<<@Mex372 says : Within the Fox News echo chamber, Donald Trump is often portrayed as an infallible hero, a figure whose flaws are ignored or downplayed. What many viewers fail to recognize is that by supporting him, they are backing a leader whose actions have repeatedly undermined democratic values. Trump’s role in inciting the January 6th insurrection is not a matter of opinion but of fact—a dangerous attempt to overturn a legitimate election. This blind loyalty to a figure who has repeatedly shown contempt for the rule of law reveals a deeper problem: an unwillingness to confront the reality that their champion’s behavior veers toward authoritarianism.>> <<@Cancun771 says : Actually people once again left early because they couldn't stand his boring, incoherent rambling any more. Has he since apologized for causing all those bomb threats agains Springfield primary schools, I wonder? By repeating that inane Vance lie abot Haitians eating cats in the *presidential* debate? Vance admitted to lying to Dana Bash a couple days ago. On live TV.>> <<@sunnyside2024 says : Did he speak about IVF? Republicans on Tuesday blocked a bill that would have created a right to access in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments and mandated that insurance plans cover the practice, deriding the vote as a political ploy. Senators voted against advancing the bill, 51-44, marking the second time Democrats have sought to put Republicans on the record on the contentious issue. Sixty votes were needed to open debate on the measure. Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) voted with every Democrat and independent. Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) did not vote. GOP senators derided the Democratic legislation, authored by Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), as nothing more than a show vote, accusing Democrats of misrepresenting Republicans’ views on IVF. Ahead of the vote, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tried to pass via voice vote a competing bill he and Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) introduced earlier this year that would withhold Medicaid funding from states that ban IVF, but it was blocked by Democrats. “Let’s be clear — there is not a single senator in this chamber on either side of the aisle who wants to ban IVF,” Cruz said on the floor ahead of the votes. But Democrats maintained that it was important to put members on the record after former President Trump rearranged the chess board on the topic by calling for universal coverage of IVF treatments. “If Donald Trump is serious about protecting IVF, then he is busily calling all the Republican senators and telling them to vote ‘yes’ on today’s bill,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said ahead of the vote. “And if he’s not making those phone calls, well, then we know this is just one more Trump lie.” “When Trump stands up and says he’s a champion for women … it’s as if he thinks we can’t hear him when he talks to his right-wing base about how he’s responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade,” Warren said. “It’s as if he thinks we can’t hear him when he takes credit for having created the problems that now exist when women can’t get access to abortion and when IVF clinics are in legal jeopardy.” While some Republicans have signaled an increased openness to Trump’s call, they largely stuck together Tuesday.>> <<@NyGlitty says : NEW YORK IS FOR TRUMP!!!!!>> <<@lasersbee says : Trump fights for the American people... Biden/Harris fight for themselves... I can't wait for Trump/Vance to win the November Presidential Election by a landslide and get rid of all this Corrupt Woke Criminal Democrat Biden/Harris near 4 year BS Train Wreck and get back to a NORMAL America.>> <<@calacurrather9994 says : Love Trump, but please explain to him how Tariffs on imports work. He has it wrong.>> <<@mrxstudlly620 says : The only thing that Trump does is constantly insult people and continually lie what does he mention to actually make things better which is based on facts and honesty nothing❗ any medical doctor who's truly educated and honest will say Trump is a lunatic>> <<@Dreu.philips says : JOY TRUMPS FEAR>> <<@chrisjames3087 says : I prefer leaders who don’t lie, undermine, and show large swaths of Americans that they are considered disposable.>> <<@magaman5010 says : Long live Donald Trump our true commander in chief>> <<@PowellRandolph-k4c says : Perez Helen Robinson Ronald Miller Barbara>> <<@carolerichard5250 says : California for Trump!!👍👍👍. Best President of my 7.5 decades!!!❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸>> <<@tomredman745 says : I believe that the polls are showing that the election is much closer than it really is. The Left and the Elites have to continue to show the polls being close, so that when the Left/Dems try to cheat their way to victory at the election, as they will, it won’t be such a surprise to the American People if they come out on top…>> <<@udozucker1614 says : It's both baffling and frightening that so many people think this fool should be president. Sad thing for America.>> <<@carolerichard5250 says : Trump Trump Trump❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️>> <<@markprinsloo4258 says : He is so fake. Strange that Fox isn't talking about him lying that he knows Nicky Jam. She's hot when Nicky Jam is a man. Liar,liar,pants on fire!>> <<@clovertechdev4243 says : Trump keep making extreme verbals attacks, and JDVance also instigated someone to shoot Kamala. Why not quit all these nonesense blaming games and extreme verbal attacks and just tell americans your plan. Millions of us still undecide who we should vote for.>> <<@dikjones-tb2xy says : Trump packs arenas and Harris can't fill a high school gym 😇>> <<@demigod1013 says : New Yorkers won't forget about the Trump family and MTG trash talking the city when they cast their vote at the ballot box! 🇺🇸Harris2024🇺🇸>> <<@Bryan-yx2rt says : Ya, he knows what to say, and that's where it ends>> <<@itsabouttthattime says : NYC isn't DeNiro's town. It's Trump's f#$%in' town. DeNiro can't show his face without getting roasted.😂>> <<@PeopleLoveShorts says : Trump is the real Superman of America. They all want him dead cause they all afraid of Trump>> <<@HodadHodad says : NY is so corrupt that id be surprised if he does take it.>> <<@McGomezAddams says : "They're eating the cats!">> <<@rolandorivera5469 says : NY FOR TRUMP ❤❤❤>> <<@demigod1013 says : The problem is Trump is all talk. 🇺🇸Harris2024🇺🇸>> <<@speedraceradventures3206 says : I can speak of what a dictatorship would be like two words " donald trump "😛😜😘>> <<@jojojam6012 says : Republicans should be getting seriously worried. Trump is in decline, and the more he loses, the sicker his attacks on Kamala Harris and Democrats. Everyone except his base and Fox News knows that the continuing racist attacks on Haitians are SIMPLY LIES, with which he hopes to gain votes from bigoted, uneducated people. He must be very stupid, if he thinks that is going to help him win the election. He is doing everything wrong. Attacking and insulting the military and veterans was an extremely bad move, as was teaming up with his new fascist, racist girlfriend. All this is the reason why Kamala Harris is beating him in the latest polls, and its going to get worse for him.>> <<@danboyd2725 says : Fox won't show you, but the venue was half empty. 😂>> <<@camwatters-iz5bs says : What average people care about is immigrants eating pets>> <<@Metal-13 says : Never in the history of the world has there been a President who has endured so much in the face of evil. Donald J Trump is willing to lay down his life to save our country so that it may endure for all Americans. By the Grace of God let it be done. TRUMP2024🇺🇸 Amen>> <<@00wheelsrob00 says : Reject hate! Reject racism! Reject sexism! Reject fear! Reject Project 2025! Reject Donald Trump! VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN!!>> <<@molliebria8352 says : Our country is being destroyed from within. Send them home they don’t belong here.>> <<@bwagpdx802 says : Actual Trump quote when asked how he will bring down the price of groceries🙄: “So we have to start always with energy. Always. I don't want to be boring about it but there's no bigger subject. It covers everything. If you make donuts, if you make cars, whatever you make, energy's a big deal. And we're gonna get that — it's my ambition to get your energy bill within 12 months down 50%. If I can do that we've done a hell of a job. 5-0. Not 15, 50. Interest rates are going to follow. And actually they're going to follow for another reason. The economy is now not good. And interest rates — you'll see, they'll do the rate cut and all the political stuff tomorrow. Will he do half a point, will he do a quarter of a point. But the reason is because the economy's not good. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it. But we're gonna get interest rates down. And we gotta work with our farmers. Our farmers are being decimated right now. They're being absolutely, absolutely decimated. And one of the reasons is we allow a lot of farm product into our country. We're gonna have to be a little bit like other countries. We're not gonna allow so much come — we're gonna let our farmers go to work. And I don't know if you remember. I love the farmers. Because I had many meetings as president. I had this gorgeous room with this beautiful table that seats about 35 people. And I was with the farmers. Usually everybody wants something. They all want subsidy. But I was with the farmers. And I think you might've been there actually Sarah. I said look, we're gonna get you such a beautiful subsidy, meaning I'm gonna do things. And one of the people raised his hand, 'Sir, honestly, we don't want a subsidy. That's the first time that's ever happened to me! Everyone wants — they want money, they want to build windmills, we want money for these windmills, ay-yai-yai. Anyway. But you know what? It was amazing. He said, almost tears in his eyes, they were getting decimated. 'We don't want a subsidy. We just want a fair level playing field! And I said nobody's ever said that. And I have many industries, they do all different things. It's probably the most dramatic l've ever seen. He didn't want anything. All he wanted was to be able to compete fairly. And the problem we have is other countries, they treat us very badly in that way, also. They really are. And sometimes the worst countries are our so-called allies. I say so-called because in many ways they're not allies at all. They take advantage of us. They really take advantage. But we're gonna do with the farmers, we're gonna do what we have to do with the farmers, we're gonna put our farmers - and do you remember the expression? When I was negotiating with China, China said well we're not gonna deal with this. Because they never had anybody to negotiate. They did whatever they want. They just took us, like, for a bunch of suckers. But I told the farmers it's gonna be very good negotiators, you're gonna suffer for six months and then they're gonna fold. And that's exactly what happened... So interest rates, energy and common sense.”>> <<@AlexandriaDC says : Let’s learn together if Melania’s “Einstein” Visa ever worked out. Did she help in any form of medical or science degree? No and no.TRUMP FOR ILLEGAL immigrants>> <<@dikjones-tb2xy says : Vote early vote often start voting for President Trump right now don't wait for election day 😍>> <<@artgutierrez9037 says : And all it will take is another mention of his small crowd sizes for Orange Foolius to go off the rails again and foam at mouth with his unhinged "tHEy'Re eAtInG tHe dOgS!" rant.>> <<@FucNo-f7y says : Make Thomas Paine great again>> <<@FucNo-f7y says : Make Voltaire great again>> <<@ramonalowry7568 says : ALL DEM’S WATCH THE TUCKER CARLSON INTERVIEW FROM LAST NIGHT WITH JD VANCE YOU WILL GET IT!😊>> <<@KingSaint45 says : Most of NY hates Chump! Not all but the rapist, racist will never be president again>> <<@kalvitien says : no because Trump was hiding the real consequences of his economic policy: : * the tariffs he wants to introduce create inflation and reduce purchasing power * tips will be for the employer * the end of taxation of overtime: he agrees to a new calculation of hours that will eliminate the notion of overtime.>> <<@MensEasyMenus says : It was his best rally! New Yorkers are fed up! And, they are bold. They will kick Kamala to the curb!>> <<@curtrodgers5395 says : The only reason for Roe v Wade was overturned, was the right wing, Working for the elites, Working to bolster the amount of working class work force aka indentured servants, Cancel a women's right to a abortion no matter the consequences to the mother.>> <<@MrEnniscorthy says : “[Trump] used to tell me, ‘It doesn’t matter what you say, Stephanie — say it enough and people will believe you.’ Eating cats and dogs by immigrants is just one example……Jesse, Sean Laura and Jeanine have believed this and is the basis of their reporting. Sean Laura and Jeanie are CONVICTED LIARS Trump in recent weeks has called the Republican governor a “bad guy” and an “average governor.” JD Vance has admitted he is making up storie and has no intention to tell the truth But in a post on Trump's social media site Truth Social, he thanked Kemp for his “help and support in Georgia>> <<@CC-cq8rz says : Get rid of these make up wearing weirdos. Drain the swamp and vote for Harris / Walz! 💙>> <<@kalvitien says : sure : hannibal lecter, sharks, batteries, pets eating ....>> <<@vincedibona4687 says : They will vote for Kamala because they hate Trump. We will vote for Trump because we love our country. Us and them, we aren’t the same. 👍🏻 Signed, a registered Independent.>> <<@invinoveritas6859 says : Unable to speak/communicate professionally is a real disability for Kamala,especially in the world of politics.😳>> <<@pajoemccracken says : Sell, sell, sell Trump Media Stock. It has fallen to $15 after  Trump's disastrous failure in the debate against Kamala Harris. MAGA fools who invested are going to be left high and dry when Trump sells his stock TOMORROW. MAGA fools need to sell, sell, sell before Trump.>>