<<@brianseely5423 says : cnn is 100% propaganda. Cannot trust cnn!>> <<@ZachBrown-ee7ot says : Ain’t voting for her unless she does some real interviews about her policy plans.>> <<@ifiknewthen13 says : Well, we know Hucker is a fake!! Pretty sure she has" friends" who do not gave children. The VP just needs to stick to her beliefs in family because her opponient certainly has a horrible relationship with the adult children and just shows up for a photo shoot for the younger. First wife stated as much. Happy birthday Van🎉🎉🎉>> <<@im_your_mayo_man says : Van Jones is about to cry again 😢😢>> <<@PeytonWind says : Sarah Sanders: "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like... me. ME. ME ME MEME.">> <<@glenlees5810 says : so breaking into her house will get you shot but illegals breaking into the country come on in>> <<@TheOriginalXultar says : The conventional media has proved itself to be biased by grading Convicted Felon Trump on a curve. The media has shown that they want to create a narrative around her not doing interviews at the behest of the right. Vice President Harris does not owe conventional media anything especially since the media is not operating in good faith.>> <<@ShakesSphere says : The very second, a person calls THEMSELF humble, YOU KNOW THEY'RE NOT !!! Nothing humble can be found within such self absorbed proclamations of self-righteousness.>> <<@craigpeters4434 says : Better example of a mom being a VISE PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can you get and be humbled, Huckleberry is not even close to Madam VP Harris. Enough said.>> <<@MikeCurley-nl2uv says : She is a walking talking word salad...a nothing suit..>> <<@13BGunBunny says : Whenever I'm feeling down I just remind myself that trillions of dollars of political propaganda did not work on me.>> <<@NeilNewsNetwork says : That's nice that she likes her step kids.. but she has the wrong policies when it comes to immigration and the economy. I also dont think she'll keep the US out of foreign wars, the way Trump did.>> <<@sarienfishingtv says : She said was happy every time 💙>> <<@bac9815 says : Human brain is one of the wonders of the world! In any other situation or any country you ask if a rapist, tax evasion, fraud charges, racist, anti women rights, anti democracy, dictatorship ideology and business con man... to be the chief of police and pretty much the majority will say No! Howeve,, for many these are great quality for the Presidency. How is difficult choosing between a Criminal and a Law enforcement prosecutor with no criminal history who believes in the values of freedom and democracy instead of a Candidate who only speaks daily about racism, hatred, discrimination, violence, dictatorship and division of a nation. How?????>> <<@pfflyer3381 says : Perhaps give less time to trumps hate speeches, and more to how we Got back an ECONOMY!>> <<@RobertSehannie-jr6bk says : Sorry to say, Sarah Huckabee Goebbels, but your kids have failed miserably. But, in all fairness, it was an impossible task to begin with>> <<@buddadavid480 says : No ceasefire No vote>> <<@usaloveme says : Shes real hot on the abortion issue. hmm. 🤨 Thats her only policy.>> <<@hyunju_veronica says : Happy birthday!!!🎉>> <<@Dogatemyhomework927 says : The best people are watching Russel Brand>> <<@Neil-yx3rc says : She black woman…she clever black woman…see her go…she speak black..see.. she be whatever chameleon she want..she has NO POLICY..she be chameleon that what she be…she be cunning chameleon…NO POLICY. She’s a joke…that what she be.>> <<@brianedwards5537 says : As a Canadian if I was a US citizen it's a no brainer in my mind and that is I'd vote for Kamala hands down no question...>> <<@melrenfro4963 says : She useless!>> <<@stanleyjohnson278 says : Kamala is not capable of running the most powerful country in the world. Trump is the only hope we have to recover from the damage Joe and Kamala have done to our country. Trump/Vance 2024🇺🇸>> <<@imsooogellin says : OMG Kamala Harris is so dumb, she is a threat to our Dictionary.>> <<@jamesstewart8377 says : If you can’t see everything she says as rehearsed political spin you need to do some homework>> <<@marywells9162 says : 🌊>> <<@lindacondray7918 says : In person EARLY VOTING HAS STARTED IN VIRGINIA! An in person early vote is the same as voting on Election Day without the extreme long lines. Well, except here, long lines were reported at many polling places in northern Virginia! 🔵🔵🔵🔵🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@Judihui12 says : It's weird that people STILL don't know, who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for. On the side stands Donald Trump. And that should be reason enough to vote for Kamala. And BTW: The only people who don't know Kamala's name (properly) are Donald Trum and his croonies.>> <<@angtxsun4460 says : Harris was a career prosecutor, it would be unwise and dangerous if she did not carry a gun. Remember she didn’t have a security detail, and she isn’t rich. She drives her own cars and cooks her own food! You want to know what it is like to be a nontraditional woman in a white evangelical church- listen to Huckabee. She is the daughter of Mike Huckabee who is a Baptist minister! You hypocrites, Jesus didn’t have children!>> <<@ddjr6673 says : What about priests monks and nuns... they don't have children...>> <<@HoHarris2024 says : The children of the community are the children of the community>> <<@ThePragmatist-77 says : She will be a practical leader and get things done but her interviews are mediocre at best and she has none of the charisma of Bill Clinton or Obama. But Trump needs to go. In 4 years time, she can go too lol.>> <<@EyeCU-hd6nj says : Sarah Huckabee’s kids failed.>> <<@joannaolsh5014 says : She doesn't talk she is always laughing, I don't care if she is a mother or not, I care who will be better president ( unfortunately I don't have 3rd option)>> <<@nicolemorgan3615 says : Kamala 2024 and 2028 💙💙💙🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲>> <<@kittendiotima4212 says : It's ironic listening to reporters who've ignored what Kamala Harris has been doing as VP for 3 and half years, and she did a *lot* as VP, but the press--like Boris Sanchez--couldn't be bothered with her, nor Biden, they were too busy covering the former President's trials & scandals. Then they're incredulous, nobody knows who she is, how will she change that. And they're practically demanding that Kamala's uses MSM press to help voters get to know her, but instead she's doing it her way.  The Oprah Unite America town hall was amazing, much better than having her sit for another conventional, boring interview on cable news. The interview CNN did is still up, it's searchable, or watch the America Unite town hall, they're both informative, and different, but the town hall is way more llively>> <<@Boookoooiikikk says : Sometimes other kids better than your biological children..... Vote blue 💙💙💙🔵🔵🔵🔵. Morons talking about biological kids😡🤬>> <<@intheburgh4293 says : just still amazed someone breed with kow huckabee>> <<@janetbarels6999 says : 💙 2024>> <<@paul-i9e3m says : Keeping it 💯 come up in here!!!!!>> <<@sylviaespeckerman8348 says : Hukerbee, your kids are not doing a good job. 😂😂😂😂>> <<@mamoni7703 says : They would have made the same jab if Kamala was a man without biological kids. Most world leaders are upheld to this expectation that they reflect traditional family and life values. There’s nothing wrong with being a step parent at all, but it doesn’t have the same emotional draw as having your own kids to a lot of average folks>> <<@luigifrancisco3786 says : Kamala embraced her step kids as her own which really tells us the kind of person that she is- SHE DESERVES TO BE PRESIDENT!>> <<@johnward43 says : You mean her Indian family that owned many slaves in the Caribbean?>> <<@tinkhix says : Why does that yuckabee chic look so evil ? Like she looks like she’s always angry>> <<@sunnyday237 says : Aaah Van Jones! The dude who’s balancing that both side-ism tight rope and always looking a douche doing it!>> <<@reggiewalker1241 says : I agree. Happy Birthday Van✨️>> <<@adriennecruz3843 says : Love Van's comments. Go Blue💙💙💙!>> <<@elvisz-wm5nc says : Even Kamala’s step children’s mother thinks she is wonderful..>>