<<@colinsimmons2913 says : same bullshit different day, its like the footy when i was a kid same shit today fear mongering about china lets sell our shit to you while you attack us wank>> <<@KymClarke-fe5qz says : Forget it! Israel needs to go for it once and for all! Just so over the do gooders that achieve absolutely nothing. Its time the world woke up and not the imaginary places that every one hides in. Birmingham, needs to grow up and grow some b#$%. Just listen to the BS he is spinning!>> <<@gerrardodonnell5084 says : Lies>> <<@rosiem7328 says : The shadow minister have rocks in his head the party of God they are the people of the south of Lebanon they didn’t go anywhere to fight anybody Israel soldier bomb Lebanon for the last 75 years. I didn’t hear anything from the like a you You are one-sided and you better not talk about this because you are one-sided and blind as well. Thousand resolution against Israel You don’t seem to hear about because you have one ear and one eye you are so One-sided, you can’t even see the atrocity. It’s been committed against Palestinian people and Lebanese people>> <<@YarranReed says : STOP LETTING MUSSIES IN... SURAH 3.11 DO NOT TRUST THE CHRISTIANS OR THE JEWS BECAUSE THE CHRISTIANS AND JEWS ARE FRIEND. as an ex muslim i can tell you, they fkn hate you. all the people your giving sanctuary to... and they will S.A. innocent women as it is a bbig part my my culture hence ex muslim.>> <<@samhudson8033 says : she is a bit hot i must say>> <<@todddixon1005 says : Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies>> <<@nikimagelakis9085 says : Basic History for the uninformed: 1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state. 2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. 4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state. 5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Crusader Frankish and the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. 6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there were the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. 7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state. 8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Sassanid-Persian Empire, not a Palestinian state. 9. Before the Sassanid-Persian Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian State 10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Jewish Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. 12. Before the Jewish Hasmonean state, there was the Hellenistic Seleucid empire, not a Palestinian state. 13. Before the Hellenistic Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state. 14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian State>> <<@gregorylumpkin2128 says : Yet it is okay for Israel to commit genocide in Gaza. Get real.>> <<@JmJendtimes says : What's the symbology behind him?!!! Don't believe these workers of Satan.>> <<@billking8843 says : Israel acts in consistent defiance of the UN. Hezbollah and Hamas send rockets into Israel in retaliation to Israeli aggression.>> <<@yuvrajguptaofficial888 says : islam = terrorism>> <<@nealkent says : The world needs to withdraw/ pull out of the middle east and why... because they have been fighting over religion for 2000 +years and it will never be solved. This is a middle east religous war and Australia should completely withdraw and deport ALL middle east people immediately.>> <<@stevewho2968 says : Hmmm now let me see hezbollah supports Palestine by sending rockets into Israel hamas invaded Israel and murdering innocent people and taking hostages I keep wondering why the Palestine people hide hamas and condem Israel for taking action against hamas or do they expect the Israel people to just lie down and die same goes for hezbollah they seem to think it's okay to send rockets into Israel and they won't kill civilians and then complain about their tech blowing up I think it's just as bad so I have no sympathy for the warmongering aholes>> <<@grove3927 says : The right wing of Australian politics and so called media supporting the zionist fascists of Israel. Whats another dead child Birmingham>> <<@KanwarjitSingh-fb3em says : Why are you silent on genocide By Israel of unarmed citizen of Philistine ? Why no sanction have been imposed on Israel for criminal act killing of children, women and unarmed human ? Even not allowing humanitarian help, killing of UN worker etc.>> <<@danieldavidisson9906 says : The Australian government's full of it. As if you didn't know. However, I'm gonna sound like an A-hole here as I have been an activist in this country for 30 years, and it's time Australians wake up. No one wants to know the truth about what our government get up to. They just passed another bill in Parliament that outlaws free speech and all sorts of things you go to jail for. Then there is "The military call out bill" that allows the Prime Minister to unilaterally call out the troops to put down protests using lethal force, WITH IMPUNITY. That law has been in place for several years now. The fiasco over this CFMEU is not about corruption. It's about shutting down unions, so workers have no recourse, rights, or collective power because they fear we may revolt against the government. If only, that'll be the day. The Global world economy is in meltdown, which means the war drums are beating. Israel is a vital client state of US Imperialism in the Middle East that runs all sorts of covert operations and assassinations on behalf of the USA. That's why they've got pull with the United States. Australia, a minnow Imperialist nation, has to choose sides as to who we're going with. America or Russia and China. We have chosen the United States, so we must support US policy. Kevin Rudd was ousted because he mistakenly thought the prime minister made decisions. They do not. He was courting the Chinese, and the US was not too happy about it, so he was removed with the assistance of the CIA and the pro-Zionist Julia Gillard was undemocratically put in his place. This is what happens when you vote for war criminals for 20 years instead of throwing them in jail where they belong. The chickens are coming home to roost. ANOTHER EXPANSION OF MILITARY CALL-OUT POWERS IN AUSTRALIA https://www8.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/UNSWLawJlF/2019/5.pdf Australian Labor government unveils sweeping political censorship laws https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/09/16/xjql-s16.html>> <<@ThatGuyAJ_1 says : Hahaha sky spews is a Fn joke. Scum grade journalism here>> <<@mnajaf4461 says : shame on Sky News for their misleading news.>> <<@solo2023 says : Sooooo, China would risk their economic dominance and world export trade to booby trap walky talkies. This smells of a cooked up load of lies story to me. The last thing China wants is war or anything to affect their export trade.>> <<@kickboxing3728 says : If Israel has been claiming "self-defence" since October 7, most certainly Lebanon can claim legitimate self defence here given the brutal terror attacks by Israel against them>> <<@LMC444111 says : All of this is because of Israel. Praying for Lebanon.>> <<@mike-ef7yq says : https://youtu.be/vLdAZ76ZLdk?si=WXFsmLrphOAGyEAu If you slightly celebrate Christmas then they're eventually coming for you too, Start training/lockingloading 😂 Also its possible 20 million llegalss come to aus next year? If harris wins and lefties stay in aus gov then aus is gonna be flooded with military aged men, Facts>> <<@chalkybruce says : Abhorrent. This should be reported as an act of terrorism and a war crime>> <<@mooves12 says : How about you report the news factually. Screw your bias>> <<@fakhirfakhir9114 says : Stfu , anyone that stands against the west is considered a terriorst fk u>> <<@azeldienmorabani6667 says : blame one side as usuall .>> <<@mike-ef7yq says : Read the bible to see whats coming and what has happened already, Book of revelation also mofos, Start off with reading it with an open mind and lots of sheep might be a awaken 😂>> <<@Ng-zg4dq says : Are we surprised? muslims love to play victim while committing atrocities>> <<@timecapclips7774 says : State of Israel is the the real terrorist>> <<@Saturn_Enslaved says : you people cannot be serious? This interview was worse than Gen-Z brainrot>> <<@saba7491 says : https://youtu.be/R4lIPF6Vh-E?si=3Evse8bZByPXB50x>> <<@kenemail3936 says : Fox is disgusting . What a pack of lies. He didn't answer the question. So he just sanctioned terrorism by Israel>> <<@aliceinwonderland7594 says : hear ye hear ye ....bravo aussies. Comments have made me cry, so proud of you people for standing up to this BS SkyNews. Yes, Israel is a terrorist 'nation'.>> <<@JesusLopez-s6r says : Garbage propaganda 😢😢>> <<@tompetrou2270 says : Israel is defending itself from would be conquerors...It's really that simple>> <<@irahoppe3632 says : Israel has been acting in defiance of the UN for 75 years.>> <<@jdoedoenet says : Great...so now BOTH sides of this conflict have committed atrocities against innocent civillians. If you're 'picking a side' here - sorry, but you're wrong.>> <<@misssara6743 says : Wht will u call isreal as they are killing thousands of children in Palestine. Are u guys joking? Open ur eyes wide and see who should be called terrorist.>> <<@thomaskearney9224 says : Shameful assessment by Birmingham. Where is his humanity?>> <<@damontarau8479 says : So what got painted over this time is everyone yelling at what’s coming out of the womb or they going to heal it>> <<@daumm464 says : acting in constant defiance to the people who are hypocites, UN learn not to be bias>> <<@thesulo12 says : Israel just turned pagers and walkie talkies into literally pocket explosives, they are as I see it now a threat to the whole world>> <<@tavuzzipust7887 says : Sky News is just zionazi propaganda. Shame on you !>> <<@Umtree says : Fix Australia first. Property prices have created a Human rights disaster. ……. For other people. 😂 ..IM RICH !!!>> <<@tavuzzipust7887 says : Israel has not obeyed UN resolution since 1948. Just more propahganda from Sky News.>> <<@lexistomic4702 says : Israel are the too terrorists They are constantly creating more Hezbollah terrorists Will this cycle ever end?>> <<@chriscurrey1447 says : a. who cares what Birmingham thinks. He is not a government minister. b. its sickening to see how the LNP cowtow to the zionist political line. c. its easy to see why so many people have cancelled their subs to Sky Misinformation. d. amazing input to theLNP mismanagement for almost a decade. e. absolute bullshit on education This is the most pathetic biased news coverage I have ever seen.>> <<@smddsi says : Every body understand that the refusal to respect UNO resolution by Israel and of the negociations around a palestinian state is at the origin of the conflict. Both Hamas and IDF are terrorist organisations, useless to repeat that only Hamas and Hezbollah are; read the history of Israel.>> <<@randomracki9453 says : Israel acts in constant defiance of the UN in its pursuit of gencide against Palestine>>