<<@ChessInstructorSF says : I read the word analysis and I thought hum let me educate myself and hear someone’s opinion. Oh what a mistake it was. OK, so let me ask this question: since Israeli civilians are actually reservists in the Israeli destruction force, taking of Israeli civilians makes them prisoners of war not hostages. CORRECT? Targeted attack, I guess she thinks that a fact that you are Lebanese ergo you are Hizballah!!! How wrong is that… but again it’s futile to argue with a Zionist, so I’ll leave it at this!>> <<@Stllno says : Look for dudes with no nuts, legs etc. and they are terrorists…>> <<@jeffwatson5772 says : Natasha looks like Faye Reagan. Super hot.>> <<@fillup40 says : Cute lady.>> <<@rankinlas says : It literally couldn’t be any more targeted. It’s unprecedented in its ‘targetting’. The media reporting (I’m in UK) is absolutely shocking>> <<@hfinn5706 says : Oh it the fox affiliate from New Zealand. 😽😽😽 Republicans this year are DOA. Trump is too afraid to debate because he slurs his words and has no policy. He sells crypto to his followers to fleece them on last time. Musk just wants his ev tax breaks to save him billions in stock price losses that’s why he supports Trump. Big donor money is slowing down. Donors are now focusing on trying to control the senate so no legislation can get done but they are abandoning Trump as they tired of wasting big dollars. Smart rich people don’t like to invest in loosing efforts. They are cutting their looses Emma’s. 💲💲💲. It’s about money for them. Trump it’s about Sex and money.>> <<@matmclelland4701 says : Quoting law in war is like getting into a fist fight and half way your like “but my mom said that’s not fair.”>> <<@AndrewKarczewski says : Natasha is cute>> <<@TalkingGIJoe says : you know the world is fckd when you have laws on war...>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Ask yourself whose controlling the narrative. Netanyahu.>> <<@Trump2024_FJB. says : I have a legal question, are the pagers still covered under warranty?>> <<@KLRJUNE says : EVERYTHING on the news we get is a misinformed analysis. Reporters are not very well educated or informed nor do they want to be.>> <<@saarb737 says : For all the 'free 'palestine' guys. Can you tell me plz, if palestine was existed as a state- When was it established? When destroyed and "occupied"? And from whom? What was the boarders? Who was its prime minister/president when the Israelis occupyied it? Who was its army head/general/chief when the Israeli occupyied it? . Can you answer it? Ill wait.., Got the point? . And lets have a history lesson, 'palestine' is part of the name 'syria palestina' a name of a **REGION** (not a state), a name given by the ROMAN EMPIRE after they occupied the land of israel from the Jews. And, have you heard about 'kingdom of israel'? (United monarchy), It was existed even back at 1010BC (thats 1010 years before christianity, and 1610 years BEFORE ISLAM). . And you know what was the capital of that kingdom? ****drums****- JERUSALEM. Yes, jerusalem was a jewish capital before you islamist came to that world and trying to claim everything that aint yours. +Jerusalem was not an arab/muslim capital a single day throught history. Also- talking about 'occupation'/'colonialsim'.. remind me plz- how many muslim states there are today? (40+). how many muslim states where before Islam was made in the 7th century? (0)....... how many Jewish states there are today? (1), and you want to destroy it as well. much liberal, very wow! Jews always had 1 state, and never demanded more then that 1 sole state, even tho they are here many..... mannnyyyyyy years before both Christianity and Isalm. think of it that way, my 'dear' antisemic people who think they are just "anti Israel" and not antisemic: -when jews had no state, it was much easier to persecute them and kill them. -when jews has a state, suddenly its much harder, right? its not 'politiclly correct' to hate jews these days.. the 'correct' way is to hate thier state. Learn history.>> <<@saarb737 says : Think of it for a second.. Ukraine fights Russia (a state, stste of terror, but still a state). Nobody thinks of a weapon embargo on Ukraine. Israel fights Hamas, Hizbullah, Hutis etc (terror organizations + Iran, state of terror), @keirstarmer @kamalaharris and many other leaders (especially from europe signs and wants to sign weapon embargos against Israel. It has a name, its called - ANTISEMISM..>> <<@joeudvari9646 says : I don't know who she is, but she needs to be educated?>> <<@lw216316 says : a bully jumps on a peaceful man and is beating him to death and screaming 'I'm going to kill you." The man fights back and punches the bully. The bully says, "Stop hitting me or I'll kill you." The news reports that a bad man punches a man who was sitting peacefully on his chest.>> <<@BigMacIIx says : Hezbollah is crying for unlawful attack? What about using their population and city like humains shield ?>> <<@dakotaslim says : Rule No. 1: Don't piss off the Mossad.>> <<@SeanHendy says : Am I the only one that sees her as some kind of propaganda puppet? She offers absolutely no legal perspective at all. Having worked in the sphere of the law of armed conflict, criminal law, and international law, in many different environments and circumstances, other than Israel which seems to operate by its own rules, different from any other democracy, I know not of any circumstance where this kind of tactic would be legal. Absolutely, Israel has every right to bring terrorists to justice, but summary execution, that is indiscriminate, just doesn't hold water when scrutinised by even a first year law undergrad, let alone a barrister, and she should be ashamed of herself. She will be the laughing stock of the legal community. There is no way of knowing in whose hands these devices would end up; or who would be in close proximity at any time; besides which, just taking people out like this doesn't align with any legal framework I've ever known.>> <<@byronbailey9229 says : Why did Iranian ambassador have a Hezbollah pager?>> <<@brucemitchell5637 says : The lesson that Israel sent to hezbolla is very clear, DON'T START WHAT YOU CAN'T FINISH!!>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Israel has been told to stop the " illegal occupation of Palestine" at the UN General Assembly with a clear deadline and five key demands: 1. Evacuation of ALL Israelis from Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, including all settlers and military personnel within 12 months. 2. Demolition of the apartheid wall within 12 months 3. States must cease all trade with Israel that entrenches the occupation including ending all business, economic and military relationships with the illegal settlements 4. Requirement to pay reparations to Palestinians affected by the occupation with a new authority that will quantity the amount to pay. 5. Requirement to facilitate the return of all Palestinians displaced by the illegal occupation.>> <<@FatherJoel says : The Israel glazing on this channel is next level.>> <<@openureyes says : Wow she is stunning>> <<@rileyunderwood1538 says : It'll be these guys that complaining when ISIS and other entities start using these to kill us westerners>> <<@rileyunderwood1538 says : Oh my god what a racist Neo Nazi television channel. 😊>> <<@keithmcwilliams7424 says : I don't think isreal is worried about it.😂😅😊>> <<@dannywilliams5192 says : funny as she is a jew she not saying a word about the kids killed she is makeing up her own words how silly she is a silly little girl who is no were near the point of law>> <<@mikelarry19489 says : Flatten lebanon Flatten gaza>> <<@rvrski1 says : Yeah nah……that’s why the ICC is issuing arrest warrants for Israeli heads of state for war crimes…… Nice try Sky Israel and the clowns you get on.>> <<@paulmartingurnett2168 says : Natasha Hausdorff brilliant always>> <<@esterhaerani says : Asian here. I love Natasha. I have been following her since October 7>> <<@jamesdolph437 says : ya so what? at least they were'nt RA ED ... P ... figure it out>> <<@NotesNomads says : Why so sad>> <<@andtewlonsdale8047 says : Tasty chick>> <<@bethrooke5523 says : It appears that "international law" is bowing to woke western pressure to support terrorist action by Hezbollah. Grossly overlooking the terror inflicted on Israelis October 8 2023. Not to mention Islamist rule using sexism as their ultimate control. Half of their population, (women), are held in contempt of a belief that sees them veiled when it is their so called leaders that hide behind contemptuous rule.>> <<@JnLRa says : This was a surgical strike targeting only known terrorists. Now their location is established, they are in the hospital. How many were arrested? Zero??!! This could only happen if the government were complicit.>> <<@eddieyap7782 says : Breakdance!>> <<@wallishaines7247 says : not a war recognised by UN>> <<@andrewdavis6012 says : SHE SAID NOTHING ABOUT IT>> <<@ivanbilich2506 says : What do they expect when you try to terrorise Israel>> <<@williambelford9661 says : So where is her analysis of what international laws apply and how these laws apply?>> <<@shmentz says : new holiday in Lebanon - Eid-al-Beeper>> <<@canadianlumberjack7642 says : Note the German last name eh....>> <<@NickvonZ says : EXCELLENT presentation!>> <<@avicohen8585 says : The double standards, often driven by antisemitism, are glaring. Conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Sudan, and Afghanistan have claimed millions of civilian lives, yet I’ve never seen protests anywhere near the scale of what’s happening now. This current situation, which is far smaller in comparison, represents Israel's only viable option for defense, unlike the others, which are rooted in religious, territorial, and power struggles>> <<@SparkWah says : Sky News thinks they are against the Left but have now made a joke of themselves. Yet another fake news outlet. Bringing on a lawyer to try to convince ur viewers that what happened is perfectly legal 😂😂😂 if this woman is a legal expert then I am a space cadet 😂😂😂>> <<@SparkWah says : Sad to see Sky News AUS is a mouthpiece for Israel and the algorithm takes down my legal explanation immediately upon posting lol.>> <<@jamesragland3560 says : A "word salad". I cannot understand (and neither can she) what she is trying to say!>> <<@andrewwelsh6638 says : Obviously Israel would benefit from these strikes on Hezbolla but did they perpetrate it? Looks to me like the pagers were in a warehouse in an unnamed Middle East country for three months while the paperwork was sorted out. Don’t forget the Iran, Hezbolla and numerous other actors are subject to sanctions so what did the export paperwork from Hungary look like? Who has access to the warehouse and was this a clandestine import. There are others in the Middle East who would be happy that Iran’s proxies are targeted, Saudi for a start, probably UAE too.>>