<<@Bob-f5w says : Record crowds at the AFL, State and people must be going broke hahaha Desperation>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : How slow are Victorians….>> <<@alanalmond3072 says : Vote One Nation, vote Australia first>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : I suspect the People's Republic of Victoria is a lost cause.>> <<@kriztov265 says : A state that would seek to claim over a hundred thousand dollars for the sum of $2500 in unpaid toll fines levied against a single individual proves they are a foul rechid state run by greed and corruption. The idea of building roads with tax payer funds and then demanding the taxpayer pay to use them is a notion that deserves no support and should never have been allowed to come into being in a country so heavily taxed like Australia. yet Dickhead Dan can run over a kid on a bike and get off scott free? The Vic government has for a long time proven the notion that greed rules all even at the expense of life.>> <<@robdimasi2758 says : I hope one nation gets the biggest % of votes that will give the wef someone to think about>> <<@user-rf2el4gh5d says : About time Victoria look what Andrews has done to the state. He should be in prison.>> <<@DavidCunningham-dj5ck says : Victoria - the red headed step child of Australia.>> <<@outback109 says : Victoria will never wake up.>> <<@iamasmurf1122 says : Lol victorians voted in labour over and over and over again unlikely they have woken up they kept Dan the dictator and now cover up expert with police.. they kept him in power for a very long time a record amount of time>> <<@vernonwhite4660 says : So the trade continues J Allan visiting India has promised the Victorian Education bodies amd Unis $5 million each if they set up a campas in India . More taxpayer money down the tube. India is renowned for the brown paper bag under the table😊>> <<@paulmay9466 says : Why is it that people who cannot manage their own money, vote for a Government who also cannot manage money. It messes with my own brain.>> <<@richardsaunders3743 says : Would that voters in the Anglosphere overall be indeed able to awaken, and smell the coffee. Word of caution though. Among other things, there are media organisations (legacy media of course!), with support from affiliated, or otherwise friendly press outlets (circulation heading south - some more than others), with operatives getting cold feet about even the slightest shift to the (sic)Far Right.>> << says : labor will still win in victoria>> <<@calvinpurdy2668 says : Not sure who I dislike more, Chris Bowen, Albanese or Dan Andrews>> <<@JimBob-vb8oz says : Can we sell Victoria to someone? We don't need it>> <<@raykoschel625 says : It's about time He resigned>> <<@lynettemahoney1710 says : For God sake PINOCCHIO grow a spine and call an early election for everyone’s sake and sanity.>> <<@judycorbett4462 says : It's got nothing to do with the Local Member It's about the people not surviving on the mismanagement State Gov and Federal Gov incomitance>> <<@nellyross8761 says : Victoria wake up faster!!!>> <<@sosministriesrev1412 says : Victorians are for the most part Dumb! They voted the most incompetent Labor government in history>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : It's taken a long time !! Surely Andrews must be recalled to face the mess he left behind under his bizarre lead- ership.Its so bad for the Vic's with a hopeless LNP otherwise Andrews would have been gone after one term.Look at all the havoc he caused after that.>> <<@robertnicholson1409 says : The real problem in Victoria is the Liberal Party, it's disorganized and badly led. If the Liberals were strong and united they would defeat Labor easily........ Victorians are crying out for an alternative to this horrible Labor Government.>> <<@kevinmoor6408 says : Inner city and suburban public servants will ensure Green/Labor will get back in with even 20% of the primary vote.>> <<@Hindustani1008 says : We need Pauline Hanson in Victoria>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : 😂😂😂 only took them 3 years of Dan running up a debt larger than most countries. You get what you vote for As for Conroy, he's a typical Labor snake oil salesman>> <<@GeoffMcMahon says : Forget resurgence, we want both major parties OUT>> <<@ginobiondi2 says : Go back to hibernating Victoria.>> <<@lesblack413 says : Stephen, what you are not seeing is that Labor in general both State and Federal stinks and cannot be trusted fiscally and in other ways to manage Australia and it's states and territories. Individual State Labor MPs may be fine, but the brand name now stinks!!>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : Pessutto doesent help the cause of getting rid of Labor. What he did to Moira Deeming was pathetic.>> <<@patriot388 says : Teals are total waste of a vote! Useless party who are nothing but a Labor rubber stamp! 🙄>> <<@Kelly-j1i says : Flog Conroy i live in Mcewen seat And sorry your flog minister is useless and i truly hope he gets booted. He has done absolutely nothing for us.>> <<@Plexcom60 says : Not serving us well???!!! A penchant for understatement you have. They've spent the last five years demonstrating to us how much they hate us.>> <<@peterschaefer2946 says : can the victorians wake up>> <<@dustdiaries9235 says : That click bait is the greatest photo of the flea ! Crying like a little girl with his mates on stage>> <<@daveid6244 says : If people haveint woken up yet Forget about them they are labour voters Blind deaf and dumb>> <<@mattjackson4239 says : fire albo, get dutton a hairpiece>> <<@avemaria2546 says : If Liberals doesn’t win Victoria in a LANDSLIDE it shows how blind and dumb victorians are>> <<@AdrianAdrian-sg2tj says : Get rid of Labor and the newly formed sandbox Party>> <<@presidentxijinpingspoxdoct9756 says : Victorians suffer from Stockholm syndrome. And are addicted to big spending and free stuff.>> <<@franktully3065 says : The fact there's a "Muslim" Party in the first place suggests that Muslims aren't well integrated with the rest of our multicultural, multiracial society. Many Muslims seem to have difficulties with the concept of the separation of religion and State. Anyone who wants Sharia law for example, clearly doesn't accept this very basic, secular, liberal democratic principle. The Greens also apparently have difficulties with it. They understand it, but dont seem to accept it. In fact, they've invented their very own religion, the CAGW faith enabling them to dodge and manipulate this essential principle.>> <<@jaxia-eu6jf says : just a question...why is there a muslim party in Australian politics?>>