<<@yolandamorua107 says : Voting blue for democracy thank you voting for president Kamala Harris and Tim walz God bless you both>> <<@yolandamorua107 says : Trump is failing Big time. , He's in His own World , thinking , he's above the law And failing Big time , a convicted felon 41 counts and counting>> <<@yolandamorua107 says : Voting blue for democracy thank you voting for president Kamala Harris God' bless you president Kamala Harris>> <<@yolandamorua107 says : Voting blue for democracy thank you voting for president Kamala Harris , God bless you Kamala Harris>> <<@kinda2664 says : This lady and her party are not good for US and the world.>> <<@warrenhimes445 says : No you are talking about you.😂>> <<@timsieber9246 says : Trump 2024🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@timsieber9246 says : If her lips are moving, she's lying. Simple enough.>> <<@ErikaTakacs-lc5sz says : 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎>> <<@miko9200 says : Can't people see she has no background and knowledge for presidential material. Go back as a lawyer, that doesn't get you a chance for presidency>> <<@Rocky-pz8px says : Is it only who thinks she was drunk👀>> <<@cstan8165 says : The consequence of trump taking the seat is an end of the funding towards Ukraine and Israel. And then all the investors of the weapon industry will lose millions.>> <<@tepilahruach802 says : Has camela even once stated what, if anything, she purports to do if she's selected for president? The idea of someone so grossly incompetent running for office is utterly repugnant.>> <<@jaclynnorton3787 says : Yes I think he's fed up with trumps abuse>> <<@jaclynnorton3787 says : Kamala for president a woman this time god told me he's putting her in the Whitehouse>> <<@jaclynnorton3787 says : Smart not getting involved with sacrificing me so I'll tell god to vote you because trump was involved reborn earth angel 😇 a female god reborn again earth angel 😇 so glad maybe the violence will stop 🛑>> <<@dextermorganbloodspattersp6382 says : I seen Southern Black Kamela I seen Latina Kamela I seen White Establishment Kamela 🤧 but I've yet to see Indian Kamela ... When will she show up ?>> <<@Trinergy-Livewire says : Consequences: 1. Energy independence; 2. Affordable food, housing and gas; 3. No endless Wars. Who would want that!??>> <<@debraolivier2147 says : And Kamala said nothing and committed to nothing. .>> <<@brunojvaldez7277 says : Is Harris a war criminal??? Yes or No question.>>