<<@lucianjaeger4893 says : Okay, I'll help: rule of law. All laws must be applied equally and fairly, including to those who write them. The government giving themselves and the mainstream media exemptions makes the bill illegitimate, as they obviously intend to abuse it to silence dissent and spread their own misinformation as truth. This is the only logical conclusion as to why they would exempt themselves—to avoid becoming victims of it themselves. Since it only exempts mainstream media, it suppresses journalistic freedom and undermines the integrity of journalism. It also excludes independent journalists and opens avenues for abuse. For example, under Labor's bill, the government could have targeted FriendlyJordie for misinformation, ruining his career and burying him under fines or jail time, and we might never have learned about the corruption he exposed. JuiceMedia The Other side Bearing Qullittes And more. Could all be shut down for their criticism of the government. As for the "Protection of Children Bill" banning social media for under 16, it's absolutely pointless; there's no need for it. A simple feature added to phones and devices thay must be completed at startup could ask for the "Age of User." Entering your child's age and birthday would automatically filter out all age-restricted content. This feature could also allow you to link your phone so that if they try to reset it or access something inappropriate, you would be notified. Given how glued to their phones most adults are these days, it wouldnt be hard to miss the notification. Problem solved, and much more efficiently than silly uniparty legislation. Conclusion logic suggests that the "Protect the Children" bill is a strategy to push for digital ID requirements on adults "Prove you arent a child and link your digital ID". This, combined with legislation like the "Only I Get to Lie" bill, could enable the government to monitor and control individuals' activities, especially in the context of protests. The concern is that with facial recognition and digital IDs, authorities could easily identify and penalize individuals for participating in protests deemed as spreading misinformation, potentially leading to severe consequences like financial penalties or arrests.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Saying "I dont care about privacy because I don't have anything to hide", is same as saying "I dont care about free-speech because I have nothing to say">> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Yeah because Social Media has been doing such a great job at reporting "facts" huh, Matt. You might wanna suggest that Benito give his BS nuclear policy speech on TWITter. At least then he'll get a whole of dipsticks to believe it. ;)>> <<@user-oq2ec2yk2l says : Write to your local federal member that you oppose this bill asap!>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : The LNP doesn't have the numbers in both houses more threatre from the uni-party pretending they care when it was the LNP who first drafted the MAD, Digital ID and Surviellance Laws back in 2021, why don't they a Citzen Initiated referendum for all three at the same time so "we the people" have a direct say and not these muppets who are working for their masters in the WEF/UN/WHO this would test who they really work and care for.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Dutton and the LNP DRAFTED the initial Misinformation Bill in 2021, Labor is finishing off their work, just like the Digital ID and Surviellance laws, how about a citzen initiated referendum on all three, but as Rowland pointed out today the the MAD bill " will fulfil all of the Federal Governmens International obligations", she's just confirmed that ALL our selected representatives are NOT working for "we the people", but for unelected breaucratic entities from the UN/WEF/WHO to enslave and control us.>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : Gee if everyone has to tell the truth it will put Sky News out of business. 😂>> <<@JeannineCoventon says : https://youtu.be/Cwm9nSVfATo?si=tsZ7xIahyQaVAa6F>> <<@sodiumfluorideANDyou says : the ''coalition'' is EXACTLY The same as labor. do you really think we can win, here, with two parties, both backed by the likes of the W E F, and pushing that kind of agenda? they're both EXACTLY the same. just a different paintjob on the same group of corrupt globalist businesspeople with ALMOST NO ACTUAL MORALS. just look at sco-mo, how he was. he was no better than albo.>> <<@robinwood590 says : Sack the Labour party, Greens, Teals, kiberalmoarty members invoked in the new world order, helping the satanists UN Globalists, the WEF and the WHO>> <<@ajs4x482 says : The misinformation bill was the coalitions idea originally. Vote One Nation for real change!>> <<@EL_Duderino68 says : Well, I guess it's because SNA is scared because of all the misinformation they spout. They might actually have to do some fact checking.>> <<@CalciumHat says : Petition the paid for Gov general?>> <<@KymClarke-fe5qz says : I know of a nine year old that once acquiring any device can set up a tick tock account! So to achieve any chance of restricting her, all devices for anyone near her must be banned! The devices that is, and that means any official, any guest, she can out manipulate adults. And that is the problem, adults! Stuck in a time warp! Children today are more cunning than a white pointer, may not know the alphabet but boy can they manipulate the net. But when a government states that they are preparing today's children for tomorrows jobs, how do they know tomorrows jobs????? Especially when you can give a child a tablet or phone and they run circles around you? Funny really, I did it to my folks when I was young, now my grandchildren do it to me! Good for them! But when it comes to mis information, labor and the left are the most manipulative! They lie like there's no tomorrow, adopt all the narratives that are false and misleading and rely on Mass Formation Psychosis to maintain the overview. Remember that a government will use spin doctors at taxpayers expense to support something that is a downright lie. And that is labor in a nutshell. I love my country but down with the government, they have over reached their to look after this land. They have to go!>> <<@johncoupland6359 says : The only reason why Albo and his Parliamentary Muppets wants a ban that targets misinformation on social media platforms, is because Albo is the King of misinformation. How much more taxpayers money does Albo want to spend on his many useless policies, because Albo is sending our country broke. Albo is a terrible PM , so he definitely shouldn’t try to take over the Parenting of our children. Parents should know what their children are doing on social media, but I suppose that this will also target the misinformation that the mainstream media, because we already know that the Government tells them what they can and can’t say.>> <<@daveevans4260 says : Rowan how dare you say E-Karen should be sacked , she is a fine up-standing reject Elon sacked she fits in with the rest of labor all rejects.>> <<@hairylittlewombat says : Albo's Ministry of Truth seems to be straight from his WEF instructions. Shut down all dissenting voices and control what is and isn't "truth." Strange how so many left wing governments around the world are trying this on in lockstep. George Orwell really was a prophet.>> <<@JohnsonCranium says : Labor/ liberal same pile of uniparty bs 🐂 💩 We need an entirely new government. Sack and Gaol all current members. Have new elections next week.>> <<@forestgreen435 says : Free speech is a God given right . Albanese hasto go.>> <<@marktanska6331 says : This legislation is the most terrible thing to be allowed in democracy, one that Albo pretends to believe in.>> <<@CreateMakeEnterprise says : Will the misinformation bill mean Pro Hamas clowns will be made to stop calling a war against Hamas a ‘genocide’?>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : If the government declares something to be misinformation, then it turns out to be true, can we sue the government for misinformation?>> <<@lesblack413 says : Well said Senator Canavan!!>> <<@nevillemills9517 says : Both parties are the uni party.>> <<@kenvandemhoek2543 says : Whats signing Austrailia to the U.N future Pact ,i.e Klaws Shwab WEF you will own nothing their ,doing it as o speak ? Why,s Albo in the U.S ,commiting TTREASON>> <<@aaronaaron6569 says : Sounds like germany before the war.>> <<@kaosthecosmicreviewer1055 says : Wow, YouTube seems to be butthurt when I mention a certain country starting with a G, the comment got deleted. This country will never become the second version of that place as long as we are around.>> <<@evelynmcmenamin4330 says : Yankee doodle dandy not welcome misinformation must be thrown out>> <<@mikeoz4803 says : Give us a break!! The public are aware its a Uni-party. It was Liberals who introduced the Digital I.D Bill!>> <<@miltonbrenssell4484 says : Only labour could come up with this crap, socialist government>> <<@ngaugefouroaksstreetstatio6932 says : DUTTON, Australians will NOT vote for you unless you stop this bill.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Misinformation, cheaper electricity, vote yes>> <<@AChoosen1 says : Who decides what is disinformation? The government 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@tracelee7332 says : ENTIRE corrupt Fascist government. Don't vote for any of them>> <<@YvonneCrean says : Day closer to communism. Say NO>> <<@tracelee7332 says : Entire Fascist Government. Dutton and Paterson the worst.>> <<@rosielynmurphy892 says : E-Karen commissioner, after 2 interviews for a job with the CIA and a visit to Davos, is now pushing this legislation! I wonder why?>> <<@antontsau says : Oh yes. And who it was who appointed e-kommissar? Who pumped grave danger lie all 2021? Now libs decided to pretend to be free speech defenders, oh yes.>> <<@avaraxxblack5918 says : Just so the LNP can call it the information bill and pass it anyway....no thanks..>> <<@Hyperboler says : Tony Abbott is definitely one, and that South Australian David Coleman is another, and I suspect Dutton is in on it too. These libs want us all to have to provide ID to use the so-called 'social media'. We already have to provide ID to get a phone account anyway, but now these rubberized conservatives want us to tell Big Brother before we post a comment on Youtube, bastards.>> <<@Sageonthehill says : The left are pushing this agenda at the West around the world, trying to censor what doesn't suit their agenda and to take control of social media platforms for their propaganda. Protect free speech. Protect the online communication platforms. No to government censorship. The last thing this country should have is a woke E Safety Commissioner, or any other kind. In Australia, parents make the rules for their children, not the government.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Sky news would have to shut down if spreading misinformation becomes illegal.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Matt is one of the good pollys in parliament>> <<@KF-bj3ce says : I feel it is up to us citizens to make the right choices not Labor. So Anthony Albanese get lost>> <<@harleymorrison-q4w says : Let's vote on it like the voice campaign>> <<@CatsandJP says : Does this lot even have the ability to move forward or are they content to keep flogging those dead horse they constantly resurrect….they contribute absolutely nothing….other than spew divisiveness and division…if all 3 are worried or concerned they can always move back to their own country.>> <<@1vigorousdragon says : People need to start the change away from the 2 major Parties. Vote One Nation or United Australia Party>> <<@wr1451 says : Makes sense for the no1 purveyors of misinformation aren’t keen on the Bill.>> <<@1vigorousdragon says : Where is the Parliamentary Petition against this Crap !???>> <<@shaunllewellyn6058 says : What has happened to Australia? Why have we become a communist nanny state????????????? Is it because we have to many gays and to many females in parliament? Albanese 39 Mardi Gras up his arse. Australia has the worst generation of politicians ever. We want our Australia back.>>