<<@Equal-k7q says : Great content>> <<@DominicSavio-n6j says : I love ישראל and bibi and IDF ❤❤❤❤>> <<@andrewstromfeld312 says : They can all live in the rubble until they get their minds right with Israel ✌️>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Maybe This A Tiny Pagers-Bom Explosion Who Created By The Global Hackers Community Like *"ANYMOUS-GANG"* As *'The Cyber Warrior Knights To Attacking'* To Again *A Ultimate Dangerous Public-State Enemy Like Iran-Proxy or ISIS* Terrorist With The Digital Virus Spread Into A International Server Installation To Again The Dictator Tyrant Regime Anytime In Every Where Places of Around The World 🕹🖥⌨️💻🖲📲📡📟🔌🔋💡🛰🌍⚡💥🔥 IM Not Suprise If The Mossad or CIA Could Be To Having A Cyber Attack Capabilities To Hacking The All Terrorist Gadget Devices Like A Smart-Phones , LapTop-NoteBook , PC-Tablet Or Desktop-PC Including The Car Play Navigation Mobiles Like GPS On A Iranian President Helicopter { Ibrahim Raisi Death Case } + Ismael Haniyeh Tragic Death Moment 🔌🔋💡🖥⌨️🕹💻🖲📲📡🛰 The US Defense Department / DOD & A Israel Military Riset To Must've Creating The Anti Surface Missiles ( Cruise Missile , ICBM + Drone Arsenal ) Like *"IRON BEAM LASSER~CANON"* or A Hyper-Sonic Missile With The Highest Maximum Speed About 4.5 Mach Until To 5 Mach On A New *'MAVERICK & TOMMAHAWK'* Design Via By The Smartest Guided System { GPS-INS-LBS HardWare + Software Inside } 📡🚀🛰 You Must Know If The Global Islamist Radical Movements To Will Try Invading The Entire World Into A Full Chaliphate Empire State With The Total Syariah-Law Systems By A Militant Moeslim Activist's As The Illegal Immigration Person! 👺👤😈 Don't Forget About The October 7 - 2023 In KIZBUT-VILLAGE / Southern Israel Soil To Attacked By A Islamist Palestinian Terrorist With 1500 Death Casualties Who Having Similar Like *"9-11-2001 WTC NewYork Tragedy"* When A Global Jihadist Hijackers From The International Militant Organization ( AL-QAEDAH ) To Striking A Western Democracy Country By The Intensive Imigrant Infiltration of A Middle-East Area + North Africa Region ! ✈️🌇💥🌎🔥 If A Iran Proxy Government To Want Making The Total Scale-Regional War's Then Possibly This A Teheran Dictator Regime To Having The Big Trouble Crisis Like A Iraq Tragic Case By The Saddam Hussein Ruler In 1991 When The Iraqi National Guard Army To Invading A Quwait Neighbor Country To Result The Iraq Damage Destruction Inside On A Gulf Wars Conflict By The Dessert Storm Opperation of A Largest Coalition Strike From The NATO Members ! 🤖🌍🔫 ISMAEL-HANIYEH Is Death By A Time Bomb Detonation From The Iran Military-Building Complex In A Their Secret Location Nearby The Islamic Revolutioner National Guard Base With A Intensive Plan's Design For Along Time On The Internal Behind Agenda From Them Selves Versions ✍️📓📐🧾 Stand & Pray For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protecting A Israel Nation People's With The Fighting Spirit Never Give-Up Forever On A Lion-Heart Warrior Anytime , Shalom Aleichem God Bless To All of You For The Peace-Harmony Every Where ! 🕊 Tujuan HAMAS- HEZBOLLAH-HOUTIS Ingin Merubah Peta ISRAEL Menjadi *"Tanah Suci Muslim Aliran Syiah Di Seluruh Dunia Terutama Iran"* Utk Menyaingi Arab-$audi Dgn Ke 4 Kota-$ucinya { Mekkah-Jeddah-Arafah-Madinah } Sbg *'Tanah Suci Muslim Sunni Global'* Ini Semuanya Sbg Persaingan Antara Islam Warisan Sunni Era Kesultanan Turki-Ottoman VS Muslim Syiah Warisan Kerajaan Savavit-Persia & Ironisnya Indonesia Ini Pula Ikutan Terjebak Dgn Perseteruan Politik Arab Ini Hingga Muncul Aksi2Intolerasi Baik Dgn Sesama Islam Maupun Kpd Non-Muslim Demi Ambisi Politisasi-Agama Versi Mereka Sendiri! 🕋👳🧕🕌 Guru Besar Muslim Itu Rata2Mulutnya-Besar Alias Jago Bacot Isinya Cuma Koar2 Kofar~Kafir Di Bilang Haram Gunakan Produk2Terafiliasi Zionist Yahudi Global Tapi Doyan Main Aplikasi MedSos Notabene nya Adl Temuan Inventor Ibrani+Nasrani Di Israel , USA & Uni Eropa { Inggris , Perancis , Jerman DLL } Dasar Kaum Munafikun Sejatinya Islam Itu Hrs Konsisten Dgn Ajaran-Nabinya Tsb Yaitu *'Perbanyak Ibadah Spt : Sholat Sunnah Siang-Malam Juga Doa-Dzikir Berkali2Lipat'* Hingga Lupa Makan-Minum-Istirahat-Tidur Demi Mencapai 1 Tujuan Adl : *Masuk Surga Firdaus Ketemuan 42-Bidadari Bohay Bin Bahenol* 🥱🤲🗣️👐 Muslim Rata2 Ogah Mempelajari Kitab2Suci Dari Nabi2Terdahulu Spt : Taurat-Torah nya Bani Israel-Yahudi ( Nabi Mussa/Mosses ) & Al-Kitab Injil \ Bible { Yessus Crist } Dgn Alasannya Kitab2Suci Itu Telah Di Palsukan Pas Giliran Balik Di Tanya Mana Yg Aslinya Lalu Mereka Bilang : *"Kitab Barnabas Di Simpan Museum Mesir"* Pas Di Teliti Ternyata Itu Juga Kitab Palsu Dari Aliran Kristen-Bidat/Sesat Dari Pendeta Arianus Di Suriah Dgn Kitab Barnabus Gabungan Kitab-Taurat + Injil Yg Kemudian Di Adopsi Penyadur-Kitab Dari Bangsawan Arab-Muslim [ Abdul Malik Bin Marwan ] Pendiri Dinasti Ummayah-Irak Sekarang Bersama *'Al-Qur'an + Al-Hadist'* __ Lihat Kanal *"SATRIA NUSANTARA & SUNNAH NABI / NABI ASLI"* YouTube Official Channel Ttg Sejarah Asal-Muasal Keberadaan Nabi Muhammed Ini Beserta Para Sahabatnya + Keluarga Besar Beliau Secara Detail Faktual-Ilmiah 100% Bhw Semuanya Itu Dongeng Belaka Dari Para Alim-Ulama Tinggal Cari Info Di Google Search ! 🤔👳‍♀️✍️📜🕋 Ada Netizen Kadrunista Penyusup Di Kanal Ini Kasih Komentar Provokasi-Dobol Bilang : Kalahin Hamas Hingga Tuntas Tdk Mampu! , Woiii HAMAS Itu Hanya Sisa Yahya-Sinwar Bersama Beberapa Pengawal nya Yg Tersisa Bersembunyi Di Pemukiman Sipil Termasuk Kamp-Pengungsi Nyatu Sama Emak2 + Bocil2Ingusan Mirip Kadrun Di Negeri Konoha Indonistan Kalau Lagi Demo2Rusuh Bawa Anak-Sekolah SD , ABG SMP & Remaja SMU Utk Lawan Petugas Ke Amanan TNI-POLRI Ane Yakin Gerombolan Model FPI-HTI-MUI & PKS Pasti Berafiliasi Dgn Hamas Jadi Layak Jadi Target Intel-Mossad Berikutnya Tunggu Saja Kemana Antum Ngumpet Tetap Bakal Di Kepung-Mati Emangnya Situ Malaikat-Jibril Sakti Dasar Kadrun2Yamanesia-Indopalestino Goblok Nggak Nyadar Akun-Medsosnya Di Track 🖥⌨️🖲💻🕹📲📡🔌🔋💡⚡🚀👳‍♀️💥🔥 Setelah Ini Hezbollah , Hamas , Houties & Rezim Iran Kembali Ke Zaman Batu Gua-Hiro Pake Lembaran-Kertas Yg Di Gulung Dgn Tulisan Kode Huruf Sandi Morse Di Ikatkan Ke Kaki Burung-Merpati Sbg Alat Komunikasi Bahula Zaman Kerajaan Kuno Dulu Paling Tuh Burung-Perkutut Hezbollah Di Tengah Perjalanan Ke Udara Turun Di Terkam Kucing Liar , Ular Cobra & Burung Elang Pemangsa Hilang Deh Pesan-Singkat Rahasia Alaminya Yg Konon Bebas Polusi + Hemat Ongkos 📜🐦📨🕊🦝🐍🦅😢 Justru Terompet Religius Ajaran Yahudi Oleh Kelompok Muslim Di Klaim Sbg *"Terompet Sangkakala Malaikat Jibril Ketika Kiamat Tiba"* Ini Di Jadikan Alasan Dalil2Sesat Islam Radikal Bhw *'Bumi Tak Akan Datang Hari-Kiamat Seblm Orang2Bani-Israel Di Bunuh Semua Hingga Mereka Bersembunyi Di Balik Batu & Pohon!'* Sungguh Alasan Bodoh-Dungu-Goblok-Tolol Dari Organisasi Militan Arab { Hamas & Proxy-Iran } Merasa Udah Paling Sok Alim-Suci __ Tengok Kanal *SATRIA NUSANTARA & SUNNAH NABI / NABI ASLI* YouTube Channel Account Itu Dari Mana Asal-Muasal Ajaran Si Nabi Arab-Islam / Muhammed Tsb Muncul?!? Lihat Fakta-Data Sahihnya!?! Jangan Cuma Sekedar Klaim Dongeng Sepihak Saja Drun!!! 👳‍♀️🕋🗿🕌 NB : Penemu HT / Handy Talky ( Radio CB ) Yg Masih Di Pakai Oleh Petugas Security Gedung & TIM SAR Termasuk Pagers { Alat Pesan-$ingkat Cikal-Bakal SMS Di HP } Penciptanya Adl Orang Yahudi AL-GROSSE Warga Kanada-Amerika Imigran Ibrani Romania Eropa Timur Yg Wafat Di Ohio-USA Thn 1990an & Pencipta HP \ Ponsel Pun Juga Warga Amerika-Yahudi Martin-Cooper Pd Thn 1975-76 Sekarang Beliau Masih Hidup Di Usia 85Thn Pernah Kerja Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Ternama AT&T + MOTOROLA __ Jadi Kalau Mau Aman Pake Telpon-Kaleng 2 Arah Dgn ~Tambang 50 Meteran 😅📞🗣️>> <<@danialorion1686 says : God bless the soldiers of God & the people of Israel. Amen🙏🙏🙏>> <<@Lina-m4u says : Lord this too much already for your people Israel, why don't you just come quickly and saved them all🙏>> <<@kamrunnahar6471 says : I think IDF is terrorist as they killed thousands of civilians>> <<@AmartnjNjiez says : You will never Defeat palistians resistance God mention it in the Quran already you can try what ever you want but there freedom is coming 100%>> <<@khalidghani664 says : We believe you 😂😂😂 go on.>> <<@user-fi4ti3ws3m says : Our prayers for Israel 🇮🇱 and IDF FORCES WHEREVER THEY ARE GOD POWER SURROUND THEM AMEN AND AMEN 🙏🏼>> <<@ahmadmiah5519 says : Rafa brigade dystroid no isreal is destroyrd isreal is naked to the world>> <<@ahmadmiah5519 says : Iisreal drain pipe are the tunnels>> <<@elizabethnjoki6186 says : Stay strong Israel 🇮🇱🙏🏻🙏🏻>> <<@Samkayak78 says : "The center of gravity is moving north. We are diverting forces, resources, and energy toward the north," Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant recently stated, signaling a strategic shift in Israel's focus. As our team traveled along Highway 6, Israel's main route to the north, the reality of the northern front became immediately apparent. Ongoing conflict with Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group designated as a terror organization, has left a significant and undeniable impact on the region. Cities once bustling with life now stand eerily empty, evacuated due to relentless rocket fire from across the border, giving the appearance of ghost towns.>> <<@lcphom8920 says : After so much of destruction n killing till today IDF has no clue of sinwar is he invisible or has some kind of super power or it is the strategy of isreally for complete destruction. Bcos if sinwar is captured death or alive the war comes to end .even the world would force them to stop immediately after all the boss is down>> <<@Desperate-Drive3423 says : either hamas still has huge ammo depot underground or they still have a tunnel from egypt otherwise how could they still fight ?>> <<@aircrafter7505 says : IDF showing what they want journalists to see after 1 year 😂>> <<@sujathangopalan1952 says : Please look at the map of the Middle East.We see 99 percent of the Middle East is owned by the Arabs whereas only one percent of the Middle East is owned by the Jews.Then how the Arabs and the UNO demand that the one percent of the Middle East owned by the Jews to be given in the Arabs who possess 99 percent in the Middle East.Is it not a crime'? Will the Almighty God allow this to happen?.Think twice before it is too late>> <<@amarsuleiman1765 says : F those isrehell clowns 🤡>> <<@arishweb3293 says : Calander joker😅>> <<@bedstuy89 says : Israel is the devil incarnate>> <<@barburero says : lmao, the terrorist army refusing anyone in unless they get told what to say and they see what they're supposed to see. nice propaganda video>> <<@kern5512 says : How many Palestinians have u murdered in gaza n d west bank u Israelis have no heart u all r just full hate>> <<@Peaceman1. says : Jerusalem is capital city of Palestine people and Palestine children 👍 🔤>> <<@innesfrey9602 says : God Bless IDF Israel 🇮🇱 ❤✡️🇮🇱✡️✡️👍🙏🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱Am Israel 🇮🇱 Hi Ve Kiam Le Olam Ve Ed 👍🇮🇱👍👍🇮🇱✡️🙏💯>> <<@Peaceman1. says : STATE of Palestine people and Palestine children 👍 Jerusalem is capital city of Palestine people and Palestine children 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 yep 💯👍💪👍👍👍💪👍👍👍 Jerusalem is capital city of Palestine people and Palestine children 👍👍👍👍👍👍 yep 💯 🔤>> <<@mariamachee1438 says : Praying 🙏 for the IDF and bless them all and peace in Israel 🇮🇱 ❤️✝️🇮🇱😇🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱👏👏👏>> <<@michaelkamal3827 says : PALESTINE WIN AND ISRAEL LOSS IN UNSC VOTING SO ISRAEL MUST RESPECT INTERNATIONAL LAW AND WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM GAZA AND WEST BANK IMMEDIATELY>> <<@hamurabani5386 says : God bless you all Israel>> <<@421sap says : God bless Jerusalem Jews and Israel 🇮🇱💙>> <<@GreatOga says : Why is Egypt blocking the tunnels now when they refused to block for years? Blocking the tunnels means Egypt has always known that those terror tunnels exist for weapon shipment. Egypt is complicit in Hamas' crimes. IDF should break Egypt's blockade and advance further. There could be something behind the wall Egypt built.>> <<@capellamaz says : He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God, from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea. May the Almighty cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, Blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor. May He lead our enemies under our soldiers’ sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is the Lord your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you.>> <<@RadGamer-l4n says : יחכו אנשים. ממלכתכם נפול תפול! מה תעשו בעת ההיא?>> <<@Hildegard242 says : I'm glad you made this video, I can recall when I was homeless and faced with many things in life until $75,000 biweekly began rolling in and my Life went from A homeless nobody to a different person with good things to offer!!!! !!>> <<@capellamaz says : AM YISRAEL CHAİ BH>> <<@samamir3263 says : 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱✌👌>> <<@johnpeter3516 says : Prayers Prayers for Israel ❤️❤️>> <<@enecitasofocado9273 says : 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱💪💪💪💪💪💪💪>> <<@emmasalva6311 says : 🌹🌹🌹💙🙏🇮🇱🇵🇭>> <<@MY_GAMETUBE says : What are they doing in the state of Philadelphia?>> <<@ManjTheMighty says : Stay strong!>> <<@jeanriff7954 says : We ask the holy God to help his peopel to destroid his ennemy and to stay in peace in her own land.>> <<@Chuck44442 says : Don't leave. Simply>> <<@LawrenceM-bishnoi says : 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏🏻🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳>> <<@garyclark6727 says : absolutely shameful israel>> <<@omarmohammed6597 says : The GOD of Israel is Living GOD, no one can stand Israel in His NAME.....I love Israel....in Jesus Christ...saved by Grace.>> <<@amy6891 says : Good work IDF, more power to you and Netanyahu👍>> <<@miriamariel6185 says : I am crying with happiness 😊 🇮🇱🙏🏻❤>> <<@miriamariel6185 says : I am so proud of the IDF and special Units that support Israel. ❤🇮🇱🙏🏻>> <<@LillyAbsalom663-jk7yt says : God bless Israel>>