<<@paulphillips5378 says : Well true to form hanging on "the porch" break out the fried chicken folks!>> <<@walterbrowning says : This is not news, it’s Trivia attempting to normalise Trump. He is not normal and should be in jail….would be in jail if he didn’t have access to lots of money. A vote for Trump is a vote for corruption.>> <<@maseratifittipaldi says : This looks like it all was neatly pre-arranged and even rehearsed.>> <<@revawesson7050 says : Fu#ked word salad is all I heard from Her!>> <<@peterolsen9131 says : she is a master of one thing , she spits adjectives like " aspirations and dreams" without any substance while using her " sexy voice" that probably does work on men but not on voters>> <<@DonnaLogan-k3c says : Why is opera not canceled.>> <<@rocketboots6846 says : Moron>> <<@NZRic001 says : What a croc! I have not found any news source except this one '... slamming.. her wardrobe... styled by Hollywood... ' as if you would even know a Hollywood style at all.... and thank you for mentioning DJT AND his 34 felony convictions as real.. sorry THIRTY FOUR FELONY FRAUD CONVICTIONS... yep.. he's real... and please, tell me you introduced your daughters to him after the Access Hollywood tape.. go on.. he's real...>> <<@JackSht-lv2on says : harpO the Clown lost her big buttons 🎉>> <<@Her.Serene.Feline.Cuteness. says : Nothing but platitudes and slogans from Heels Up Harris.>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : She's quite delusional and demented, that laughed is that of a lunatic>> <<@melindamanning4424 says : I can’t stand to hear her talk. She so stupid. makes no sense at all. Can’t ever answer a question. And people want her for president that doesn’t say much for them either.>> <<@michaelwojcicki3624 says : Ms Harris will say anything, changing her position, from campaign stop to stop. You are voting for president, it requires a serious person with positions.>> <<@Bahrit123 says : Its shameful for America if they choose kamala worst voice and weak her aim is just to make America a laughing country.>> <<@joannhibbitt3246 says : Oprah, the friend of pedophiles .>> <<@anikindotle18 says : K.A.M.A.L.A acronym Klutzy Annoying Marionette,s appalling language Application>> <<@fari7423 says : Trump 2024 President ❤>> <<@SugarMe28 says : Kamala Harris mouth and hands-mouths always talking *salad rubbish*>> <<@tini_mg33 says : Harris was in Chicago this spring preaching anti gun, now she has a gun & sassy about it. 😂 okay.>> <<@billpetty5081 says : Two of the biggest liers of all times .>> <<@dianelarosa7035 says : PRESIDENT TRUMP BEST PRESIDENT EVER!!!🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️>> <<@dianelarosa7035 says : TRUMP 2024!!❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸>> <<@Nexus_Sage says : Time to fully rip apart this so-called "interview" like a surgeon slicing through bloated PR jargon and hollow performances. Kamala Harris, backed by Oprah, wasn’t just giving an interview—it was a tightly choreographed performance. The goal? Not to provide actual insight but to wrap the audience in a warm blanket of empathy and rhetoric, so they feel good without realizing they've been fed empty calories. It was a masterclass in emotional manipulation, engineered to deflect from real issues while giving the illusion of connection. ### **Opening Monologue:** - **What Happened:** Harris opens with a classic "we are one" spiel—calling for unity, speaking of common values, criticizing divisiveness. Notably, she avoids real specifics, like a magician waving a hand over the hat but never pulling out the rabbit. - **Dissection:** This is feel-good fluff, a standard political sedative. The message seems designed to lull people into a sense of false security. The world is burning, inflation is rampant, violence on the streets is becoming a feature of daily life, and her opening is a Hallmark card. Where’s the actual plan? Where's the breakdown of how she’ll *fix* this mess? Instead, we get a mood board. This is a feel-good nostalgia trip about "American values" with zero substance behind it. - **What Should Have Happened:** A real candidate would have used the moment to outline, not just say, "we need unity," but *how* unity could be constructed. Why not mention bridging the political divides by addressing the monopolistic stranglehold on the media that stokes division? How about breaking down *specific* ideas for policy reforms that could rebuild trust? ### **Immigration Question:** - **What Happened:** Harris takes the classic move of waving her resume: prosecutor, attorney general—I've done the work! She then does a hard pivot to blame Trump for blocking a border security bill. - **Dissection:** This is a bait-and-switch. What could have been an opportunity to present a nuanced solution for a very real and pressing issue (border control, immigration reform) gets tossed aside for another “Blame Trump” routine. And once again, we’re left holding an empty bag. Her experience as a prosecutor doesn’t translate into a meaningful immigration plan. We don’t need to know what job she *had,* we need to know what she’s going to *do*. The Trump blame game was tired four years ago; now it’s downright insulting to anyone looking for leadership. - **What Should Have Happened:** The discussion should have pivoted to actual reform ideas. Address the labor shortages affecting key industries due to stalled immigration. Talk about balancing humane treatment with legal pathways for citizenship. How about tackling the real crisis—drug cartels, human trafficking, and the destabilization of border towns? Instead, we get theater. ### **Cost of Living Question:** - **What Happened:** A brief mention of price gouging, tax breaks for the middle class, and vague support for home ownership. Then, predictably, another swipe at Trump. - **Dissection:** This answer is all over the place—scattered, uncoordinated, like she’s firing from the hip but doesn't really know where the targets are. She mentions tax breaks and small business support but doesn’t offer a cohesive plan. Sure, the middle class needs relief, but Harris fails to explain how her tax policy would work, and how it would be executed. Moreover, where is the serious discussion on inflation? You know, that little thing squeezing everyone’s wallets to death right now? Harris drops the ball entirely on the urgent issue affecting *every* American. - **What Should Have Happened:** A detailed breakdown of specific steps to counter inflation: why not lay out tax policy reform that closes corporate loopholes, or discuss working with the Federal Reserve on interest rates? There should have been a targeted plan here—give small businesses relief through deregulation, reduce bureaucratic red tape, and address supply chain issues that are keeping costs high. Instead, we got more theatrics. ### **Support for New College Graduates:** - **What Happened:** She congratulates the graduate, then pitches some down payment assistance and—yep, another Trump swipe. - **Dissection:** Again, we see Harris throwing out a carrot without the meal. Sure, helping new graduates afford housing sounds great, but how does that really work? She says "down payment assistance," but where’s the *how*? How’s it funded? What kind of cap would it have? And why the hell are we circling back to Trump *again*? If your message is strong, you don’t need to keep throwing your opponent’s name around. She’s playing defense when she should be on the attack with real, innovative policy suggestions. - **What Should Have Happened:** Forget just congratulating the graduates—how about tackling the student loan crisis head-on? A real plan would involve restructuring federal loans, offering significant forgiveness for certain public service jobs, or fixing the system that’s letting colleges gouge tuition prices. How about talking about how to prepare graduates for a workforce where degrees are becoming obsolete in certain sectors? ### **Abortion and Healthcare:** - **What Happened:** Harris leans heavily into emotional storytelling, criticizing the Supreme Court’s abortion decisions and using personal stories. - **Dissection:** This is where Harris excels at tapping into emotions. However, emotion only takes you so far. Yes, people are outraged at abortion bans, but what’s the actual solution moving forward? How does she plan to protect reproductive rights at the federal level in an era where the Supreme Court has shifted dramatically? Telling personal stories is powerful, but where’s the roadmap for tangible legal protections? She falls back on emotional appeals without outlining the legal or legislative fight ahead. - **What Should Have Happened:** What we needed here was a concrete policy blueprint. How about introducing federal protections for reproductive rights, ensuring state legislatures can’t circumvent them? Maybe propose a strategy for expanding healthcare access for women in states with restrictive abortion laws? Emotional storytelling without concrete solutions is hollow. ### **Gun Violence:** - **What Happened:** Harris talks about universal background checks, red flag laws, and throws in a bizarre joke about shooting intruders. - **Dissection:** First off, that joke about shooting intruders—seriously? When you’re talking about one of the most serious and divisive issues in the country? That undermined any gravity her policies on gun control might have had. The gun violence epidemic isn’t a joke, and treating it as such makes her seem out of touch. Also, her solution set feels dated—universal background checks and red flag laws have been part of the discourse for years. Where’s the innovation? Where’s the hard-hitting plan to tackle gun violence in a way that bridges the urban-rural divide, a plan that acknowledges the cultural importance of guns while still addressing the tragedy of gun deaths? - **What Should Have Happened:** A serious discussion, not a joke. Focus on actionable steps—perhaps federal incentives for states that implement more rigorous background checks, or how the government could collaborate with mental health providers to address the root causes of violence. Talk about how to reduce gun violence in a bipartisan way rather than pandering with half-measures. ### **Overall Summary:** This was more stagecraft than statesmanship. Harris offered a well-packaged show, perfectly curated for an audience craving catharsis but devoid of real answers. Oprah served as the sympathetic, validating sidekick, while Harris cycled through a familiar set of emotional hooks and political jabs. She didn’t rise to the occasion of tackling America’s biggest issues with real solutions; she played it safe with canned responses and deflections. ### **What Should Have Happened:** If Harris wants to prove herself as a serious contender, she needs to get out of the emotional lane and into the policy driver’s seat. A solid interview would have: 1. **Specific Plans on Immigration** – Address how she’ll tackle the root causes like drug cartels, asylum bottlenecks, and visa reforms. 2. **Real Talk on Inflation** – We need an economic vision, not vague promises. Lay out concrete plans for dealing with the rising cost of living. 3. **Actionable Student Debt Relief** – Propose real policy to address student debt and provide solutions that extend beyond college to workforce readiness. 4. **Bipartisan Gun Reform** – Go beyond the talking points—explain how her administration would bridge the gun culture divide, proposing reforms that don’t alienate responsible gun owners while still addressing violence. Instead, we got Broadway theater: choreographed, scripted, and utterly hollow.>> <<@dianelarosa7035 says : She's full of " it">> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Good to see Johnny Howard SLAM TRAMP for not being Pro-Democracy. ***Former Australian PM John Howard has described Donald Trump as 'not compatible with democracy' in a scathing message about the US election.** Just like Sky/Fox>> <<@ginamordhorst2298 says : She is drunk>> <<@commonsense506 says : She rambles on like someone on LSD or other narcotic substance.>> <<@MichelleRomero-lf1nu says : 😂😂😂😂!!!>> <<@reggiemeigs7036 says : Hi can only hope people have "woken" to the ridiculous crap of the leftists from California.>> <<@Gavin-qh7li says : What colour is Chameleon Harris today>> <<@beautifulseattle says : Even Oprah is looking at her thinking 'wow you're a mor0n' 😂>> <<@warrior9694 says : She sounds like a hippie cult leader when she talks in that annoying nasally voice of hers. So creepy.>> <<@Supertech-86 says : Not just a buyback scheme but a mandatory one, which is confiscation. They also reported on local news about massive state, county and local police protection because of attempts on Trump. something golfers don't receive.>> <<@debidean7958 says : She talks like a baby, because her brain is EMBRYONIC!>> <<@leonhue722 says : Hollywood and Disney have become exceedingly toxic and UN AMERICAN.>> <<@orosalsero says : Kamala is dead in the water, there's no reviving a dead cackling fish.>> <<@tomcat3070 says : Being a leader today is about Show biz not knowledge cause the sheep want a person with glitz style and bright lights>> <<@patriciagutierrez5220 says : Aunque parezca increíble, tiene el mismo discurso loco y ridículo del presidente Petro de Colombia. El mismo discurso incomprensible e irreal.😮>> <<@nikita360bmx says : trump was funny, i live with mum she was a model she is gorgous ,we are russian but live in oz im watching tame impala the song is cool , im going straight i have been drinking then i get negative and im lucky in life , i normally work out and walk and cycle and feel great i dont eat junk and look after myself but i fell off the wagon i will become positive again, i talk to people in gym in russian there russian and like my brother he is a boxer he is cool.>> <<@KD-cg9iq says : The witch of Washington>> <<@sukipaul6499 says : thick clowns in a circus>> <<@BB-iq4su says : An effective emetic.>> <<@adamnbayley says : She talks like an infant.>> <<@xx-vw9ep says : 🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗>> <<@stevenomura9044 says : This is a choice between Christian or Universal Religious Values and the Communist or Socialist Values that Kamala Harris represents.>> <<@frankjohansen3132 says : There is no hope for the americans, still a lot of people watching television and talkshow hosts tell them what to vote. Oprah is not a journalist, she is fake as her appearance.>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Only result that matters will come in November>> <<@allanrobichaud6872 says : Harris’ public appearances are seemingly creating a parallel story to the sinking of the Titanic.>> <<@JohnEcco says : Oprah's body language not good in that interview the look on her face says is kamala for reals>> <<@MB-vu3ow says : Hyena Harris>>