<<@firstladyshah8971 says : I am sorry, but I did not get it, what is talking about. Huh....>> <<@clarkblount7788 says : Okra is a joke.>> <<@stephlitt8814 says : Kamala needs to fire her campaign manager>> <<@terryhatfield1758 says : Sickening. Trump is the first person I think of whenever anyone mentions that word. That and weird. 😄>> <<@roxiecariere5713 says : What about how Oprah treated the people in lanai Hawaii when she’s asking people that are struggling for their money when she’s a billionaire and lives there and then tries to steal their property at a very low cost this woman is not a woman>> <<@babyshaya says : Oprah destroyed 30000 Hawaiians just to own land>> <<@nemuelgacita578 says : Low brain and dull kamalat>> <<@angztekindustries says : Got no policy. Blame Trump.>> <<@davidsnyder916 says : Klamitta Harris is going to lose>> <<@hughswanzy8871 says : Time to sober up!>> <<@journeymanelectrician says : Standing ovation for the 12 year old pregnant girl. Thats the left>> <<@kl.1993 says : How could anyone handle that nasal voice for four years?? She is not capable of doing the job.>> <<@benjohnson857 says : Well here we have a silly answer coming from Harris how can anyone believe anything she says well at least we have a news channel here that doesn't take and turn off the comments like NBC CNN ABC turn off their comments so no one can comment>> <<@liamcronin5959 says : They all clapped or they have the clap and are on Medication. This is not America its Hollywood and Its f**king sick 😢>> <<@benmanlovinggood1763 says : Funny how Oprah comes out of hiding after puff daddy gets jailed !!!>> <<@goswo says : Holywood works it out. Holy shit, this is such a fake country>> <<@lindafthompson says : Oprah…. Look at who she hangs with. Scary. Kamala. She’s sooooooo fake. Come on people. We can do better! Do your research! Stop the crazy!!>> <<@annettebanks6022 says : Any one who votes for her and believes in her lies are fools.>> <<@Sue-u6z says : The DAMNocRAT Playbook: Hope & change Laughter & joy In this Together Use Hollywood, Musicians, & EVERY 🖤 person supporter Abortion Gun's 🆓 Stuff (paid for by OUR hard earned tax $‼️ WAKE UP ‼️ THEY HATE YOU ❗ I'm so sad... Julia Roberts joined my #NEVERwatchAgainList GOODBYE>> <<@Joeshomegarage says : If you are in favor of banning the most common "Civilian" sporting rifle in the country and red flag laws then you are 100% anti 2nd amendment! You have to read it and understand what it says and then try and tell me you are for both. We already have universal background checks so that's just stupid. Federal firearms background checks are performed by the FBI so that goes back on the government!>> <<@marylong3260 says : I can't listen to her ever again.>> <<@jennydrake491 says : "The time to step up was 3 1/2 years ago." Too right!>> <<@paulwelch1992 says : 3.20 Meryl Streep looking all tearful as a young girl states how she was raped and became pregnant aged 12. Rewind a few years and Streep was leading a standing ovation (Oprah was there too) of a group of women cheering Roman Polanski who won't set foot on US soil because he'll be arrested and charged for raping a 12 year old girl. They're all full of it.>> <<@thedogtutor4998 says : What weapon isnt an assault weapon ?>> <<@roxiecariere5713 says : Oprah has lost all credibility and that started with Harry and Meghan interview. What does a billionaire know about economy or what the middle-class are doing? Kamala and Joe Biden have virtually destroyed the middle class so don’t give me the crap about America strong with the strong class he intentionally destroyed it.>> <<@karenduncan8150 says : Their both Worms,why not step up now ,iou and biden are still in the house but do nothing.crap>> <<@marionzulty3219 says : Oprah amen to that !!!WHAT A JOKE SHE IS !!!!! LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL KAMALA & OPRAH LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL>> <<@FDT24 says : Oh no, how will Kamala and Oprah ever recover after being criticised by Erin Who??>> <<@shaunm1030 says : Erin, the majority of deaths and injuries from gun violence is as a result of illegal handguns used by criminals & gangs. Legal responsible owners of semi-automatic rifles and automatic rifles are not the problem. Increased gun control laws, as you agree to, will not stop "gun violence" in the USA.>> <<@islandgirl637 says : Both Bobby and Trump did the Dr Phil interview, TWICE. Still waiting for her to do hers.>> <<@profhiddencase says : Kamala wins USA dies. Wake up man.>> <<@JenofalltradesMasterofnone says : I think it's time to cancel opera.>> <<@roxiecariere5713 says : Oprah has lost all credibility and that started with Harry and Meghan interview>> <<@garritygal says : Gross, Gringy>> <<@Oldconcreteguy says : Harris is awful .>> <<@theuerlings1342 says : Ophrey has lost contact with reality. And Karmala just rattling nonsense>> <<@thedogtutor4998 says : All the multi millionaires whining>> <<@chrisballingall5972 says : Freedom to be completely nuts 🥜>> <<@eddiecook1078 says : Those people were either paid or stupid.>> <<@HonestAbe-k9s says : See spot run😁😁>> <<@johnwages2706 says : What is going on with these people? Project Harris is alive and well.>> <<@HypocriticYT says : Kamala low cast Indian wannabe>> <<@HeidiWillToWin says : “aSsAuLt wEaPoNs” ban- what a stupid position to take. Anything, literally anything, can be an assault weapon- a brick, a car, a knife, a baseball bat. Fully Automatic rifles are ALREADY BANNED IN AMERICA, and you have to jump through hoops and have background checks and get special permitting to own something like an AK-47 (which an AR-15 is NOT, but most ding dongs who advocate for this infringement on the 2nd amendment DO NOT understand this difference).>> <<@RonaldHill-vp3te says : Keep in mind in Cali a 77yr old man shot intruders and he is facing prison time>> <<@annelizabethkaiser5176 says : Julia, she thinks your children’s age group is stupid.>> <<@patchlite0760 says : Kamala is bullshit!! She's for the middle class, yet property tax went up under the unrealized tax based on jacked - up market values!!>> <<@jasonpocaro2730 says : Kackala is a communist. Want ww3? Vote for her 😮 Trump 2024 🎉>> <<@marionzulty3219 says : Hahaha hahaha LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL HAHAHA LOLLOLLOL kamala LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL LOLLOLLOL>> <<@HypocriticYT says : These politicians don’t realize that they are crapping 💩 in their front yard 😮>>