<<@TopperPenquin says : Australian Military RATS FROM HELL. ALL Agency's need to be aware of their Scumbag 5G Tatics .>> <<@CraigHopwood says : This cost of living crisis has affected the Aussie taxpayer more than the immigrants coming in its mad max style on the streets now be careful>> <<@HyperVaccinated says : With the coming entire system crash, We will have a great reset where we rent everything we need based off a universal basic income on the central banked digital global currency. The robots and AI will basically take over all jobs world wide.>> <<@Rigbycat123 says : The public, including me, get fed up with these politicians who were elected to ‘represent’ us do nothing of the sort. Making decisions like pouring migrants into the country, many of whom do not have to go through the red tape & stringent requirements that other European migrants have to face. These decisions are continuously made with zero thought about the impact on the rest of us. Choosing to call us ‘racist’ if we disagree. Even though the average Australian funds all this with their taxes & have legitimate objections not based on race.>> <<@MB-wc3jf says : He who can destroy a thing, controls the thing. -Frank Herbert, Dune .>> <<@joeway8665 says : One world race except for about 1%.>> <<@nytom4info says : hand out pagers!>> <<@philipmarz707 says : Neither does any other country>> <<@YUDNSAY says : This was announced in 1992.....>> <<@ChrisM-fz6xx says : Mass Migration has been every Government 's Policy since the end of WW2 .So in fact Australians did sign up for it , every time they Voted regardless of who they Voted for . As usual Prue is talking through her Arse . Australian Population in 1945 at the end of WW2 was 7 Million , where the Hell do you think the other 20 Million came from ? And the Australian Government from 1950 until 1972 was Liberal . Australian Population in 1972 was 14 Million . In 22 years of Liberal Government Australia 's population doubled . Idiot .>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Who would sub to this trash 🤮>> <<@carolinetheherbalist says : Agenda of IMF, WEF and International Organization for Migration.>> <<@Genesis-007 says : A massive intake of immigrants, not a population rise>> <<@eycYang says : it’s not just straya! it’s Global issues!>> <<@EZZMONEY says : It's almost like ⬜ has to hold the hand of ⬛🟫 24/7 and teach them how everything in life works cuz they can't think for themselves and build up their own societies 🙄>> <<@michaelmallal9101 says : UNSC said civilian items should not be weaponized.>> <<@josephgee143 says : LEBANON PORT EXPLOSION?>> <<@josephgee143 says : We must investigate e-bikes and electric cars exploding Mossad?>> <<@josephgee143 says : BAN ALL ELECTRIC DEVICES FROM THE UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL AND EUROPE?>> <<@rickmarek3840 says : Those two have been sniffing something>> <<@secretgoldfish says : It's just MORE deliberate devolvement .......into more control and ultimately serfdom FOR the globalist (and NOT Very Brave) New World Disorder, which is all just another 'conspiracy theory' according to the shamelessly self-serving grifters and bad gaslighter-hopefuls.....even if it IS increasingly happening and openly being normalised with each passing day.>> <<@zzz7815 says : No surprise Labor is trying to wreck our lives FALBO>> <<@catherinenoorbakhsh says : Labour voters should feel shame.>> <<@alanchilds1456 says : You are being replaced so all the immigrants will have all the jobs and houses and you will live in government controlled camps>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : But but but, aren't we supposed to have all of these" job shortages "? We have been massively conned yet AGAIN There was no skill shortage, except now because we have just increased the population by several hundred thousand in only a couple of years. Shut the intake right now !!!>> <<@TomEdwardi says : I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated>> <<@lumberjack297 says : *THANK A LIBERAL*>> <<@icabobcrane8984 says : Liberals will turn your country into a turd world shithole>> <<@thomasklimchuk441 says : It will be an excuse to bring universal income>> <<@simonharris4873 says : Building homes is a good way of creating new jobs. It worked in the 1950s.>> <<@Michael-z5t3h says : I visited Australia in 1981. At that time, only 5000 immigrants were allowed in per year. And they ALL had to have professions that would support themselves. WHAT HAPPENED to that great law??>> <<@meichong8278 says : 50% of comments are hidden , go top left and click newest 1st then and only then will you see all comments, hope this helps>> <<@bluehorseshoe8460 says : Assimilation is not on the menu, still.>> <<@tomjohnson3610 says : Liberals 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Sort it out>> <<@JamesMoore-t7i says : Labour lies>> <<@andrewr2784 says : It hasn't for the last thirteen years. It's just got to the point where it's now almost beyond fixing.>> <<@SurvivethePoleShift says : We are numpties drunk on lime koolaide>> <<@morganlefey says : swamping out national populations with uncontrolled immigration is a part of the WEF / UN / WHO agenda designed to create chaos and weaken resistance to their satanic ‘great reset’>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Homes, you said? Coober Pedy has the answers. How many jobs would it create?>> <<@tonymangion6413 says : South Africa has about 10m unemployed the entire Africa have arrived in last 30 yr>> <<@UltraPerception says : ITel Aviv, Bjørt Kragesteen and her Israeli partner are packing all of their belongings into boxes. Next week they are leaving for Stockholm where she will take up a role as assistant professor. “I don’t want to live here again,” Kragesteen says. “That is something the war changed for me.” Compounding this problem is the fact that attracting new talent to a country at war is tough. Nobel prize-winning scientist Aaron Ciechanover last month warned in a speech that “there is a huge wave of departures from the country”. “Most senior doctors are leaving the hospitals; universities are finding difficulties in recruiting faculty members in critical areas,” he said, warning that this community is “very narrow”. “As soon as 30,000 of these people leave, we won’t have a country here”, he said. The exit of talented workers is particularly concerning for Israel’s lucrative tech sector, says Alon Eizenberg, an associate economics professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and an adviser to the Bank of Israel. The industry, which makes up a disproportionate share of gross domestic product, is very important to the economy. “Some brain drain and loss of human capital will be inevitable,” he says. “That also happened after the Yom Kippur War in the 1970s because it was a devastating experience for many and it had a destabilising effect on people.>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : Build more affordable homes. If the government has 360 billion for subs they can find a couple of billion to build affordable housing.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Stop crying like bunch of beggars, Australia should have 40 - 50 million people at least, this prison colony shithole was built by migrants>> <<@lj3571 says : Don't come to Victoria renting or buying, its a hole, thanxs albo>> <<@peterkeig2123 says : Hark at you slags applauding murder.>> <<@andrew6526 says : Pagers for all Labor ministers. 😂>> <<@balung says : You will own nothing, eat zee bugs, and be happy. WEF>> <<@UltraPerception says : new population may also change Fertility rights in the region. May also change genetic content and hopefully thoroughly root out corruption as they try to get an equal opportunity.>> <<@UltraPerception says : Australia not have job to support drastic population rise. Unlucky for u. The new population may over-throw your corrupt systems and currently free insitutes run by drunks and dowmies>>