<<@josephgee143 says : Is daddy an Epsteiner botox queen?>> <<@josephgee143 says : Electric cars and E bike batteries exploding? Mossad?>> <<@josephgee143 says : AUSTRALIA SHOULD BAN ALL ELECTRICAL AND SOLAR PANELS FROM THE UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL & EUROPE. BUY CHINESE ONLY.>> <<@leonhue722 says : My cleaner lady still works from home>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : I want a “Power Hour” with the host>> <<@thetruth00 says : Get with the times you dinosaur.. WFH is great, you avoid wasting time and fuel in traffic and get to be home with your family as soon as you finish work. Productivity goes up in most cases and people end up working more, socialising less. These relics just can't let go of the past.>> <<@jamestinning8900 says : Rupert Murdoch works from home at his ranch in Montana. 🙄>> <<@noonenowhere2007 says : Yes - cant have workers being productive and happy - much better to force them to get up early, endure a horrendous commute so that they can hot desk in a open plan office and sit nest to stinky annoying fellow drones Typical loser CEO with zero trust 99% of all CEOs are morons and horrible people These failures all bought into the moronic NPS scam>> <<@abitofmymind says : Now all these guys that left Sydney to go to cheaper suburbs and work from home are about to start having to travel 4 hours extra. Lol>> <<@nikita360bmx says : i raced bmx mum modeled dad sold cars,i miss dad ,i go to gym and ride , i really miss my dad he was cool ,my brother is a pro boxer but misses dad,i love you so much dad>> <<@pickledturnip-weseeu says : To avoid hypocrisy Gilligan should have had several boosters by now. Come on strokey.>> <<@Ssggss-kq7wf says : Elite asking injected slaves to come back to their prison.>> <<@cliftondozier7822 says : that's what happens when you give up your guns.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Good, work from home is a scam!. There has always been flexibility in the workplace.>>