<<@Kevin-v4k says : Australia is the blueprint for a new world order..... I reckon Albo is a clone of Klauss swabb, The WEF run this country.>> <<@gordonwells1626 says : That’s because they have been brainwashed into believing Australia is not worth fighting for. Thanks to the stinking stain cultural Marxism.>> <<@fdcayf1836 says : Blame labour, greens and the board of education for dividing this country ! Parliament won’t even let Pauline Hanson put through a bill to define ‘women’ Evil,delusional Clowns are running this country !!>> <<@TonyStewart-q6e says : We are not going back ! T>> <<@llamablue8550 says : I think we need to defend ourselves from bearded young men pretending to be bearded old men, lecturing us about how the continent of Australia wasn't stolen, how climate change isn't affecting us, how diversity shouldn't be a thing and how the good ol' Anzac spirit is the panacea to all world problems. Which of course, are all because of the mythical 'left'. Putin likewise thinks all problems are caused by the mythical 'West'. Time to loosen your tie, let your hair down, lose the hanky (which let's face it, is a bit dandyish) and learn Kumbaya (Originally an appeal to God to come to the aid of those in need) 😮>> <<@jimmyjames181 says : What are you talking about? National pride hahahaha what do you have to be prideful about? Tell me! What have you done for this country to be prideful about? Don’t lecture us on what’s right and get on your high horse, you are as rotten as they come and that’s coming not from a “leftist” yet a centrist.>> <<@adamb735 says : As a 40 something I can’t believe I am saying this but I would walk away too. Coming from a family who served in WW2 and Vietnam I am so disappointed in the state of this once great nation. We have no one to blame but ourselves for letting our politicians sell us out and for not standing up for our beliefs.>> <<@johnperks5116 says : Maybe if more people worked in this country I would fight for it>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : Activist teachers need to be dismissed never to be employed in education again.>> <<@gavinwilson4601 says : What you are talking about is the lefty Teachers and government>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : No patriotism is a sign of a country in decline.>> <<@dalebarratt says : It’s all self inflicted. This country resembles nothing like it was when I grew up in the 80’s. Back then everyone loved our country and I signed up to the ADF for 6 years because I believed in it. I wouldn’t now.>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : If ya dont love/ support Australia. LEAVE. Get the F out of here.>> <<@GregNormanFan says : Surprise surprise because gen Z have no pride at all iam a gen y i go out and celebrate australia day every year no country has even been made perfect there is always a dark side to every country but i think to get australia back on track give gen zs a bucket load of money get them travelling and make sure they don't come back ever then maybe we can see them appreciating australia>> <<@tecomaman says : I am 73 and why would I defend Australia ,we are woke ,fake,think that the most important quality is a sense of humor ,grow old disgracefully ,men are not valued ,the beginning of feminism and gay pride>> <<@georgepiet496 says : Strength of character comes from love for 1. God 2. Family 3. Country.>> <<@redeemedfarmer2670 says : Our governments have sold us out to china and the world, our governments have treated us like idiots and our governments have behaved like dictators themselves, they lied and cheated us,,,,,,we pretty much have lost our human rights in our country, religious freedom “no” gender freedom “no” free speech “no”……fight for what? Our young men that fought in ww1 & ww2 would be ashamed of the Australia of 2024…… History tells us that corrupt politicians destroy a country and little people pay the price……I think politicians and CEO of companies and banks should by law be forced to defend Australia, after all they took all the benefits in the last 70 years….>> <<@williamchristenson5487 says : If they are getting government help it should stop>> <<@aussiegor666 says : We used to love this place and call it the lucky country. Now our kids are told to hate what we've spent over 200 years building.>> <<@mwallace2922 says : Too many Women teachers.>> <<@childensstorytime says : Never a truer words spoken.>> <<@cobar5342 says : It is true Our culture has been destroyed by the aboriginal activists and those who do not know what gender they are?>> <<@patrickwakefield2297 says : sadly i have the same opinion, australia has become a hollow country with no guts, with a population that is soft and weak, and would rather run than fight. makes you realize what a superior generation the people who fought in ww1 and 2 came from. patriotism was strong in those times. the multiculture experiment has killed that. we are now a country of many cultures, a divided country.>> <<@davidcruse6589 says : I don't blame them under this government's>> <<@hellenicspartan4458 says : And this is surprising?????? This generation is a complete waste of space>> <<@MrDyhard says : I don’t believe this survey. I don’t know any young people who think like this. I’m beginning to think that Sky, in some cases, peddles fear to get views.>> <<@BNOBLE981 says : Defend with what exactly? on average there are less than 4 gun owners to ever 100 people in Australia, most Australian's have never even fired a gun, any enemy that makes landfall will have pushed deep into the country by the time anyone can be trained/armed in meaningful enough numbers to make a difference. If an enemy is in a position where they can invade are coastlines, it will already be a worst case scenario in which the US fleet has either been routed, is prioritising the home front or simply isn't joining the war, in which case Australia will be screwed.>> <<@OzSafe1 says : The more they trash this country the closer they are to have to defend it.>> <<@Trad-v6j says : WOKE boomers who started this shit is to blame>> <<@diceman999 says : Well if you dont own a part of it, have a stake in it, are treated like a wage slave or a serf, locked down for years, forced to take injections, i guess you wont fight for it>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Socialism? The one who hasn't lived socialist, marxist system have no idea what they wish for>> <<@jjsc4396 says : Read the Guardian article: “How the Australian economy has turned into a young people screwing machine.” Yet, you whine about national pride?>> <<@two-chicks says : I am 43 and I have been called a conspirationist for thinking my morals are different.. I wanted to join the army before, but I know we are just the USA's spare hand>> <<@bradamor says : Who would fight for a country that is given to less than 3% of the population. Let the ones we are giving it to defend it.>> <<@RASE589 says : Dead right… this country has such a diverse nationality that it is a country that the world owns it no longer is Australia but a mongrel country some say a cross bread of every country in the world so who do we fight against? Each other? Way to confusing to even consider fighting when we could be up against our own people or wait is it the enemy? No Australian would be able to tell the difference in a real war so why fight at all 🤷‍♂️>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Right wing pigshit pushed by a pompous little propaganda poofter.>> <<@Holden-1974 says : So sad>> <<@seunghyukjung628 says : i miss the school days when we were taught about the australian identity and the history how this great nation was made. Instead we are learnt about these weird ideas like gender. I only believe in two genders but I do believe that global warming exists and regard it will make the planet harder to live. Regarding socialist policies, i believe only certain policies are necessary which benefit the struggling people but i like to maintain the status quo that we previously had. If war was to break out in this nation, i will fight to the death to protect this land that i was raised on. If I am pushed into the outback, i will wage a guerilla war which will make the enemy bleed with every step onto this land. Also regarding my stance on us living on stolen land, everyone stole land it is simply history. Why are the indigenous nubians not complaining about the arabs swarming into the sudan, it is simply history. The strong nations wins and the weak nations collapse.>> <<@ljo642 says : No, not ''all'' young Australians.>> <<@DrenaiSaga says : I served in our army and had pride in my country and was prepared to die for it, but it isn't my country anymore, it's nothing like what I was raised in and it's getting worse, why have pride in something that is dying at the hands of traitors.>> <<@harveybirdman74 says : If working people can't afford a basic home to start a family, then there is not much of a future for them and therefore there is no point defending the place.>> <<@JohnsonCranium says : Wouldn’t piss on this country if it were on fire 🔥 😂 You pushed the kids around during Covid, you forced them to do things they didn’t want to do 💉 lots of em got poisoned and isolated due to forced silence 🤫 If they hate this country. Good 😌👍 To any young kids exiting their teens… save your cash… pack your bags 💼 and start your life in a new country. Forget this shithole 🇦🇺 💩 and forget it’s shithole people. Go and live your life and make it elsewhere! This cuntry is a sinking turd!>> <<@Infamous_V.I.P says : I was proud of my Australia until I researched into how the government has subverted our rights and common law with a bs parallel system, the way they treated us during the Covid fiasco and our continuous need to suck up Americas ass the biggest terrorists on the planet. Close the borders, fix Australia before donating to countries that hate us and less government are my tips.>> <<@pietro4772 says : Before I make a comment, I would like to acknowledge and pay our respect to all the hard working Australians on whose land we stand. Now, I can resolve the problem quicksmart. If war breaks out, send the aboriginals to fight and defend Australia. They own 60% of the land.>> <<@BankruptStates says : Will just open the borders further, offering citizenship for military service>> <<@dusansojak3457 says : Best country in the world!!!!U need to go elsewhere to realise that and come home!!!Definitely teaching is essential..family..own ambitions...Love Australia!!!>> <<@chrish5500 says : My son is nineteen and is very proud to be Australian and would fight to his death for it so I don’t think all young people are like what you are saying Give them a chance to be the best they can be just like we had Not every young person is an idiot>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : So very true. Woke and lirs about AUs past is killing AU thanks to Labor and Greens but also on the LNP for letting it gets to a stage where it difficult to stop and repair the damage>> <<@PeterKavanagh-c8o says : I believe you are correct but it is much worse than you suggest. Lack of pride/love for Australia is one of many causes of national decline and eventual extinction. In my opinion the degradation of Australia is inevitable because of dishonest/corrupt media that make correcting other problems virtually impossible.>> <<@focus_fractured says : Why should I? I hate this place. Should I be proud of being australian? Anyone can be australian now, it means nothing.>>