<<@APDesignFXP says : Sky news couldn’t you do the bare minimum and infer that it was raided because several times Al Jazeera workers and reporters been caught helping/ participating with Hamas? Is it so hard to understand that they’re just like other terror organizations but with a “legitimate” facia?>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Quick! Turn the power off so they can't use the shreders...>> <<@hannahmondry4678 says : The reason is very simple: Al Jazeera is a Qatari financed propaganda machine, not a legitimate channel (including the heavily biased ones, like BBC). Many of their "reporters" are in fact engaged in shameless espionage for Hamas, Hezbollah and their friends, protected under their "journalism" cover, which doesn't really fool anyone. Israel, extremely democratic and tolerant, usually ignores these hostile operations. However, during war, enough is enough.>> <<@lukei6255 says : No respect for jiurnalists? Not nice.>> <<@lrd.skurvy9534 says : Bout bldy time! That company has been implanted with so many terrorism! Don't forget they were Taliban reporters first!>> <<@graham49y says : Can't have any truth getting out.....oh I see... it's to combat hate speech and misinformation for our own good..>> <<@markatheist says : Al Jazeera is the Iranian Islamic military dictatorship.>> <<@beermanmcdrink4151 says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@rodrigolumi says : Israel is absolutely right! This TV network must be a spy for Hezbollah. It supports progressive interests and their agendas. The world is full of corrupt media outlets.>> <<@AliRaza-xj2qo says : 😡😡😡>> <<@jvaldez2006 says : Very good IDF to closed those network… Saudi Arabia Closed it too 7 yrs ago https://youtu.be/7EHfK-Wk23w?si=SXWCg-AXKVZGU5p5…>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : When you shut down media with a platoon, your definitely not winning.>> <<@DanielSMatthews says : Al Jazeera have been accused of providing intelligence and communications support to Iranian backed terrorist groups?>> <<@josephgee143 says : They are relocating to Epsteins island.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Can't be having anyone not following the narrative the IDF is putting out. People might get the impression that they aren't being told the whole story.>> <<@josephgee143 says : WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU EXPECT FROM WAR CRIMINALS WHO WANT TO HIDE THEIR CRIMES?>> <<@sallycent6598 says : Thanks for Israel .❤>> <<@humananity says : Something to hide?>> <<@Slumbert says : Did EU stop russian media?>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Israel wants to destroy any non Zionist media. They want to cover-up their crimes in Gaza and West Bank! What Sky News trash media also defend!!!! Shameful. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Adolf must be laughing.>> <<@Slumbert says : Stop also BBC.>> <<@MrPopo-nn7kp says : Jews want to control information.. what a shock.>> <<@Aucklandinsummer says : ‘The only democracy in the Middle East’ etc etc>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : Yeah the 'good guys' always raid media outlets and show up with trucks to take all their data.>> <<@tracelee7332 says : Because they aren't owned by AIPAC. Some people cannot be bought.>> <<@tracelee7332 says : Of course they did, have to control the narrative. The truth is already out though. We know.>> <<@Mistyfire says : The reason is because Israel doesn’t want reporting of their crimes in the West Bank. Duh!! Sky news you really should speak up>> <<@Shimonayani says : Don't meet with Yisrael!)>> <<@Mik1050-hy8fn says : Al Jazeera is a channel that is funded by Iran and Qatar for Hamas and Hezbollah, there is no reason for Israel to agree to enemy broadcasts from within Israel.>> <<@ThePastaManCan says : Fucking finally! there is so much proof against them and their journalists being involved in multiple attacks.>> <<@tryingtocorrect says : I see nothing wrong here. Israel is basically in conflict with Gaza and Lebanon, so anything which is against their security they have right to shut down, so that Israel is more safe.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : It has always been an intelligence gathering facility for Islamist groups.>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Al Jazeera is a terrorist funder & supporter, by pretending to be a media outlet, when they solely funded by the UAE, making them a state broadcast, like the corrupt ABC, who also supports terrorism!>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : That is what the nazis & terrorists do, Israhell is so coward so desperate started fighting media to cover up its crimes & terrorism & they are losing>> <<@Hammer-w7x says : Stop the terrorists from coming to Australia>> <<@scorpionking4012 says : A terror supporter and terrorist themselves Aljazeera are dangerously corrupt!!!>> <<@CatsandJP says : Elmo here……just checking in…How you’ll doing today!>> <<@muaddib4868 says : So far, they have put in to practice everything they learnt from their WW2 nemesis .... just saying>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Woo Hoooo…Freedom of Speech.>> <<@beautifulseattle says : Al Jazeera is a front for terrorist activities.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Just because al jazeera are propagandists for hamas and hezllah>> <<@Rebecky31 says : I’m amazed Al Jazeera didn’t have pagers…>> <<@Conky769 says : Crack-down on fake news.>> <<@CeeDEE-l8b says : Because Jews arent playing games. They are getting the contact lists to find the terrorists. Mad respect for flipping the bird to everyone in the way.>> <<@HyperVaccinated says : Slava Israel!>> <<@bestestusername says : Isreal is quite annoyed>> <<@truefactjack says : Can they raid the ABC aswell...>> <<@maspredrenzo2nd288 says : Shut it down Dems fake news 🇳🇷🇮🇱👍>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : No freedom of the press it seems.>>