<<@hobartspitz1029 says : Fawas Gerges is just a propogandist for Hizbollah and Iran, as he has always been. His statements are wholy false; Hizbollah, Lebanon, and Iran are reeling from the attacks. They are clearly thinking twice about further incursions into northern Israel. Acting against Israel with little or no communication, command, and control capability will bring more even devistation. Gerges has no business being interviewed on a news show.>> <<@hannahill1811 says : Yes, the Biden administration has failed. So has all the US administrations since 1948. Not to speak of the warring parties themselves. Especially Hamas and Hesbollah: Israel is still there and far stronger than both of them. All they manage to do is to harass their own people. Even before Israel's (horrendous) attack on Gaza (- no excusees for that), the human rights situation was even worse for Palestinians in Gaza under Hamas rule, as well as for the people in Lebanon, than for Palesitinans in israel. (If you don't believe me, read the Human rights reports of the un, Transparency International, Amnesty international....)>> <<@ArgentiumGold says : US gives the technology. Israelis can’t do anything without full monetary and technical support of the US.>> <<@Steven-w6h says : The Israel’s don’t care about anything but taking free money and military munitions from us!>> <<@zopilotegalaz1128 says : Whats next?food ,medicine,water...>> <<@mg9660 says : New Lebanese singing group forming called the castrati>> <<@mg9660 says : Hez ball less>> <<@omarhussein3960 says : Boycott CNN fake news>> <<@eldenoneil3297 says : YES U CAN SAY NOW GOD IS GOOD , GOD IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD. GOD is with ISRAEL 🇮🇱. GOD WORKING For ISRAEL. GOD can stop all of this IF people would pray & believe him (GOD) put GOD first.>> <<@Jqw-ry1ig says : Chinese government is taking advantage of the incident to hint unsafety of western products such as iPhone to buy Chinese products such as Huawei>> <<@edwinc6322 says : Where is the leader .. no sign of him but in vacation on the beach>> <<@Bubbastonks says : For all you war mongering duel citizens, go to the front lines you cowards!! 😂>> <<@lubetime-autorepair7078 says : Racist and bigots will say anything to justify their actions. If any other country did this, you all would call it terrorism. Be careful what you support as eventually you’ll be crying when it happens to you. This is careless and irresponsible. These people don’t care about what consequences this brings. Only care about themselves, while you all gravel at their feet simply because they have white skin.>> <<@crosstudio says : if we acknowledge that this is an ongoing war regardless of who started it or why. we can say that the effort to target who you are trying to disrupt with the least damage to people who are not involved is commendable.>> <<@timothynechville8326 says : Israel is now officially a terrorist state.>> <<@margaretschear1264 says : So hez can kill women children men carrying kids but Israel kill hez people lose there mind give me a break maybe hez should stop putting in people's business>> <<@cottonabrian says : I hope the Arab countries didn't call 9/11 Ground Breaking. Terror is terror>> <<@Eric-iw6tg says : Arrest war criminal Netanyahu now ! Stop genocide in Gaza & the Middle East !>> <<@ShlomoMendelssohn says : US-backed terrorist Benjamin Netanyahu doing everything he can to create a regional war and draw in the US.>> <<@AstroBear11 says : Humans are useless.>> <<@allencapps4622 says : CNN viewers will now be sending Trump pagers as a gift since their other two losers failed.>> <<@caryfrancis8030 says : If you fight terrorism with terrorism, nobody will know who the terrorist is.>> <<@KarakuraNinja says : Wasnt tear gas and other weapons banned due to ethics. Why do we act like its fine to kill people no matter how. Also they dropped white phosphorous or did we forget.>> <<@MarkOliver-p4i says : Biden being President caused all this mess in this world>> <<@stephendavidson3610 says : Logically it doesn’t make any sense why Hezbollah would buy pagers and walkie-talkies from Israel. Or even buy anything. They get all their stuff from Iran. So WTF>> <<@ZacA60423 says : suppose those consigment wrongly reached to wrong wester country?>> <<@louisabenitah8673 says : Hezballah has been during thousands of rockets daily. More than 100000 thousand people injured and displaced. These are terrorists>> <<@jesusislord6682 says : 5:51 now are they down to the point where they are have to be sending guys on scooter carrying notes between different commanders in other to communicate in the most old school way possible 😂😂>> <<@myblueandme says : Next - Loudspeakers in public places>> <<@isaacblackman says : Songs like terrorism. The Israelis are using terrorism as a tactic of war.. If this was done by anyone else it would be considered terrorism. The hypocrisy of the West.>> <<@dirt.mother says : “Groundbreaking” sounds like a positive spin on an act of terrorism that killed mostly innocent people smh>> <<@deankaraman2086 says : Of course cnn would have the "inside" scoop on what goes on with their terrorist friends.>> <<@craigluhr7243 says : CNN is Communist News Network.>> <<@haneefahabdullah214 says : Israel is wrong>> <<@nedludd7622 says : Of course Zionist apologist for genocide, Tapper, doesn't talk about Israel's state terrorism.>> <<@spic0li says : GameBoy??? 😅😅😅 Jake stay in touch its 2024>> <<@kevingriener7441 says : So, it was a terrorist attack?>> <<@drkashmedicalandlife says : Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon had eye injuries…and claimed it was from the bodyguard’s pager…..hmmmm?>> <<@User-imwnx151 says : Can anyone bring peace to this region? Ever?>> <<@macslife9500 says : As we navigate the complexities of the current geopolitical situation, it's essential to approach the discussions with a mindset rooted in truth and a quest for understanding. In light of the recent conflict and the narratives being presented, particularly regarding the events of October 7th, I encourage everyone to delve deeper into the context surrounding these occurrences. One aspect worth examining is the technology used in military operations, such as the pagers and walkie-talkies cited in recent communications related to attacks against Hezbollah in both Lebanon and Syria. If these devices were manufactured and deployed prior to October 7th, it raises critical questions about the intent behind military actions leading up to that date. Such details can inform our understanding of whether there was a premeditated strategy aimed at escalating conflict long before that fateful day. The importance of understanding the timeline of events cannot be understated. By critically analyzing the technical and operational aspects of military engagement, we can move beyond binary narratives of victimhood and aggression. Recognizing the complexities at play allows for a more nuanced discussion about accountability, intent, and the implications of these actions on both sides of the conflict. Let's strive to gather facts, question narratives, and seek a clearer understanding of the motivations and actions involved. In doing so, we take a step toward fostering constructive dialogue and seeking paths to peace, rather than perpetuating cycles of violence and retribution.>> <<@robertcummings4083 says : But they were so happy Oct 7. What happened?>> <<@dikkypap1978 says : it is a new form of terrorism.>> <<@zombiehampster1397 says : All Israel has proven is that they are expert terrorists.>> <<@Dean-rd3se says : They didn’t even get a chance to say Allah Akbar ffs.>> <<@ttkrystal8329 says : Religion will be the death of us all.>> <<@felix0-014 says : Please use the correct terminology. This is a terrorist attack against Lebanon. Innocent people have died in the crossfire as a result of these explosions. If any Arab country had done this in Europe it would have immediately been branded a horrendous terrorist attack.>> <<@richardpark3054 says : 'Groundbreaking'? Also finger breaking, butt breaking, face breaking, eye breaking, thigh breaking,...>> <<@mastercheif1989 says : 2 little gitls died what did they do?>> <<@skreety0455 says : Thought it was Groundbshaking.😮>> <<@gordonshaw5381 says : They are going to have to get hands free pagers>>