<<@tantw2073 says : I am raised in a middle-class family.>> <<@blancjays3972 says : Where is Nasralla hiding. I need answers>> <<@mireland1451 says : a Child walking beside its father could be killed remember even bad guys have families>> <<@TheMidnightBlue_369 says : I don't think she answered the question. Isr@el will prevail.>> <<@nefriedel says : There is a good answer to the objection, that the beeper might explode in a public space, such as a bus. The amount of explosive was (by design) so small as to ensure that the separation between people that happens in most social situations, would suffice to protect persons not targeted; recall videos of beepers exploding in markets and shops, injuring only targets (persons near him, run away). Most military operations entail civilian casualties. The beeper operation suffered only a few of them.>> <<@P_Photography_Europe says : Remember, the Arabs never want peace to begin with. The Arabs rejected UN's partition plan back in 1947. Google this: Arab Israeli wars Britannica>> <<@watisoniwaqa8438 says : Is she just stupid or confused evil woman? 🖕😡>> <<@aryehyehudahajzenberg9503 says : WHO IS THIS LADY ?!?!?? IS SHE MARRIED ?!?!?!>> <<@imperfectlump6070 says : Celebrating violations to the un treaty on landmines I see.>> <<@AWAYWITHEVIL says : Am Yisrael Chai>> <<@peterbardy1296 says : Pagers for Palestine>> <<@fred4687 says : Lauding terrorism ?>> <<@Alikhan-tl8om says : nothing but propaganda why the rest of the world up holds that Israeli state of terrorist and Zionist and tell her lies to cover the deceit of these criminals and murderers and corrupt government of genocide>> <<@timothymcneely7869 says : Fugg Hamas. Fugg Hezboolah>> <<@johncorlett3699 says : Absolutely appalling the depth to which the human race will go, no thought for the innocent bystanders, and about as sneaky as antipersonnel mines, regardless of who they target. Lowest of low>> <<@jamespeacock8665 says : Reported for promoting terrorism.>> <<@deanpd3402 says : Neutralised...indeed neutered. BTW, Sunni Syrians are over the moon about what has been done to Hezbollah, given what Hezbollah did to them.>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : Terrorist attack no one was in military uniforms.>> <<@jule3480 says : Did they give that same thought to the rockets sent to Israel. Rhetorical question, they just want Israel to shut up, lay down and be obliterated.>> <<@josephgee143 says : They did electric vehicles and bikes also>> <<@Mezza-ld3bq says : Isreal has the balls. To do something about these vile men Isreal has the balls not like muzzle>> <<@josephgee143 says : BAN ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES FROM THE UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL & THEIR EUROPEAN COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN.>> <<@EddieFelson777 says : Liberal tears are plentiful now>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Sky News should be reported for constantly trying to brainwash Aussies with Hey Support Israel. Everyone else are terrorists B.S>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Sky News Australia is about the only News network worldwide telling citizens Israel is doing good. Don't be brainwashed Aussies>>