<<@TheBeezusjones says : Why tf would you livestream this... disgusting>> <<@PaulaP3964 says : Cringe, what a world>> <<@refrigerator_mama says : How much you want to bet they searched him before they turned the camera on..>> <<@tonyanthony5105 says : Partially for their own benefit I imagine so they don’t get caught up in an investigation when they were just walking in the woods. That is why you would live stream it>> <<@sgrvtl7183 says : I suspected the guy would kill himself IF, in fact, this is the guy.....>> <<@Praetoreon says : lol When they smelled his body decomposing, the husband yelled out, "he's deteriorating!", and the wife starts repeating, "oh mylanta"...>> <<@gregattanasio3185 says : A very troubled young man. Why so much lunacy in this world 🌎. BELIEVE IN THE RISEN LORD. JESUS CHRIST>> <<@chrispowers5568 says : They do not know this guy or what he did. If you come upon a dead body you should show some respect for whoever it was and leave them a little dignity. It says a lot about a person that thinks live streaming a dead body is acceptable.>> <<@hghffgrantor8559 says : You're sick if you livestream this.>> <<@crazykat1000 says : Things people do for money never seases to amaze me>> <<@manu87325 says : 9.....Je suis harcelé depuis 1997/98. Des cousins de mon père me considèrent comme un étranger et un pauvre parce qu'ils sont riches et connaissent des milliardaires.... Ces cousins sont également impliqués dans les services de renseignement français. Ces cousins sont de la famille Lopez, leurs familles sont dans la région de Sommières, dans le Gard, dans le sud de la France, a Vauvert le CER lopez .. Ils sont aussi avec un grand gang en France et une grande communauté... il était prévu que j'épouse une cousine de leur famille,de la région de Sommières 30 , une fille qui s'appelle Frédérique Rouffiange . J'ai refusé de m'accoupler avec elle en 1997. C'est alors que le harcèlement a commencé... .j'ai parlé a plusieurs de ces harceleurs et certains m'ont dit être avec le renseignement . ///Hello This is a very serious ... Please help me! .....I've been harassed since 1997/98. My father's cousins consider me foreign and poor because they are rich and know billionaires.... These cousins are also involved in French intelligence services. These cousins are from the Lopez family, their families are in the Sommières region, in the Gard, in the south of France, in Vauvert the CER Traffic education center lopez .... They also have a large band in France and a large community... I was to marry one of their cousins, from the Sommières region in the Gard, a girl called Frédérique Rouffiange. I refused to mate with her in 1997. That's when the harassment started.... I spoke to several of these harassers and some of them told me they were part of the intelligence services... help me if you can! Share .please help me leave my country ! Please help me! There has been harassment and worse. Please help me leave this country! Please help me! Please help me! Please help me! Please help me ! My country is a country of misfortune for me ... please help me to leave my country .] I'd like to start a business or a company, but I can't do that in France. Here I am harassed by the intelligence my life is very painful is a nightmare. Please help me to leave my country. Help me leave this country of traitors ! Please help me ! Please help me leave this country of filthy faggots!>> <<@ivareskesner2019 says : Livestream?...The planet is broken. And people are broken...>> <<@ivareskesner2019 says : These types will be live-streaming their own deaths one day..>> <<@markmierzejewski9534 says : So he took his own life? Or was he killed by someone else? The news told me nothing outside of a smelly body>> <<@lunhil12 says : Any information on the cause of death? Isn't reporting supposed to cover all the W's?>> <<@LindaC616 says : Why livestream that!?>>