<<@capthowdy126 says : the secret service allowed it, it was not on the police officers they are on body cam footage mad as the shooting was happening saying they told the secret service the area was a risk or they should have ppl in the position the shoot took. the second was a failure also even tho they are calling the second a success for secret service, trump should have never step foot on the gold course with the man in the woods. they only caught the guy cause he had the barrel of his rifle sticking out of the weed line and a ak barrel id imagine stands out so if anyone trys who is at all a competent shooter or survivalist the secret service will have a total failure an will lose the body they are suppose to be protecting. the democrat party want this, thats why they haven't let up on calling him dangerous, hillary came out after the fact an said the media shouldn't have to stop making attacks on him that could get him hurt but the first time someone does something to a democrat they blame it on trump an he should stop with the rhetoric, and this is the second attempt on his life an none of them are letting up.>> <<@bayly1977 says : I’m still waiting on SKY to spin the Mark Robinson disaster!!!! 😂>> <<@josephgee143 says : The two shooters are zionist terrorists. REFRAIN FROM BUYING ANY ISRAELI/AMERICAN ASSOCIATED ELECTRONICS.>> <<@neatstuff1988 says : No mistake. Dems are desperate. 😢>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : After 2 ,do you think they will milk a Third? Sheep 🐑 might be dumbed enough 😂>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Secret services, 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 they'll drive the Orange Clown to flee the country & seek asylum in Afghanistan>> <<@debbiesnyder3568 says : HE IS FULL OF SHIT>> <<@DickyKnee says : Melania is paid an absolute FORTUNE for pretending to be trumps wife. Should this fraud be made public prior to the upcoming election ?>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Roflmao........🤣 Trump v Trump.. Murdoch v Murdoch Republicans v Maga cult FBI v Elon Musk 😆😆😆....only in America>> <<@Longshore10 says : Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months.started with 14k in last month 2024>> <<@YUDNSAY says : Is the author of the report someone named Harris? just askin'....>> <<@scottbarkelew1104 says : Obviously🎉>> <<@johnathanasiou9284 says : Would the same level of SS continual negligence/incompetence have also happened if say the candidate was US Democrat (except RFK), or the asset to be protected was named Obama or Clinton?. Doubtful, and the only conclusion one can logically draw from now 2 incidents is it's all deliberate, just like JFK was in the 1960s. If JFK wasn't deliberate, why are they censoring the JFK investigations & wont release the findings?. It's sad to see what the USA has become into an even worse version of the old, failed USSR system with many believing it's good for the USA. Mind you some people out there laughably claim that Trump supporters are crazy!>> <<@craiggoodman667 says : Man. Woman. Camera. Felon. Rapist. Oompa Loompa.>> <<@craiggoodman667 says : No answers, no policies, no plan. Just incoherent gibberish, lies upon lies. This psychopath was severely exposed brilliantly. He showed himself to be an inhumane monster. Whoever decided that it was a good idea for this psychopath to appear on that stage just did the US people a great favour. He even mentioned Ashley Babbitt, he sent her to her death. She was stupid enough to believe him. He killed her.>> <<@Aus_trades says : Nothing like investigating yourself to come up with big pretentious words to describe the “failure”>> <<@aussievike3819 says : Work for the Dems an absolute Setup>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : Let them keep trying. They'll probably improve over time.>> <<@tracyredding3287 says : Congressman Harley I agree with you 110% I don't believe anything that any of them are trying to spell they've been lying for the last 60 years and they're going to continue to lie and so we put a stop to it they are trying to destroy the country I've never seen anything like this in my entire life where a country has a border that is wide open for anybody and everybody to come in and you have no idea who they are and they lost their fucking minds this is a truancy to the people of the United States of America they're putting our safety at risk every single day that that border is wide open and then they want to make excuses and lies after lie after lie about not trying to assassinate president Trump they're full of shit we're not buying the lies anymore>> <<@hello15848 says : We had been told post 911 that these types of communication problems were resolved.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : 5TAGE0 EVENT. smith mundt act>> <<@outsider8059 says : Nothing secret about Secret Service negligence.>> <<@tracyredding3287 says : He should have had his presidential security still intact he was already a sitting president and he's going to be again and for Biden Administration to keep little by little taken away his detail that's telling me that they were trying to get closer to president Trump and now that they got caught in their damn lies their back peddling which is ridiculous they haven't been investigating the case because they are already knew that they had their hands in it>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : ****Former Australian PM John Howard has described Donald Trump as 'not compatible with democracy' in a scathing message about the US election.*** So is Howard fuelling assassination attempts by speaking the TRUTH about Trump?>> <<@sidecarmisanthrope5927 says : There was a lack of communication. They were worried that their pagers and walkie talkies would explode.>> <<@tracyredding3287 says : This man is such a damn liar he's as bad as the first director Cheetos whatever the hell her name is I'm sick of The Lies We the People know that they are trying to take president Trump out because they cannot defeat him and they know that we are coming to take our country back cuz we are a republic not a democracy so sick of this guy is a liar he's a liar and he should be fired all of them start fresh I'm sure there's some good guys but there's a mole somewhere and I don't trust none of them>> <<@sylviebreton6222 says : Deliberate "failures"?>> <<@guythomas5920 says : SS YOURE FIRED!>>