<<@foff3379 says : Its a circus on wheels>> <<@vemister says : AGAIN OPRAH WITH HER B'S!! ASKING NO QUESTIONS THAT ARE RELEVENT TO WHAT AMERICA WANTS TO KNOW!!! DOPRAH IS USELESS OLD BAG!! JUST LIKE THE RAGLAN MARKLE INTERVIEW!! ASKING NOTHING!! REVOLTING!!!>> <<@elizabethpeterson455 says : Thank God that you in Australia can see the light, and can call out this mess of a vice president. God help us...>> <<@natureallseasons says : Your WARs in the USA and Europe were all plotted by Obama , Elizabeth and her indian, with indians malays tied to them inside the Singapore Police, certis cisco they are behind drug trafficking, prostitute trafficking, house break INS and robberies, bank frauds all tied to Li Hsien Loong, WONGs tied to WONG kan Seng, Fann WONG, Lawrence WONG, NGs tied to NG Joo Hee, NG Eng Hen, Melvin YONG Yik Chye, TAN Chuan Jin, Tharman, Halimah YACOB, Masagos Zukifli, Vivian Balakrisnan, KShanmugan and more. Li Hsien Loong embezzled 30 years of CASH with hooker Fann WONG to fund Obamas presidency and all your WARs in the USA with Europe. They looted out all your TAXES to fund your OWN WARs, repeated it again during the pandemic.Li Hsien Loong has been breaking into homes non stop repeatedly to steal other people's property to resell for CASH with his ministers, police tied to escorts hookers impersonating CCTVS Fann WONG, Jeanette AW, Kate Middleton, and Megan Markle with mediacorp producers in house break INS and robberies, frauding cash with escorts and their agency owners Loke Wei Sue, Jane LEONG, Angelyn Li. With Savills management office staff Lawrence POH hock guan, Wayne Li with LIN YIH. Li Hsien Loong plotted all your WARs with police in house break INS tied to him and his ministers, family members inside his cabinet.>> <<@walterbrowning says : Enough of this trivia…US Admiral William McRaven says Trump is not fit for office.>> <<@Anthony-ke2ys says : Did anyone see the question marks on the audience 's faces?>> <<@alexanderwright9064 says : Old women with botox are yuk!>> <<@turnerfamilyinozi says : If Sky Propaganda was an honest news organisation, they would have reported on Trump's last interview with a panel on Fox Propaganda. Trump claimed that, in the debate, the audience went crazy when he was fact checked. No one on the panel pointed out that their wasn't an audience.>> <<@danielisenhood7086 says : Easily the most hollow confection since the aerobar>> <<@PeterStone-ch9dw says : My God she's so dumb, it's embarrassing. If she ever suffered the same fate as beach Joe then dementia would be an improvement. TRUMP 2024.>> <<@moses_a4253 says : 🥴 *smh Oprah didn’t even help her out during the interview, she just allowed her to spit out all her gibberish nonsense>> <<@jolla9963 says : All Paedowood elites are cowering in fear, as they know their time is short. They were all in Diddy's parties, and sexing up the children. And that is why theynall back Harris, as Trump will expose every last one of them. Paedophikia runs rampant in Hollywierds and Politics elites. Biden is a known Rockspider, as are Obama, and Big Mike. Oprah is the procurement wing, where did all those girls go?....>> <<@raftermanvn-gl8nc says : It is absolutely insane that this woman is running for president ....INSANE !>> <<@bkdmd5352 says : KH is an illegitimate nominee.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : The Democrats (socialists) seem hell-bent on portraying Harris as something she is most definitely not, POTUS material.>> <<@mayan3678 says : Kamala is just confusing everyone! I wish she would just ask questions!>> <<@markraffertyr says : No wonder why she is not allowed by the real democrat elites who control her to be interviewed or questioned. She is an absolute fucking ticking time bomb. Trump's a savvy businessman who gets results, she's a worn-out old whore. Vote wisely America, this is the next 4 years of your life. How good was the last 4 years? Pretty shit. THINK ABOUT IT.>> <<@simbarashekunedzimwe1372 says : When will you accept The Lord Christ Jesus as your Saviour?>> <<@denisebeaty3524 says : Keep America from Kamala Harris forever>> <<@healthandskincare says : KAMALA HAVE NOT YET GIVE US AN ANSWERS. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW HOW ARE YOU GOING FIXED THE ECONOMY AND THE BORDER? PLEASE!!! I WISH YOU WOULD GIVE US AN ANSWERS. IS IMPORTANT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WE NEED A STRONG LEADER SO FAR TRUMP SHOW HE CAN AND GIVING US HIS ANSWERS.>> <<@rickmiller6770 says : I bet Joe Biden is voting for Trump after seeing this.>> <<@OscarSifuentes-j9d says : Difference between Democrats and Donald Trump is that Trump doesn't put sugar on a turd.>> <<@annieoakley56 says : Anyone who votes for this fool needs a brain transplant.>> <<@OscarSifuentes-j9d says : I'd watch this video, but I find her cackle and the sound of her voice extremely IRRITATING.>> <<@manwithanedge4315 says : There’s more substance in the wide end of a celery stalk than this woman!>> <<@YvonneCrean says : What a joke. 😅>> <<@simonelwell9148 says : there is an unreality to all the goings on people ..... do you not feel , or realise yet , that we are watching a movie .... the best ones end happily .....>> <<@MalleusDei275 says : Tyrus said it best.... If Oprah can't save you ,nobody can ...>> <<@joanh1952 says : Oprah. The trickster who faked racist UK news headlines about Meghan Markle in her interview because there was only one real one to bolster Markle's fake racist accusations against the royal family and the UK public. Optrah who thinks a homeless white man is better off than she is because he will always have his whiteness.>> <<@zenaaussie3258 says : Were those oversized chairs organized before harpo used up half the US supply of Ozempic?>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : Maybe Americans don't feel the need to give "The Bird" to celebrity endorsement in the same way Aussies do. Remember all the celebs that were wheeled out for Albanese's "Voice" debacle. Albo may have gotten up except for all those vacuous celebs.>> <<@ahsankibria8130 says : The fact is American women don't want a woman president. 😅😅😅>> <<@dancingdelilah4801 says : These Hollywood limousine liberal elitists are so out of touch with average, hardworking middle-class Americans & of course lower middle class and poor Americans. It makes me nauseous watching Julia Roberts - Ben Stiller - Oprah Winfrey - Chris Rock - Meryl Streep - Oprah Winfrey con gullible brainwashed liberals. The democrat party has become the party of very wealthy Hollywood limousine liberal elitists. That's who democrats represent now and not working-class America. Trump - Vance 2024 all the way.>> <<@Esterpaisley says : I don't care about valueless Hollywood elite actor's opinions and who they back. They make a living by faking reality and that is it. The free world will look very vulnerable if the woman is at the helm.>> <<@taufuilehauli5488 says : She so not believing of what she saying>> <<@Marita940 says : Her and Oprah are disgraceful 😢>> <<@johnminer007 says : This woman is the ultimate expression of emptiness....>> <<@chazarcola7639 says : THE DAILY SHOW got an Emmy. GUTFELD !!! got TRUMP and Huge Ratings. HOLLYWOOD reaction : KAMALA ON OPRAH. THE CULTURE WAR IS NOW A CIVIL WAR.>> <<@imaaple2 says : They are all delusional, they don’t exist in the real world and quite frankly would not survive.>> <<@gregoryjones8990 says : She just makes me sick😂if that idiot gets in then it was a rigged election full stop 🛑>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : Looking forward to Oprah joining Diddy>> <<@georginareed says : The Oprah stand-in / actor, looks 10 yrs younger than Kamaleon, yet she's 10 years older (according to her birthdate)... Hahaha! Anyone can pick up that fraud! LOL>> <<@ph8349 says : Those who fan harris seem to be those whose main problems and worries are pronouce, woke, climate, "joy" and abortion. The more I listen to Harris, the less I understand her. This is like ancient Rome: when the poor have no bread, give them circus.>> <<@poppykoch9085 says : I sincerely hope that people wake up and smell the garbage coming out of this woman's mouth especially because actors are backing her. They live in a fantasy world and they want everyone to vote for this vapid woman to protect THEIR way of life, not your. As Trump says, they are coming for you, he's just in the way. There is no substance, no plan, no policy just dreams and she has been in the last 4years and done NOTHING to solve a single thing she says she wants for the country. She has along with Joe made things worse...come to think of it, that is happening all over the western world at this point in time.>> <<@briggsvillin8523 says : Harris didn't sound right like she was drunk but too much laughter and not enough seriousness from someone running in a Presidential race is very scary and Democrats should seriously think, do they really want someone like that representing their country let alone try and run the country! TRUMP/VANCE 2024>> <<@karekarenz2395 says : They could put a cardboard box with a smiley face on Kamala's seat, and die-hard Trump-hating Democrats would still vote for it to be President. ☑🤣>> <<@scorpionking4012 says : That production proved again that Kamala has no plan ,her answer to everything is …my childhood blah blah blah… if she’s president America will fall …😳😳🥲🥲>> <<@markpayne6803 says : One person at the press conference asked the press secretary why cameltoe hasnt done any interviews and noodle head's response was she is too busy but yet she has time for Ompah now what rock did Ompah crawl out from aint seen her in years>> <<@hoapham2503 says : wondering how Kamala could pass all tests and exams while she was in schools. It is dangerous that she will run the country. NO. She seems not to understand most of the questions asked or give the answers like "she has no clue".>> <<@whatsinaname1242 says : This women has the burden of carrying weights unburded by th epassage of time. She looks like a retoard.>>