<<@damagecontroller8637 says : Ohh this some mark of the beast type shii getting started>> <<@tjslegacy1 says : Microsoft can ask where they are located>> <<@lesspressx says : AI future? Wish you luck with that delirium. Atomic energy is clear the future, except Hillary sold 20% of the US uranium to Russia's Rosatom In 2013. How about that? Anybody remembers "Uranium One" deal?>> <<@foxhollowantiques7098 says : AI will be the demise, it will be controlling everything, especially you🤔>> <<@quantumviision says : Bill Gates asked us to ditch nuclear for him to buy, That was his gameplan>> <<@Wigington24 says : Bad idea stupid>> <<@RobertLoyed says : Well there's not one shred of evidence that AI has made anything more efficient or more cost-effective from the bottom line it is not made any revenue gains since it's been touted by the tech industry. So like the green New deal it never pays off in the end. And you know what happens when you find out that you need more power to power this new grid system and you don't have the industry to back it up. China is now going to have our media flooded with the greenies coming out sticking their hands on cars and blocking traffic because they don't want us to be more prosperous than they do. 😂😂😂😂>> <<@fanomapage2091 says : This Road Ends With A Tracking Chip Inside Of You, Thats The Road Of AI, It Will Be Used Against You. Left Or Right, They Want This>> <<@TheAngry-AmericanGuy says : AI combined with nukes = S K Y N E T !>> <<@collinbacklund3582 says : Meanwhile, we get to keep suffering under the green energy movement.>> <<@charlesilechukwu says : What happened to Solar power? I thought nuclear power is bad>> <<@lori-f7u says : Its funny how our government promotes "GOING GREEN" and protests "GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE"------But they choose to go NUCLEAR because of money problems. YOU HAVE NO CLUE ON HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF!!!!! WHERE DO YOU PUT THE WASTE FROM THESE NUCLEAR FACILTIES?????? WHAT DO YOU DO IN A NUCLEAR MELTDOWN LIKE THIS PLANT HAS HAD ALREADY???? YOU BETTER STUDY HISTORY CAUSE BIG MISTAKES COST MANY LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@FreeThePorgs says : Why are we(humans) giving AI control over nuclear anything???? Has nobody watched any sci-fi where AI rises up and kills us????>> <<@GBsavant says : In 10 years you will be able to more efficiently and effectively compute in space than on earth>> <<@Littlebigbot says : I don't consider AI in the hands of Bill Gates a "breakthrough". It's more of an existential threat.>> <<@brigetteglienke3932 says : And the titanic was unsinkable……….>> <<@AnthonyParrilloRI says : AI is gonna blow it up>> <<@BenJune09 says : If here we’re ever any doubters…now we know AI is real, better start investing>> <<@Military_Equipments says : Bill Gates might use it for depopulation>> <<@okgo3763 says : AI tech requiring the power draw a nucleur reactor hints at the capabilities this AI will have. Kiss your privacy good bye. It's time to go back to dumb flip phones and you can kiss email goodbye if you are a private citizen. If you thought the NSA was bad in the early 2000's when it hacked every citizen in the U.S say hello to Silicon Valley AI.>> <<@ghostman1063 says : "This isnt your grandpa's Nuclear power Plant." Lol...are fuel rods dipped in water to help as a coolant? Sounds like my grandpa's Nuclear Reactor to me,..and you want to power A.I. with an incredible form of power! Wow, a lot of power just to power a social media platform or does Microsoft have other ideas. Time to grease the palms! But seriously, what could go wrong? A-I sounds like an Acronym for A-rrogant I-diots!>> <<@satguy says : May I remind everyone out there that Power Station 1 is 56 years old.>> <<@napoleonsmith7793 says : Actually, nuclear water is safe to swim in. They hid this.>> <<@GsyshbagFsyuabag says : Perez Thomas Taylor Gary Jackson Susan>> <<@marciawood2061 says : Microsoft should not be in charge of nuclear or any other kind of power.Bill Gates should be in prison.>> <<@napoleonsmith7793 says : Thats why they sabatoged it. So bill can buy it. CIA AT WORK>> <<@calamari311 says : What could POSSIBLY go wrong???>> <<@OlakalO says : Great news, i haven't heard this anywhere else yet...>> <<@deriecamo1 says : The AI will search all available information each question which means more power demand per question hence, more power demand period.>> <<@rickd6434 says : Bad idea now there are going to be radiation spikes on the east Coast! And not the government point a finger at Microsoft and therefore being able to shut Microsoft down>> <<@CastleMaster_42 says : I don't think people realize just how much power is actually required. If anyone has doubts; Build yourself a very small 8 GPU bitfarm. watch you electric bill literally EXPLODE. ie. (how to add &1,500 dollars to your electric bill in one month. Given all the checks and balances nuclear really is quite green, and now actually safer than driving across the country in your own car.>> <<@jrculbertson7463 says : WHY DON'T THEY USE THEIR BIG GREEN ENERGY TO POWER THEIR NEXT HAIR BRAINED SCHEME??? NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS SHOULD NEVER BE RUN BY ANYONE OTHER THAN OUR MILITARY....THEN SELL THE ENERGY TO THE PRIVATE COMPANY!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!>> <<@allauddin732 says : Stop worrying about resources. If it happened. You can run the world with minimum resources and greater results. Quality.>> <<@jrculbertson7463 says : OH HELL NO! I personally lived through the March 1979 almost MELT DOWN! Handing GATES the keys to 3 mile island is the equivalent of HANDING THE FOX THE HEN HOUSE! BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!! 👎😡>> <<@MikeMike-du2ui says : In New York!? Any bets on which will be the cause of a meltdown first.. DEI... or Legal Marijuana😏>> <<@applesauce1680 says : When Bill Gates and the NSA fire up their 1.21 Jigawatt computer to spy on us 24/7.you're going to see some serious 🌰>> <<@Joe-k3g6y says : F'ing hypocrates.>> <<@user-ihateyoutube says : 😅😅😅 What happen to saving the planet???😅😅😅 So the company wants a nuclear power plant all to themselves? Hmmm Sounds like the Democrats are scrapping saving the so called planet. 😅😅😅 I hate Microsoft. There product is not safe. They are always hacked. Their platform and email are horrible.>> <<@ChrisGoodman-m4r says : AI is satanic.>> <<@ChrisGoodman-m4r says : AI is fallen angel technology…….>> <<@obiwan7701 says : This is a very bad idea>> <<@garrett6064 says : Most people dont realize what an enviromental mess "green" energy is. Mining and production of solar panels is a mess, they only last about 25 years and are currently thrown in landfills but they include lead and cadmium both of which can poison ground waters. People are trying to figure out recycling plans now but it is not economically feasible but when it is people will be forced to pay for recycling lowering the desire to buy them.>> <<@Starrylyra47 says : I live less than a half hour from TMI. The people here don’t want it reopened or Microsoft policies here.>> <<@richman555 says : Not sure about this need vs focusing on efficiency? Also why is this part of Pennsylvania critical?>> <<@SlipperyRage says : This behavior shows you the green agenda is only about power. NOT saving the planet.>> <<@SlipperyRage says : Mr green energy reverts to nuclear when the cost is to high. But us little guys need to keep suffering to save the planet. Hypocrisy is priceless...>> <<@monkeygraborange says : Giving a demon of Satan like Shill Gates access to a nuclear power source to power his private propaganda machinery is the epitome of insanity.>> <<@truzar100 says : Republicans Fight To INCREASE Drug Prices>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : To let Microsoft anywhere near an Operating Nuclear Power Plant is total Insanity. Its track record of an Operating Systems is atrocious, I know , I have been using the garbage from Windows 2.0 to windows 10. When I abandoned Windows.>> <<@lilycat1694 says : I hate AI.>>