<<@lsteber9774 says : How about we not let millions of people from 160+ countries enter the US with no vetting or medical checks? Ya think that could help? 🙄>> <<@JMJc3337 says : There we go again in another election year when Trump is running and ahead 😂😂😂. May God continue to bless and protect Trump 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@kyliemercer7181 says : Walker Deborah Perez Donald Thomas Kenneth>> <<@Chashunka says : The only person with enough scientific expertise to save us from this danger is Donald J. Trump. He has already gotten us through the COVID pandemic - and if I hadn't injected myself with disinfectant back then, I might be a stable genius like him today.>> <<@cardenfoy says : radiation and ultraviolet light have been used to disinfect surfaces. they used to use x-rays on acne patients. im wondering if radiation can be studied to be used to remove infections.>> <<@TheNewsInASL says : Everybody needs to wear ten N-95 face diapers 24/7! Wear them in the shower. Wear them at the dinner table. Wear them to bed, even if you sleep by yourself. We're obviously getting close to an election, and liberals know that not enough people are freaking out over COVID anymore for that propaganda to be effective.>> <<@robk5865 says : How about never, ever letting big pharma or the cdc bury human trial data ever again? You might get more compliance that way. While we're at it, the next time a country that has a massive outbreak in 3 major cities before any other countries on the planet know about it face CRITICISM for being jackasses.>> <<@badlyniceness2315 says : Here’s a hack…you must cure yor liver of Hep C..before MRSA will ever leave your body.. I had it for eight years..boils as big as golf balls…two weeks after taking the C cure,my MRSA was gone..poof..than God…>> <<@Bartsnightmare says : Kamala sucks at the border, she sucks at the economy, and she sucks at war!>> <<@captianawesome9240 says : 😂😂fuck this "doctor" . He lied about Ivermectin and people died as result. He can not be trusted.>> <<@somalipeople942 says : Somaliland independence country world must to respect us>> <<@Alloytribe86 says : You lied to job rogan on national tv. You can never be trusted>>