<<@DickyNuts says : islam is a death cult>> <<@williamshipp4280 says : Thereโ€™s no proof Israel prosecuted this operation, only speculation>> <<@winnieid2727 says : Remind me of stuxnet>> <<@jimmylight4866 says : This is what happens when your Attackers have you by an average of 40 IQ. points.>> <<@LesterBarrett-y9g says : Israel does not owe any promises or reassurances to Lebanon, to terrorists, or to anyone else who actively works to harm them.>> <<@LesterBarrett-y9g says : I enjoy some of your videos regularly. There is one problem when I subscribe. I get inundated with your videos so that it is difficult to even find the other videos that I am subscribed to. There are some other video providers that use the inundation method of presentation. The method is intrusive, and does not work with me. I just cannot spend all day wading through a mixed bag of videos to get to the ones that I choose to view, rather than the ones that come at me on my own computer like a great tide that obscures everything else. Just sayin'!>> <<@MrMarinaKS says : It looks like Nasralla is a treater . He made every terrorists switch to pagers and walki-talki .>> <<@asaine says : How can a "Terrorist Organization" talk about "Red Lines" being crossed? Do they (you?) remember the 1,300 brutal deaths of October 7th, 2023?>> <<@evgenyb8797 says : it feels like wherever islam goes, violence follows.>> <<@stand.with.Iranians says : Learn one lesson in life: Do not mess with Isreal.>> <<@peanutbutterry6364 says : the host is stuupiit>> <<@grayday14 says : "sow fear in their hearts " Mohamed>> <<@S.V.TeFiti says : now they be like, you turn on the TV... No you turn it on .... no way im not doing it.....>> <<@FloridaHockeyFan says : Well to be fair, besides fking sheep and abusing women. What else is there to know about them?>> <<@hombrepobre9646 says : They don't just know much about Hezbollah, instead the commander of Hezbollah and the president of Iran is MOSSAD. surprisingly, they don't want to believe this even though the evidence is not only concrete but iron and still.>> <<@WhiteDove73-888 says : Terrorists being blown up by a Walker talkie and then again on the next day. How dumb are these terrorists?>> <<@stephenbrown4160 says : Oh look a free pager from the trojan group of companies. ๐ŸŽ‰>> <<@TomFynn says : And now Hez-balls-off has very intimate knowledge of what the Mossad can do.>> <<@KingdomofHeaven-vd9hr says : Fingers (if any are left) will be pointed at whoever procured this messaging equipment, which only receives communications from Non Believers ?>> <<@herona70 says : Stop attacking Israel. Simple.>> <<@stuart8663 says : Never ask a woman her age, a Man his salary... and the Iranian Ambassador why he had a Hezbollah pager...>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : The problem is not so much Islam but the crazy clerics whipping up the half wits into doing their bidding. Send all the clerics to the front line.>> <<@vanoneal1116 says : Did any explode at the WHO and UN asking for a friend>> <<@andrewallen9993 says : Using things with lithium zion batteries in them is very very dangerous!>> <<@jamesdolph437 says : L T D>> <<@infiniti28160 says : King David Hotel 1946.. Its history creates the question of who is fighting terrorism?>> <<@ronaldjohnson1474 says : Restating the obvious begs the question of why the world continues to turn a blind eye to Islamic radical terrorism.>> <<@truth-Hurts375 says : When Israel say...NEVER !! They mean it !!! ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ’ช>> <<@GenerationalQuotes says : Palestinians (those that were kicked after their failed coup at Jordan fled to lebanon), the Hezbollah backed by Syria and Iran (and some say Turkey) was the main reason why the Christian country failed in the civil war. Before the Lebanese civil war, Lebanon was the only major christian region that has a form of autonomy from european powers (France) before its official independence in 1946. As the middle east is home to many religious fanatics, constant wars were waged in various areas which led to a massive INFLUX of muslims in the country. In order to understand the events, lets go back to the 1970s, the Jordan Civil War also known as "Black September" the grim year where PALESTINIAN MIGRANTS wanted to overthrow the ruler of Jordan to establish an islamic caliphate to fight israel, but the thing is that they've failed and so those the Palestinians who survived the war seek refuge in Lebanon (Imagine suddenly increasing your population to 10-20% and they're all jihadists) the sudden surge of population coupled with internal turmoil from religious incites with the help of F*cking Syria (the greatest betrayal) and Iran. Then 1975 came, the fall of the christian lebanon was about to happen. In the end, the christians lost. As persecutions happened here and there, many christian lebanese fled the country. To this day only 1/3 of of lebanon remained christian. REMEMBER THAT ASSYRIANS (CHRISTIANS) FACED GENOCIDE IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T MUSLIMS. PEOPLE MIGHT TELL YOU THAT YOU IT'S BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T SUPPORT THE TURKS DURING WW1, BUT THAT'S NOT THE CASE BECAUSE ARABS WEREN'T RAIDED, K*LLED AND R*PED. Please don't forget the double standards of the west, when Azerbaijan blocked supplies from Armenia, literally no people even cared even WOKE people.>> <<@Ding55 says : Ask Iran, who funds and supplies Hezbollah through it's supply network in Syria, only Iran can make that and pay for that purchase of communication devices, why else is Iran very quiet and Hezbollah didn't immediately react in 24 hrs,>> <<@Tshep-wc5dy says : You know that these are terrorists right,stop firing rockets and these things may not happen !>> <<@mrsandeepjose says : I think Nasarullah is a mossad spy. He is the one who asked everyone to use these pagers>> <<@josephgee143 says : Beware of products and services provided by Israel.>> <<@Tan-qr7gt says : When Muslims outnumber others, that's what you get, chaos>> <<@camillejchecri says : Do not dismiss the possibility of an IRANIAN origin.>> <<@aviadkozokin1359 says : They also should thank god they keeping their beards on and not using shaving machines ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@leif12345 says : The presenter is hot.>> <<@joedudz says : Israel might feel smug about doing their pager trick but it has done nothing to increase their international popularity and do they honestly think it is going to help their population live without fear? There is nothing to choose between any actors in that part of the world.>> <<@johnclarke7626 says : That photo of men, and only men because women barely exist, wailing over a murderer of children... Evil. They're really mourning a delay in the World Caliphate.>> <<@JuliaWeber-o7q says : I still think its a terrorist attack>> <<@saje9703 says : The presenter is asking for 'public assurance' and 'added responsibility' from Israel. What a frigging joke!!! Have Hamas or Hezbollah given 'public assurance' or 'added responsibility'??? It shows how morally decadent and servile White people have become!>> <<@allborn6782 says : In the US the NSA would handle this kind of OP.... The digital weapon out there is a lot more powerful than this lol this was just a warning thats all>> <<@IvoryLeviathan says : Oh no! So sad. Anywayโ€ฆ>> <<@AtomsSDX says : 5202 lirpA ecifircas refieh deR.>> <<@Vergil20000 says : Sabotage has been going around for thousands of years now. It just gets modernized. In the modern tech world, the US launched the world's first Cyber Attack called Stuxnet on Iranian Nuclear facility specifically targeting their centrifuges and now Israel launched to the world that any electronic devices with batteries can be used as an explosive device via just sending codes through radio signals. The two of the world's best countries in Cyber warfare working together.>> <<@SandcastleDreams says : This woman is atrocious! NO! They do not have to worry about playgrounds being targeted by Israel!>> <<@giltuito1545 says : Just today a stabbing in Holland, the perpetrator was shouting Allah Akbar... good luck, Western Europe...>> <<@johnminer1407 says : Wonder if they'll get a refund for defective pagers...lol>> <<@garryhegarty8889 says : Vote out Labor.>> <<@questionmore4675 says : no condemnation on Israel for indiscriminate attack on Lebanon>>