<<@Someone-p2x says : 24% democracy pmsl , i guess thats the brain washed or brainless>> <<@PK_M340i_Fire says : These polls are rigged to discourage voters into thinking the losing side is a lost cause so why vote. The polls are taken from a few hundred people in some selected cherry picked area. Has anyone here been selected to take a poll? Nope. Meaningless yet they use it like it's the word from God himself>> <<@captainjack3746 says : Scumbag Harris will more likely get in because American people are stupid>> <<@lotsaluck721 says : Bs poll….just witness what you see….Trump is way Ahed>> <<@lotsaluck721 says : Harris is a fraud>> <<@billboon says : Water leak will happen .. stop the count>> <<@bayly1977 says : I’m still waiting on SKY to spin the Mark Robinson disaster!!!! 😂>> <<@Genesis-007 says : How many votes will be rigged in this election?>> <<@davidsmith-tb2yy says : She will end up like Hilary>> <<@beautifulseattle says : Vote Vote Vote Trump! 🇺🇸 Kamala's polls are fake, stop lying 🤥>> <<@Berserker978 says : Early Voting. Is this for the deceased people ?🤔>> <<@Spitfire515O says : She has no real lead. This election season so far I saw only one Harris-Walz sign on a corner, and within a couple days someone had taken it down.>> <<@FindAReason-mi7go says : Taylor Swift. Entertainment is propaganda. They just sell ideology to the plebs and garnish it with the charm of music, humor, or drama. If not for purposeful backing Swift would be just another busker.>> <<@ishtarlew598 says : So, this is the great prosecutor of criminals, drug traffickers, and sex traffickers. Now the country is full of criminals, drugs, and missing child sex workers. And she wants a promotion. Give me a break.>> <<@FindAReason-mi7go says : They sway people towards the Democrats with emotional manipulation by cinema, biased journalism, biased educators etc. Over 45% of adults in the US have an 11 year old level of literacy or lower - and many of those people vote. It is not about the best candidate...>> <<@mariabuena1091 says : Who is this Moron, dream on Comrade Cackling at is losing🤪🤪🤪🤪>> <<@goldfishi5776 says : Polls are psyops. Many just want to vote for the winner it’s basic human nature.>> <<@CatsandJP says : People should be more concerned if Trump loses…..he will not go quietly…even though he says he will…but won’t…what will be his next move…more incitement and violence…more dividing America and it’s people…more rioting and violence…that’s the scary part…and that is the question people should be asking as well.>> <<@LouMinarty420 says : What do the *stupid* left think will happen or change if Harris gets in?>> <<@johnfox1580 says : Its scary how the states trump is supported most lines up seamlessly with the states that have the lowest IQ. Have a think about it, or better yet, look into it!>> <<@Whoisthis1111 says : These polls used, especially a lot of the ones seen on the 538 aggregator, tend to oversample democrats. It’s why they’ve been wrong for both presidential election years. When fixed for bias and then extrapolated by balancing the samples, they often show a very close race, some with Harris ahead and some with Trump.>> <<@JamesBond-vn1gh says : Democrats managed to get all three dictators countries, Iran, Russia Putin, and ccp Xi, they all know how weak and incompetence Kamala and Walz 's policies.>> <<@nikita360bmx says : im into body building , i am not big , i am so toned i raced bmx but body build now, i ride bmx still i love my little bikes,but yeah im listening to Tame impala writing this comment , i got flung off the rat wheel☹my mum was a russian model and is perfect im not but hey i fell off the wagon and drank , i miss my dad he was cool i speak russian to people at my gym but i will get back on track, i get negative but hey i work things out and try i have a cool mum ,i was farked mum to the rescue i broke so many bones and hit my head so hard it was nuts the doctors said my impact was full on , im lucky>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Has TRAMP conceded the 2020 election 😂Will he concede if he loses in 2024 😂 **Former Australian PM John Howard has described Donald Trump as 'not compatible with democracy' in a scathing message about the US election.** Just like Sky/Fox not compatible with democracy.>> <<@larrybrown798 says : Democrat moto: Vote early vote often.>> <<@Cynthia-v6b says : Trump 2024😂❤>> <<@michaelbennett6646 says : Don’t believe a thing you say>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : Harris voters are clearly the low IQ and Diddy types>> <<@orosalsero says : It's evident Harris will not win, she has no concrete answers for the American people on how she will fix it's problems, other them give them a jumble of vocabulary words that don't make a coherent sentence. Americans must realize Harris is delusional, irrational or Mentally unstable to be elected to lead America.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : D0MINI0N>> <<@foraminuteforaminute4056 says : Seeing that giant rocket in Harris's favorability polling right when she was coronated the Democrats' nominee -- all I can think of is the sheep who said "Four legs good, two legs bad," and suddenly switched to "Four legs good, two legs better," when the pigs started walking upright.>> <<@DickyKnee says : Melania is paid an absolute FORTUNE for pretending to be trumps wife. Should this fraud be made public prior to the upcoming election ?>> <<@Lachlan124-b1n says : BOYCOTT TAYLOR SWIFT!!! MAGA 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@sylviebreton6222 says : In the end, mind-boggling that millions of people will vote for Harris.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Trump Landslide Victory 2024!>> <<@nikita360bmx says : im aussie the best country is oz, i will go back to Novoselki 1 day but oz is the best.>> <<@chesterhaduca7029 says : VOTE VOTE VOTE EARLY TRUMPERS!>> <<@EdwardTeach01 says : Trump 2024! Too big to rig!>>