<<@Brendan-ow6bi says : These hacks know who trump is?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@darylephillips6778 says : Trump has no idea about struggling he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth>> <<@lukeh321 says : I honestly can't understand, after what this administration has done to The USA, why any American would consider voting for more of it .>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Trump has seen more action inn3 months than TamponTimbo saw during his entire National Guard tour>> <<@ernestoosuna9041 says : Butter? More like don’t have enough to pay for tags and to fix the check engine so choose car risks getting pulled over check engine is back on….so yeah.. BUTTER FOR COOKIES?!>> <<@garfield3443 says : Harris is cooked! The Teamsters Union refused to endorse Harris for President. This is the first time in 30 years the union has not endorsed a Democrat leader.>> <<@aaroncummings2613 says : Because Harris is unwilling to fix the problems we have now, she will not fix it later>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : This has to be the lowest point in American political history. With both POTUS candidates well below the standard Americans deserve, it's worth remembering that the world is watching, some in horror and some in amusement...>> <<@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro says : They don't know the struggles of Australians. Not average Australians. They might know the struggles of Americans who are not average, but I think they should also know the struggles of average Australians. When is the last time the commander in chief and leader of the free world visited Pine Gap or anywhere in Australia to learn about the struggles? Yeah nah they don't really care about us average Aussies struggling to get by living in tents near Pine Gap or anywhere in Australia for that matter.>> <<@Diponty says : Sure as if!>> <<@FDT24 says : Yes I’m sure Trump knows all about the struggles of the average person. Being left with $400 million from his pappy>> <<@PhilippaWesterman says : Thank goodness Walz and Harris are not representative of ordinary Americans!>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : Simple default on your bills like Trump does. SIMPLE. 😂>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : And Donald Trump does.😅>> <<@Plumbump says : But she was very proud of her lawn!>> <<@jcdrnosecone says : Ask trump that question 😅😅😅😅🖕>> <<@tribalmuseum6490 says : And they dont care>> <<@RDAmidwest says : I'm old. I've known a lot of people. I don't know of a single family that sat around the kitchen table and struggled to make a workable budget. Families don't do that, the parents do. Oftentimes a single parent these days...>> <<@BenPatterson-fkU says : You're really pushing it deleter person, its amost obsessive.>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Elon Musk under FBI investigation after posting No one is trying to Assassinate VP Kamala Harris or Tim Waltz.... 😆😆😆...... another academic with no common sense......🤦>> <<@nikakiskainourgios2227 says : The nazionists clowns Trump and Harris beg the normal people around the world to fight and die, instead of their LGBTQ supporters.>> <<@davidjones5547 says : How does Trump know the struggles of average Americans? When was the last time he set foot in a grocery store? The man is a fascist pig with the morals of a sewer rat. Trig Palin, Sarah's Downs Syndrome son has more intelligence than Trump and his band of uneducated followers.>> <<@UniversalPatriots says : Both of them are fake 😮>> <<@Gavin-qh7li says : Stolen Valour Walz>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : But somehow two billionaire's do? Sky is getting desperate.>> <<@mandymd5979 says : Trump/Vance all the way>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Albo will be the first on Trumps apprentice….. Your fired 😂😂😂>> <<@Soyabuti says : The orange man is in trouble .>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : Only one place for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz > THE CIRCUS < NOT IN OFFICE. They both can laugh and wave their hands as much as they want in the Circus, lol.>> <<@PommyTommy says : Kamala Walz and Tim Harris will be soon gone and forgotten.>> <<@philippusgouws7852 says : Americans work for Blackrock Blackstone Vanguard Goldman Sachs>> <<@calebhollen5316 says : Typical communists>> <<@zeppy2732 says : And Trump does , piss off.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Donald Tramp does though... **He inherited millions from his Rich Father who helped him avoid joining those losers who went to war. Like John McCain who served his country like his Father did.**>> <<@johnfox1580 says : And Donald Trump, the guy born with the silver spoon in his mouth does? Its pretty clear who of the 2 parties has a clearer idea of what the average citizen goes through.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Trump Landslide Victory 2024!>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : We have the same issue here when Albo talks about every B/S. Especially, when he lived in the housing, lol. Hello. Kamal is no different. You have to be so blind to vote for these CLOWNS. > Get Real Voters <>> <<@seandelap8587 says : They don't know anything>> <<@Kelly-wf5ie says : Stop paying , period>> <<@beautifulseattle says : Kamala said her mom was a "hardworking" Marxist Professor. I'm sorry but Kamala has no idea what hardworking is. Marxist Professors probably do less work than 95 % of people in this country. Kamala also said someone else helped raise her so obvious her mom wasn't working very hard.>> <<@user-ns4rm5ox6y says : Trump 2024' ,- No Change ✓>> <<@Lucifer-c4g says : Everything that left wing parties espouse is NARRATIVE. They don't care about their voters or anyone else. They pretend to want to help so that people will vote for them. It's as simple as that.>> <<@solvingpolitics3172 says : A-Wall-ts is a war hero. He lead his platoon at the battle of Macho Grande.>>