<<@randominternetuser2888 says : Last time the extremists wanted "states rights" was for slavery. Also, republicans are endorsed by klan leader David Duke. He's an example of an extremist.>> <<@joegonzales1229 says : The fact that this is even happening in this day and age just makes no sense at all honestly>> <<@Diddy_Doodat says : Republicans think talking over people and speaking very fast makes them look like they’re smart and winning the argument. TFSE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@rickjtrejo says : These people are arguing about a subject Politicains and Religon uses to demonize women , men and children for thier gains. This world is a cruel place to live and living on this world in not for all of us. Look at the animals in the wild how do they survive. After they are born they become food for other animals. How unfortunate people in other parts of the world are killed by other zealous leaders of countries with no respect for the born and the unborn, the weak and the elderly. Basically humans are no different than animals in nature. Nations with powerfull armies through out history had pilleage the weaker nations, rape thier women, young girls, killed their babies, enslaves children and massacre the boys and men. The victorious are adored by the people of their countries like Gods and Kings. My opinion.>> <<@skreety0455 says : If you could be a tree.....😂>> <<@katherinewong2901 says : Finally, smart women making smart points in a big discussion about Female bodies. Let's debate this on the National stage.>> <<@souleymanebalde7041 says : Interesting>> <<@briley2177 says : There’s no “heart” at six weeks, no circulatory system, no veins arteries or blood… therefore, there is no “heartbeat” - you cannot have a heartbeat without a heart. It’s a damn electrical impulse and these word games of “heartbeat laws” and “unborn child” are nonsense. There’s no such thing as an unborn child… the definition of the word child presumes a birth. The definition of a heartbeat presumes the existence of a heart. But religious individuals appeal to emotion and discard logic to legislate their religion into a secular society.>> <<@jayh1391 says : For over 50 years, America was happy with Roe v Wade until extremist Republican Trump and SCOTUS got rid of it.>> <<@blueheels says : Hi folks, not sure if those who pressed for these oppressive abortion laws realised that when religion interferes to create tragedy, and the clarity and the impact was known, the two lives stolen will generate a response - not built on violence but on the wholesale rejection of these beliefs. I could say it was avoidable, shameful and my heart goes out to them, but what will happen now is the true conservatives in our society and the people who shape our morality, “Women” will now be turned away from religious belief because of the government and religious interference. For me who has believed the worst day in human history which was responsible for so much misery (Oct 8, CE314), hopes that those who chose to sow this course with women will now reap their just reward. They have hastened the end of Judas/Islamo/Satano/Christian belief by attempting to reinforce forcefully their primacy. The majority who were once quite happy to ignore religious anachronistic beliefs when they kept it to themselves before 2000, now must realise that this dogmatic intrusion cannot be ignored and that their societal time in the sun needs to be shortened because of the threat they pose; that is the wish to establish a society which Orwell and Attwood have prewarned against (2025). The majority as such will not stand for that.>> <<@jaaksavat7916 says : Misogynist religious fanatics taking charge of medical issues and women's rights is despicable and inhumane. Vote 💙 vote for freedom Vote for common-sense 💙💙💙💙>> <<@jont2228 says : Trump 2024🫵💯👊>> <<@AlbertMark-nb9zo says : The fmr lt geoff duncan could entertain short sighted heartbeat bill, and feed off the indignation of anti-abortionists strictly because the GOP thought they could pander to these religious nuts and get away, ultimately not having to do anything for their support. They thought Roe wouldn't change.>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : The Brilliant Brilliant Donald Trump is the Love the Peace the Hope the Truth the Light the Way for America and the World 😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍😍🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩😍🥰🤩>> <<@Nopinotnoir says : How is it that CNN cannot have consistent volume levels on all their videos?>> <<@cindymonahan3741 says : Another reason men shouldn’t be making any decisions about women. How this is happening in 2024 is beyond me.>> <<@escherstudios4587 says : You know who has the answers- the medical community!!! Period>> <<@cassykaye7596 says : This woman talking about her religious beliefs, is this same as God killing all Egyptian first born or flooding earth except for Noahs family 🤷‍♀️ and quoting an eye for an eye?>> <<@cassykaye7596 says : Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control, but when you limit women's rights of choice, are we going back to dark alleys & coat hangers. 😢 Rape & insest are the courts going to strengthen the laws & punishments to men who violate these??? Just my opinion>> <<@franziskani says : It is not a "heartbeat". The tissue that will become the heart has a pulse that can be measured from week 4 - week 6 on. And there is no reason why having a heart should be of such consequence (even IF it was already a fully developed heart). Why not the liver, or the kidneys ? Moreover that time limit does not make sense because it depends on when the doctor can notice something and that pulse can be detected from week 4 - week 6 maybe even a bit later. So a completely ambigious unclear rule. As for the ethical implications, why would having a heart (fully developed or not) assign personhood ? The (fully developed) brain and nervous system differentiates humans from animals. A lot of beings have a (fully developed) heart, does not mean they are humans. The reason why it was chose: it is so early that it is a de facto ban on abortions. And it is easily measureable. Plus a lot of people have emotionally charged ideas about "heart". It stands for feelings, and love in our culture.>> <<@amyswygert4532 says : I worked with my State Senator in GA at the time that the Heartbeat bill passed in GA. While Duncan claims they didn’t think through all of the consequences, doctor after doctor, patient after patient, testified against this bill warning against legislating medical decisions and how detrimental it will be to women’s lives. It’s not that they didn’t think it through. They simply didn’t listen when they were warned.>> <<@CCPLord says : So GOPs get to slam Dems for murder of 800k-1mil babies every year?>> <<@SheenaRushBeauty says : You’re not happy with abortion… then vote in your state. Vote for the governor that supports your views. Trump gave that power back to the people. Why? That kind of power should not be given to one person. Trump will not do an abortion ban. He said he would not and he didn’t in his term of presidency. That is FACT! And Trump said at the debate he believes in exceptions and accommodations for incest and rape. Plus this is not a debatable topic anymore. The left voters want it and will vote for Kamala. Those that don’t will vote Trump. You’re not changing any minds at this point.>> <<@lgsprings5623 says : CNN is distracting from the real issues. We're on our way to a third world war and a 1929 type depression. CNN and Harris are going to continue pushing their failed policies to get us there. Abortions won't mean anything if we're not safe and can't feed our families.>> <<@josephl9669 says : My body my choice. Ok here's mandatory vaccines and quarantines 😂. You called non vaxers murderers. Hypocrites>> <<@tygressblade says : Yeah I love that MAGA men want all of the control but they don’t do the dying. Women do.>> <<@dikjones-tb2xy says : President Trump protects women rights and democracy so vote for him asap ...>> <<@rawhidewolf says : That was a poerful discussion. Personally, I don't feel I have the right to decide such things for anyone and I don't want anyone meddling in my affairs.>> <<@BusyBusyPanda says : Madison is your daily reminder that Christian Republicans don't think women carrying a pregnancy are a whole woman with whole rights & that is wholly unacceptable.>> <<@heatherc2939 says : EMTALA - why does EMTALA not protect these doctors??? Let Duncan speak, he's regretful!! Goldberg is so odiously wrong. Ms. Haq - thank you.>> <<@robertstanford1778 says : Duncan was one of the first Republicans to step up and take a stand against Trump and his election denial fraud. Just like Cheney and Kinzinger he put his country before his party.>> <<@ejkk9513 says : This law just caused that little girl to lose her mother for completely unnecessary reasons. You have blood on your hands.>> <<@janinelemieux3099 says : The girl who seems to look like Kim Kardashian & wears pink all the time doesn't like what the former lt governor of Georgia to understand that these abortion bans in states with exceptions are not. The government shouldn't determine if you should get medical treatment for a miscarriage procedure, abortion nor ivf. I feel like pro lifers are consumed too much of unborn that they forget who's carrying them. I understand that they want to protect the unborn, but what about the mothers who are carrying & being pregnant. To the pro lifers to tell me that if you get raped or incest , and end up pregnant you're ok with the everyday reminder? What happens if you have medical complication when you put yourself & unborn at risk doctor tells you that you can't carry or the unborn won't survive. That the doctor tells you that in order to save your life, and able to have more children you need abortion. You'll put yourself & unborn in jeopardy if you decide to harm yourself of not getting abortion? One day karma will bite you hard, and if Trump is president again or you live in a red state your life won't matter.>> <<@AmandaKraft-m6n says : Perez Timothy Williams Linda Moore Susan>> <<@sherihunt7453 says : Abby you are getting stronger and better guests every day. We need tougher journalism>> <<@kdrcolac4360 says : Talk, talk, talk & nothing changes.>> <<@Marquis-r1h says : The deaths of these women will forever be tied to Donald Trump and George W Bush for their supreme Court Justice picks and Georgia Republicans who wrote these laws. The doctors are afraid to even go near an abortion because of the laws in GA. Now the child and mother are gone. A son is left without his mother! Now what?>> <<@pr1smYT says : I like this panel of people not cutting each other off, not fighting and talking calmly.>> <<@valentina-su8lm says : The lady in the pink🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ she is such a good soldier. Thank God the others try to stop her from spewing nonsense and often they just ignored her. Like Scott, she is so busy defining DT sometimes I feel she just want to hurry up and say things just to be relevant🙄🙄>> <<@4dogs999 says : Why are him and his wife sitting down and debating abortion policies that will affect every woman and every man in his state and affects everybody in the country. He just said he didn’t think everything through they thought they did there’s still more to do. That’s why we have doctors they’re trained in this they think everything through they know it they’ve lived it. Why are you and your wife sitting down and talking about my body. That’s some sick sh*t!!!! think about it.>> <<@joshbarker4953 says : This is Trump in the GOP’s legacy. You did this. We will not forget, and they will not be forgiven.>> <<@dontewashington3250 says : Breaking: TRUMP DID NOT NOR COULD HE BAN ABORTION! A President has no say in the matter and anyone claiming differently is playing you for an ignorant fool.>> <<@inagrove1299 says : When people with opposing views start talking over each other,I stop listening to either of them. People on the air should engage in discourse, not family style dinner table arguments>> <<@jeanettecarter5438 says : Kamala Harris 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️>> <<@dave1096 says : If that young woman's account of her rape doesn't make you shed a tear you are the problem. The stone face woman in pink was telling. It may be the 150u of Botox but you get my point>> <<@SaveOurDisabilityFund says : Anyone brave enough to fight heartbeat bills has a lot of adversity to face. Don't give an inch to religious institutions. They will take it right off a cliff.>> <<@jeanettecarter5438 says : I know her she die and she would live if Donald trump didn’t banned it in our state Georgia>> <<@sarahk-williams1165 says : That the most honest a Republican say. Geoff you are a man of integrity.>> <<@jamescantwell9988 says : Noticed how he said we started as a family to decide that.. lol he's taking that away!! F'ing hypocrites dude.. jesus>> <<@nemodab says : When roe. V wade was overturned it put abortion out of the fed and back to the states. Lets talk on what that mean. You now have a vote to dictate how abortion laws are conducted in your state. Where as before you had no vote. Think about it, dummie!>>