<<@bookertee3057 says : Coal, it keeps the lights on>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : It doesn't. Another lie>> <<@ididntaskyouropinion says : Fuck AI. Its USELESS AND LAZY. Fuck GOVTS!>> <<@ricky6864 says : Albo doesn't want to lose his green money laundering scheme>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : Send these twats to Finland who have just opened another nuclear power station, and their costs went……..down. The Marxist tossers here are in panic mode now knowing a big boot is being aimed at their doughy behinds.>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Without nuclear, Australia will be condemned to a future of genuine intelligence and ordinary clouds.>> <<@ohwell2790 says : Screw power for AI, people need power for their homes that is affordable. This is how disconnected these people are from the citizens of all governments in the world. They want power for AI and never consider struggling people with the increase in prices due to inflation of anything you can name. What BS. AI is already destroying education, kids are using it to write their papers and do their home work and not their own words but using a computer program to write it for them. Why not use AI for teaching and get rid of human teachers altogether. See, energy demands for Tech not for the people. We do need nuclear it is the only way out of this green no oil insanity.>> <<@sirloin8745 says : This memo was sent to you by SKYNET.>> <<@imeagleeye1 says : Its not safe not worrh the risk. https://youtu.be/_LLpQ4L1Scw?si=1Nlc4GTmHOYoIOHL>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Bowen can guarantee that ... he can be seen on top of a wind turbine spinning the blades by hand if necessary.>> <<@-g.k.4389 says : I'm the last comment. I'm comment number 1267 facts>>