<<@haroldbilboe9952 says : What planet is the person on>> <<@lisagoddard1817 says : So brilliantly said!!! Thank you!! 🙏🏻❤️>> <<@b4truth786 says : Almighty God in Christ has told us of greater judgements coming. The Gospel is real. This may be the Day of the start of Christ's return! No hope for the world in any other way but Jesus who is the Way, the Truth & the Life. ❤>> <<@creaturafauna says : What a lovely presenter>> <<@Dingo3039 says : jtube only letting the z's comment, nice.>> <<@JohnsonEngti-y4j says : Well report sky New Australia.. God bless Israel>> <<@Johnwis-gp9yy says : World is on a knife’s edge because terrorists are attacked?>> <<@gomez2724 says : I’m not on a knife edge over this…what a drama queen/article. Sky news has really turned a corner to garbage reporting, fear mongering and drama…ugh>> <<@franciscoveigacoutinho138 says : Very well spoken ma'am.... congratulations of your views.>> <<@jeffkok9170 says : Good to see Sky news is reporting the truth unlike the other Channels like the ABC and Ch 9 .>> <<@samboulton7722 says : Well said and Amen!>> <<@Gruffydom says : No we’re not, it’s just BS from news companies to big themselves up. Nothing is happening in Australia. The rest of the world is fine.>> <<@frederickvanniekerk1468 says : Hasan, be very careful.... Mosad will find you anywhere!!!!>> <<@frankdeak2397 says : Great writing. Kudos to the writer. Hope you see this.>> <<@mrsm8821 says : These "woke" scruffy individuals have saw dust for brains. Scarecrows😢😢>> <<@KrystianFractal says : I want Erdogan to cry. Out of all of them.>> <<@Jhchah2492 says : Besides whats happened all the agency's around the world will be thinking how can we make this not happen to us and if we need to how can we pull something off like this ourselves. Opened a pandora's box>> <<@hubertagamasu6283 says : The world has ben a knife's edge since October 8th.>> <<@Copperhead2017 says : entire world on a knife edge? over what? some pagers exploding and sending some terrorists back into stone age? i think you are confused.>> <<@GregLakatosChradm says : Stop with the drama. JC the world is not on the edge. Most people don't even care.>> <<@VivaCristoRey333 says : Amazing opinion of SN Australia... tq mate 🎉❤😊>> <<@murat229 says : Ummm the golan heights are occupied Lebanese territory. Look that up dummy. So who is fighting who for what and how. Look that up>> <<@murat229 says : That’s exactly what it was ? Wow she says this with such conviction. Biased media. Poo to you>> <<@mandystone8970 says : Israel is damned if dose and damned if they dont. They could wave a flag of surrender and those at UN would still say they were wrong. Long live Israel ❤>> <<@yaelrichelhoggeg904 says : ❤❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️>> <<@ulrikezachmann7596 says : Clementine is wrong. It wasn’t phones that blew up, it was Motorola pagers which only Hezbollah were using as part of their military communications because they cannot be tracked like mobile phones. It was also walkie talkies which they also use for military communications. Mobile phones can be spied on and tracked so no mobile phone was harmed in this operation and no civilians were targeted but unfortunately some were injured and killed when their family were Hezbollah operatives or they stood next a Hezbollah operative but the numbers were quite small. This is how miss information spreads like Chinese whispers when people don’t get their facts correct. That devices like tablets and other electronics started blowing up was also incorrect. Keep your pants on people you are are not about to be blown up by Israel.>> <<@emaavramov-atlas9564 says : Thank you.>> <<@kurianmathew9440 says : The Israelis would love to live in peace with their neighbours. Jesus said love one another as I have loved you!!>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Google deleting comments, Cannot voice an opposite view.>> <<@saamstaan6540 says : The world??😂😂😂😂nothing on knives edge here in my country,you do you please.>> <<@williamshipp4280 says : How does one promise to retaliate for getting your terrorist army neutered after months of missile attacks on the nation you blame?>> <<@MegaSrsh says : Islam is an Evil Death Cult 😈.>> <<@shreekantsrivastava4269 says : Why should the world bother?>> <<@InTheDarknessWhereIDwell says : Hezbollah Bad! Israel Bad..umm..Israel Good?>> <<@theodoreconstantini2548 says : I doubt there is a military solution to this awful conflict for anybody, so the sooner EVERYBODY in this conflict, realizes this and decides on a different approach the better. Everybody will need to compromise but that is better than the mutual bloodshed that has been going on for so long. I pray for a genuine peace and a two state solution for this conflict.>> <<@Zahavagold1167 says : Testical Tuesday and Weiner Wednesday>> <<@Davy-bd1nl says : 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧>> <<@Zahavagold1167 says : From the river to the sea, They cant pee!>> <<@66steverose says : Remember....there were no terrorist until the Israelis turned up in 1947>> <<@Zahavagold1167 says : Hez-ball-less. Eucnicamas should be their new name.>> <<@gkp4520 says : Valid points and very correctly said. Love you for the wordings and phrases. Absolutely correct with no mistakes. ❤👍 Love Humanity>> <<@colinwoods5663 says : Click bait really media hype get real>> <<@jasoar1563 says : listen to me, stupid arabs have no place in australia!>> <<@YB-ok1ny says : What does this headline mean? Those devices were made in Taiwan. Say no more. Not uncommon for them to catch on fire. Imagine if cf went to Gaza or Iran not wearing a hijab and exposing tattoos. "It was narrated that Abu Juhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 'The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one who has a tattoo done.' ">> <<@demian2658 says : You can't fight alcoholism without talking about alcohol, just as you can't fight Islamism without talking about Islam.>> <<@NightSky-pj3ob says : Thank you for using your voice❤🇮🇱❤>> <<@letsdoit9963 says : Plenty of children were injured in this as well.>> <<@thepaladin8015 says : You mess with the bull, you get the horns.>> <<@TheColonelKlink says : Israel is a free democracy. Hamass and Hezbolah represent the tyranny of a Dark Ages death cult. Virtue sides with Israel where as the realm of the terrorists is the true province of evil.>> <<@YonieZukowsky51 says : The free world has been weakly led for the last 4 years and the bad guys and terrorists have taken advantage.>>