<<@lukei6255 says : Keep them on leash and shut their mouth 😂>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Typical of all socialist governments when they know their days are numbered. They give their PS mates a pay rise.>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : How much will this add to Victoria 350 BILLION DOLLAR debt? Typical Labor, throw money at everything. There has never been a Labor government anywhere in the world that can manage money….never. Go research it!>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : Bonus for hungry and homeless. Aren't you lucky... St.Thomas>> <<@mychannel4882 says : A bonus for what!!! Ruining the country>> <<@gunga360 says : What a Joke State by State they need to be held accountable again for more Taxpayer money We had a great result in the NT, October let’s hope that Smiling assassin is out and then we can get rid of the worst of all Canberra>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Bankrupt state pays its union mates while people can not get an ambulance>> <<@immune2PR says : Victoria the place the rewards failures>> <<@robertfleming2654 says : That’s just so wrong this country and the Labor party are a joke.>> <<@phishENchimps says : Interesting how Australia still uses the term, public. Servant. Servant comes from. Servus, latin for SLAVE... Then again, just call them Public Slaves and its all good.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : All Australiain public servants should be investigated and have pay cuts. If the people were in Charge. Just saying>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : You get what you voted for 😂>> <<@YUDNSAY says : A contentious 'bonus' at a time of fabricated difficulty....>> <<@bestestusername says : Minus super and tax, wont get much after that>> <<@michealstringer6090 says : Facebook sucks they restricted my posts for just saying that the media lying sellout are as fake as a panda dog in China..>> <<@michealstringer6090 says : They should have money taken away from them. The government do a s*** job get bonuses and pay rises.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : 'Escape from Danistan', a major movie event of 2024/25.>> <<@denniswilliams1513 says : WHAT THE HELL>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : Borrowing money to buy votes. Another example why RBA rates will stay higher for longer.>> <<@kevinrusso6849 says : The Labour party has no idea on how to run a state or country>> <<@arpifekete8748 says : Are you serious?! This is a disgrace! What about ordinary people? Pensioners? Im 24 hour carer and receive $140 a fortnight?! How about us?! We are saving millions of dollars for caring for loved ones?! Who gives a dam about us?! If i want to have someone to look after my garden i have to pay them from my money, to have someone to clean gutters , same thing?! How many of us are forgotten?! Who gives a dam?!>> <<@ohasis8331 says : I guess they figure they deserve it.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : bribes for votes.>> <<@l4rrikin says : When I say LAND TAX, you say YEAH!>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : Debt will be O when the great reset happens.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : The Debt just keeps on growing. Victoria is the Laughing stock of Australia 🤣🤣>> <<@aussievike3819 says : What a Joke There In Debt and Australian’s are Bailing Them Out! Labor😡>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : VOTE BUYING. LABOR - REWARD LAZINESS. PUNISH HARD WORK. A BLOATED & OVERPAID PUBLIC SERVICE WILL ALWAYS VOTE FOR THE ALP, OR THEIR GRAVY TRAIN MIGHT STOP.>>