<<@gregorymcleod says : Government have much more control over the overall economy then reserve bank. So it is important to understand the role of Australian reserve bank which is simply using cash rate to maintain Inflation in an agreeded range. So this brings the Governments of state and federal into argument when they increase expenditure and put in place policies like mass migration that drive demand for services and pushes all the inflationary parts of the ecconomy the Federal Reserve must raise the cash rate that inter banks use to transfer money that then flow through to morgage rates. So simple answer is surely it is better for Governments to manage the growth of the economy to grow it and stimulate growth when economic situation allows. Slowing economy needs stimulation. A economy full of the money hand outs from COVID period was always push economy into inflation. To then further stimulate the economy with pay rises and mass imigration has put our economy in overdrive whilst reserve bank is fighting with cash rate Labor in states and federal are spending like no tomorrow driving inflation higher. Than Federal Governments apauling control of our imigration and borders have caused all sorts of problems for housing and services. So it is very unfair to blame reserve bank when State and Federal Governments havs been working against them.>> <<@mattk-kf9fx says : Pretty disappointing Sky News. This sounds like a propaganda interview. Why not talk about the artificial economy that was created during and post COVID. Have a look at productivity. Do you really think the economy would be where we are if it wasn’t for a debt fuelled spending spree..this whole pack of cards will eventually fall and interest rate cuts aren’t going to save the day..>> <<@uyc65cf says : Greedy RBA and banks making billion dollar profits as per usual. But of course they want more. Can we have a rate cut some time this decade please? Thank you.>> <<@Chrisbryant-q1j says : Bullcrap it's LABOR GOVNERMENTS FAULT>> <<@CalciumHat says : "Why has no one given me a hug?? I'm holding Australia together?!">> <<@CalciumHat says : "It's Alfonzi time!! Thiss iss when I can make a name for myself!! My dad, who ever he iss will be proud of me!!">> <<@clintonwatters1615 says : New immigrants aren’t unfortunately helping as it’s costing money to tax payers, and arnt contributing. I am torn as it’s the government’s fault and polices, but no houses and less jobs WTF Albo. You do deserve a pay rise>> <<@lancegoodall5911 says : The USA is a basket case! They have no other options...>> <<@malcolmhector2641 says : Just cost AMERICA cut it's rate doesn't mean Australia has too . Maybe this inept government should stop over spendig, plus we want know exactly what our deficient is really once we kick this government out , & we will be absolutely astonished on how much in debit we are really in , can't believe this government .>> <<@Jimmy009-st8mm says : Cut welfare dependency as a priority, the harsh reality is there are too many Australians who contribute nothing but complain about everything.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : 😂😂😂😆😆😆😆>> <<@davidarter6271 says : With the reckless spending of this Federal Government we actually need a rate INCREASE in November.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Peter Dutton!!! Danger Dan 😂>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Miss Danger Dan the Liberal cheerleader got his video stuck 😂🥰 Peter Dutton!!!>> <<@rolacase says : The reserve bank Governor just needs to say interest rate will be 2.00% or less in 2025. Bingo all is fixed! That is to any fool who's listening.>> <<@lukeread180 says : Sky news :-"theres no point raising interest rates, only 30% of people have mortgages" Also sky news :-"interest rates should be lowered, everyone's struggling......">> <<@dchambo7351 says : All in Agenda 2030 , max pain to create problem reaction solution. The solution is the problem that the people will beg for 😡 Cashless society , digital ID followed by a Central Bank Digital Currency. Equal’s complete control 😳>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Cut migration and things will improve>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : No. This government should have been cutting spending sooner. It should also have cut the immigration rate sooner. This shit-shower of a government is entirely to blame. The RBA is just doing what it needs to do.>> <<@kurjan1 says : This is sheer madness. Interest rates need to remain or go up... not down! Are they deliberately trying to ruin our economy?>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Jim Chalmers is an absolute legend>> <<@mickrussell-t3t says : 48000 jobs created all public useless servants what a joke taxpayers money paying for this useless bunch of grifters>> <<@userjoe4321 says : Should have been if the Labor party hadn't spent so much money...>> <<@mickrussell-t3t says : yeh but you have this useless albosleasy running this country absolute bunch of clowns CIRCUS>> <<@vicchippie says : Why would anyone want a 4% inflation target..?>> <<@Hunty49 says : We are not the US. We would be cutting rates if the RBA took it to 5%, but they didn't. We needed 4.5% to slow inflation but not bring on a recession.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : The Joys of Socialism 🤣>> <<@Maximuswin777 says : Didn’t raise rates high enough now they’ll be higher for longer. It was dumb to have lower rates then America>> <<@Maximuswin777 says : 😂>> <<@shannonwilson1416 says : It's not in the plan. You will own nothing and be happy>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Fiscal insanity for Australia ! Raise, raise, and raise rates again and again ...>>