - and higher fuel and electricity prices. They lit the inflation fire - that drives cost of living. There's no escaping - the direct link - between - government overspending - higher wages = higher interest rates = higher inflation = higher cost of living. Inflation - is the added costs - higher wages - higher interest rates - higher cost of fuel and electricity - add to making something. Inflation - is not hard. You force up the cost of doing business - the costs get passed onto the consumer. Labor wont admit - it drives inflation. And labor would rather lie to you. It can control prices. If all your polices - are driving inflation. You can't control prices. As inflation - is the cost of everything - that makes your food - the goods you buy - how they are transported and sold. Energy in the form of electricity and fuel - touches everything you buy. That is all very closely linked. And labor refuse to accept. Leave the economy alone. Get the tax rates down - get business booming. And the tax receipts - will more then pay for your policies. Then once you have the economy - steaming ahead. The excess tax receipts - pay for any new - social policies.>> <<@Matty-sz5mz says : Child care centres will just increase the cost just like the electricity companies increased our bills after we were given relief payments>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : Albo is running scared taking 2 years to announce a housing plan WHATS the point when immigration numbers keep rising Dog chasing his tail this government is a pathetic joke>> <<@kevinmoor6408 says : If you can't afford children, buy some dingers. Why should taxpayers fund other people's children?>> <<@Greengrass6252 says : Lets cut the crap, early child hood education should be part of the government education department's role so it is available for all and the money not going out to price gouging organisation and share holders of these organisations. We can then make sure all child care members are suitably qualified and paid.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : If the government plan is to own 40% of your home, will they pay 40% of the rates and insurance?>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Every time they give childcare relief, the cost of childcare goes up.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : GRUBBY DISCUSTING ALBOSLEEZY AGAIN!!>> <<@JuneCahill says : Labor talks big on everything , and does northing,>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Let's be honest - nothing is free. Especially if it's from Labor. Three family members work in child care and they see families cutting back on the numbers of days coz the fees have risen. Grandparents are taking turns to look after the kids. Aged care is similar .... costs just keep rising. All the talk about "free' and 'reforms' mean nothing when you are still paying.>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : 🗣WOOOOOWAAAWAAAAAAWEEEWEEEEEE 🔥>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : I dont trust men with combovers.>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : 🗣CALIFORNIA ROLLS🚬🐔 https://youtu.be/F57P9C4SAW4>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : This latest insane rhetoric from Albanese shows just how insecure he and his government are. The largess and pork-barrelling is coming thick and fast the closer the election.>>