<<@nolanhines7251 says : Never heard of him.>> <<@nolanhines7251 says : Who...!?>> <<@angiescher2444 says : Leave America please. Macklemore fricking dip shit>> <<@AnniSturgill says : Then leave.America made you rich.The ungratefulness in these people is disgusting>> <<@mikespike2099 says : Macklemore is a desperate has been … not relevant celebrity trying to be relevant>> <<@GideonArmy333 says : It’s fashionable to be pro-Palestinians useful idiots. Yeah, ask him to go Gaza Strip, Jorden, Lebanon, Syria or Iran. Hack, go any Muslim majority country>> <<@Ring0-- says : WHO? /America>> <<@ravenstone366 says : Go by Free to leave, hear Iran and them opened the doors to you all so go be help on the ground instead of all talk!! Bye TAKE the VIEW CROWS AND JOY REED WITH PLEASE.. GOOD LUCK TO YOUR NEW CITIZENSHIP OF WHEREVER YOU LIVE OVERSEAS.. PUTTING YOUR MONEY, YOUR MUSCLES AND MOUTH TO THE CAUSE INSTEAD OF JUST DILIKE..>> <<@basildog007 says : A "free palestine" rap concert... Talk about cancerous sh-t... 😮>> <<@jule3480 says : He’s in his forties and still trying to relate to teens, how embarrassing . What’s the next day thing he’s going to say, “Down with the patriarchy!”?>> <<@Maharlikano_XYZ says : Macklemore: F*** America! Audience: Whoooooooooo!!!!>> <<@Maharlikano_XYZ says : I don't blame him. America is fucked up in many ways.>> <<@blackandwhitecat69 says : Why was he slammed? The USA is THE biggest global terrorist. We all know this, let's stop pretending.>> <<@billhenderson8603 says : Give that man a pager on the house!! lol! 😂>> <<@jdgoesham5381 says : It's nuts how these young people don't understand Islam and the Middle East. But especially Islam. It's like sticking up for a mass murdering rapist who literally wants to kill you.>> <<@Charly6-4 says : We the people 2nd Amendments Bill of Rights for law abiding citizens>> <<@billhenderson8603 says : All 200 paying concertgoers were excited about his comments!!>> <<@billhenderson8603 says : All 200 paying concertgoers were excited about his comments!!>> <<@billhenderson8603 says : Yeah, ask him where he made his money. Ask him who paid for his houses his cars, his luxury travel, American people geez I wonder if he tried that crap anywhere else in the world if you can get away with it scumbucket stay where you are. We don’t need any more dip shits back here.>> <<@Charly6-4 says : A citizen of America who claims Palestine automatically renounces their US citizenship and no longer able to bare firearms>> <<@henryDzieciontko says : Genuinely who the F are mackelmore ? Never heard of them 😅>> <<@Charly6-4 says : Black Palestine or White Palestine Y'all Traitor to this country 🇺🇸 and we the people automatically reject your citizenship of America>> <<@leewright7623 says : I remember when he blackmailed the NRL into promoting certain marriages. Shouldve been told to F O then ans there.>> <<@michaelcasey5121 says : Wasn't he in a Boy Band run by Diddy?>> <<@entertainmentextremenetwor652 says : If you hate American 🇺🇸 get the hell off my country go live in Cuba 🇨🇺 or Europe you so be grateful to live in great country America 🇺🇸 to have freedom other country do not have it>> <<@yoniweizman4570 says : Kendrick should have won that Grammy… fvck Wacklemore>> <<@daviddigital6887 says : Never heard of him>> <<@DonnellOkafor-r2d says : Another lame whyte leftist who wishes he was blk>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : F. K America F. K America F k America F. K America>> <<@petergmred2005 says : Macklemore aint exactly a mans man is he? Always oozes soy energy. I here the lgbt crowd love the guy.>> <<@sallycent6598 says : It is so funny even the Palestinians themselves don’t understand anything about their history and why are they fighting the Jews for. 😂>> <<@scottadams4655 says : Imagine saying that 300 years ago>> <<@PhilipRanson-d5t says : Let’s see if his audience rises or shrinks.>> <<@lukeh321 says : Another wholesome, polite and thoughtful "white dude" for Harris spreading the joy.>> <<@Gavin-qh7li says : F America its time to turn the page>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : YT protecting poor Americans through censorship.>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : He simply expressed an attitude shared by the majority of the planet.>> <<@ChrisZeylmans says : Never heard of this dickhead>> <<@GeniusChazz444 says : One of the “PC” Babies from South Park grown up…>> <<@motorsportfreak1 says : Just a typical left wing celebrity. Overwhelming majority of them are socialist activists, hence vote for Democrats.>> <<@daytripper9222 says : A has been. He's a traitor. Get the hell out. Move to North Korea.>> <<@Jhnnyaplseed says : Loser who shouldn’t have been given money. Supporting terrorists too? Joke>> <<@pixiestyx1766 says : Yeah....he's also someone who has a nude painting of Justin Beiber in his home...so I'd not brag to loudly about being a fan of his....Don't believe me, read his bio on Wikipedia. He's apparently very proud if it>> <<@Saahil_Jain says : Where is CIA, or MOSSAD has to do it here too>> <<@abbeystump says : The World feels the same way……Trump is your last chance 😊>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : MackleMoron>> <<@mucy2807 says : Another prick 😮😊>> <<@jjsc4396 says : It’s an OPINION….blurted out by a marginal celebrity who has every right to do so. Are Australians so weak-kneed they’re outraged and dither at it?>> <<@SkiesKurosawa says : Find him pay him a visit>> <<@homerhat420 says : Lol hes been washed up for years already>>