<<@davidliu5388 says : She could confuse everyone very easily just using three words, “today is tomorrow’s yesterday”, you got it?>> <<@bangtran4466 says : Liar and Laughter>> <<@bangtran4466 says : Harris Kamala MALA>> <<@iforeveryone1 says : The only way she would win is by rigging...>> <<@iforeveryone1 says : She is thinking most of the Americans are middle class...who is writing her speeches?>> <<@stancraigie601 says : Who covered for her when she was a prosecutor?>> <<@markraffertyr says : Pretty easy to sort this out, Drug, Alcohol tests.>> <<@ohasis8331 says : I believe that children of the community ARE children of the community. Those kids that are not children of the community ARE NOT children of the community. They are however, children never the less as are all children, children.>> <<@yacovshlomi8452 says : She's really dumb>> <<@Kimbe.kim12 says : What did you say>> <<@kevintong4615 says : Sad that Kamala the clown is trying to win through hoping her idiot voters find pity for her background stories about her pitiful life history😂>> <<@tracypolselli1464 says : She is not qualified. She was chosen by those who are currently destroying this country. Not one damn vote.>> <<@chuckmartin7006 says : It's the same thing Hillary meant when she said, "It takes a village to raise a child." To Democrats, the "village" or "community" is the government. "Children of the community" apparently means the government should be allowed to raise and indoctrinate - oops, I mean educate - them. And if the parents object, to take the child away. Just ask Tim Walz about his "transgender sanctuary law" in Minnesota.>> <<@chuckmartin7006 says : Even without the word salads, she sounds so insecure and even scared, the way her voice trembles like a child who is lying to her parents about who broke the lamp.>> <<@adrianporter5580 says : Wow....thats about all she understands....whatever it means>> <<@ersonvelasco2531 says : How? Why? 😂>> <<@KrishnaTruth554 says : I love Kamala Harris when she talks, at least Biden had a reason for not addressing these questions?>> <<@flintsmith4771 says : The children of the community are the children of the Community means The children of the community are the children of the State. Your children are not your children.>> <<@LauryMcKenna says : She's no way tolerable. It's a joke the idea of championing this unpopular woman who will be Obamas puppet>> <<@louisp4420 says : whaaaaa children of the community are the children of the community .... how many communities are there KAMAL .... what are you saying vodka lover>> <<@katherynkennedy5881 says : I guess a person can only memorize so many lies and keep them straight.>> <<@donnacheney5510 says : Unreal she's doing as well as she is>> <<@BigMikeRuinedBarry says : She rolled out her hispanic accent, courtesy of aoc! But did she reveal her secret family recipe for "Bathtub Burritos"??>> <<@deathunitesus2135 says : Best Democrat they had to put up for the election? Really. Her being in office for possibly 8 years is really scary.>> <<@kraigcochran9995 says : Her oral skills aren’t laudable because she is a great speaker, in fact she performs best when her mouth is full of bbc just ask Willie brown 😂😂😂>> <<@Mr_Judge_Benny_Hinn says : God help us….>> <<@loriflarson4236 says : She was a teenager when her mom bought her first home. How many homes did she buy?>> <<@cillamurfin258 says : Over and over, we hear the same story ! Please we have heard it all before!!!!!!!>> <<@kajinavavrusova7449 says : In my opinion "Children of the community are children of the community" is a communist propaganda. Loosely translated Harris is saying: " Your child does not belong to you, your child belongs to the community/ communist party">> <<@Iskander448 says : Ahhh Sky News. The paragon of 'fair and balanced news'. So one gaffe is what you are going to run with? Did you focus on the complete speech? Why not ask the other side to elaborate on their plans or rather their "concepts of a plan"? Or let's get into more detail about what is being done to Haitian immigrants in Ohio? Why does Ohio's Republican governor contradict what Trump and Vance have been claiming? Why not elaborate on the fact that Vance admitted that the stories of immigrants eating pets is not true? I understand daddy Murdoch needs to show his "support" for Trump but you could at least try to get the facts right (especially considering NewsCorp's poor journalistic reputation). By the way- how is the succession battle going? Strange how fiction (Succession TV series) imitates real life.>> <<@dzizaslofsas says : If my chair debated with those communist, I bet it would win. She is even more stupid than herself😂>> <<@bobwc629 says : How can anyone vote for this IDIOT? But, I guess that the children of the community who are the children of this community are actually dumber than the oldest child of the community who knows what is best for all the children, past, present, future or possibly negated and won't be able to have an opinion. What a fine community you live in Kamala! Now, let's move on to reality and vote Trump.>> <<@porridge57 says : Question at drive through: Hello, how can we help you today? Harris: I grew up a middle class kid. My Mom worked and saved.>> <<@andrewlu3242 says : Kamala, Banana>> <<@seandelap8587 says : She's beyond awful>> <<@GUSSTASS says : "really ???">> <<@danyfliker says : ONE WORD DEI>> <<@rabekahscottheart4589 says : She’s an idiot>> <<@charliecharlie9787 says : Who's coke in the White house ?>> <<@charliecharlie9787 says : Scummy 😢>> <<@lauracraft7719 says : 😳🤷‍♀️😂>> <<@kevinkap1349 says : A friend in need is a friend in deed>> <<@DigbyOdel-et3xx says : She's like a Cathy doll who pulls her own speaking string.>> <<@thisendthat says : Jesus Christ ....whose advising this woman with her campaign? You mean to tell me that none of her people can see or hear how her constant "middle class" reference is making her look foolish? Let her keep talking though. Trump might end up winning in a landslide. Trump2024.>> <<@rebeccalopez7056 says : Kakamala smoking that chronic again? You grew up in a mansion. Stop the lies already. Trump 2024 and beyond!>> <<@thereasonableconsumer says : Who cares how she grew up. She's the one who said "were not going back" and moving forward.>> <<@gloriawilkerson4524 says : She is just like Biden, makes everything about herself. Remember Biden in Hawaii telling about how his cat almost died when his house was on fire.. or was it his dog?>> <<@Millektm says : She is a disgrace and brainless moron , good luck USA if you are crazy enough to vote for this clown.>> <<@tennoframe says : she is more capable of yapping then any reaction tubers combined>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣HOW DESPERATE IS SKY MAGA 😂😂😂😂 You forgot to mention her accent... And Dogs & Cats 😄>>