<<@CraigHopwood says : He thinks his big announcement regarding png is going to save him really that 600 million should be split among the pacfic nations for defence>> <<@BernhardGolz says : Why didn't he allocate $ 4.7 B to albino Aboriginals, awaiting Land Title Claims, to look into her question ?>> <<@TheClownCunt says : When Albo gets heated , he sounds like a 13 year old girl throwing a tantrum>> <<@charleshouse5541 says : In this post picture of him I see the real him. This..."But mommy, WE WILL RESET THE WORLD, WE WILL, WE WILL, WE WILL!" Mommy..."Go to your room before mommy has to bust your as's." 🇺🇸🤣🇺🇸>> <<@bryanp4827 says : Albo's Buddy Club... It's as fake as Grubanese himself...PK " Hey Albo, put on a tantrum, so idiot Australians will think you don't like us...">> <<@KeithClark-lv6jb says : Doesn't no his own name rule him out>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : As usual. Albosleasy wont answer a simple questions. Because they are definitely both on the table. An Australian male version of Kamala the fraud. He has a glass jaw and thin skin.>> <<@UltraPerception says : LOYAL FOR Z!>> <<@RogueElementMkII says : Albo has a couple of crayons stuck up his nose from when he was a toddler.>> <<@Graeme-r2f says : Seems pretty clear to me from Anthony Albanese response to being asked about negative gearing and capital gains tax being off the table was because they absolutely are on the table. Saying he doesn't answer those types of questions is treating the people of Australia with contempt.>> <<@SurvivethePoleShift says : Humpty Elbo sat on the wall Humpty Elbo had a great fall DID YOU JUST PUSH ME PATRICIA!!?????!!!! BARHARHARHARHAR poor Elbo of Soy, can't take honest straightforward questions.....>> <<@sallycent6598 says : Both were fake. They wanted us to think that the ABC isn’t biased and can ask the PM a hard question, it wasn’t a hard question even a child could answer it.>> <<@Maj-zb9bg says : Albo thinks he can just bludge on the taxpayer's like he did when he was on the back bench for the ALP .>> <<@Tikka300- says : He doesn’t know what she meant>> <<@81carrerasc says : Hildebrand is an apologist for his mate "Albo". His name is Albanese ......... get this soft ball twit off Sky ffs>> <<@ogcheekycheeky6852 says : Yeah when is the election the sooner the better>> <<@Tikka300- says : Can’t wait to vote him out>> <<@alexfagyas9342 says : Albanese was cranky because he did get what he wanted from her girlfriend..... Albanese don't want to answer hard questions... Albanese should resign and let someone else be the p.m. who can be able to stay calm and answer any soft and hard questions, honestly... SHAME ON ALBANESE AND HIS GOVERNMENT !!!! 👎👎>>