<<@pierrefrechettefrechette8414 says : Trump❤️>> <<@XRP-Alchemy says : "The peasants compIaining they can't afford bread? Let them eat word saIad." 😆 KackIes!>> <<@amyezell4950 says : Harris you making a fool out of yourself. Why want she just drop out nobody wants her but the woke and illegal immigrants. The rich brainwashed Democrats.>> <<@Raj-et7oj says : She is a lawyer basically, how come she is not able to find her words or speak fluently and coherently. I wonder how she advanced in her career.... 🤔>> <<@carlafrechette3233 says : She is the Face of her Ascendant😹😹! A combust Mercury joint a Fall Sun!!! How this css as n be worst??? 😂😂😂>> <<@bethesda5739 says : Is that woman (Kamala) fighting for our rights against the Mulas, Hezbollah, China, Russia, Iran, Irak, the drug cartels of the world? Do you believe she is up to that job?>> <<@donlee.4308 says : This is not about liberal vs conservative ; it’s people vs establishment.>> <<@kerrywoods8144 says : That's very interesting considering that President Trump's gun was taken away.>> <<@bethesda5739 says : Some has to tell Kamala illegal aliens from Sudamerica are not her constituents to please It’s the American taxpayers the people who she must serve>> <<@AltRockLover says : She would've done better if she'd simply said they're eating the cats 😂>> <<@deniseeldridge3575 says : Trump Vance 2024❤❤❤>> <<@twojake14 says : true, she looked like a deer caught in headlights! like that question caught her off guard>> <<@shereeholland172 says : Whaaat????>> <<@DandyLion2024 says : Kamala: "I have guns of my own." She has someone that has had close ties to her drop the ball and say she does not own any guns at all.>> <<@kennethparks3853 says : I am sorry but I lost any respect for these has been stars.>> <<@kerrywoods8144 says : Kamala cannot speak without waving her hands around. Kamala Harris has no real plan that will effect the country's terrible economy in a positive way.>> <<@colinyates7485 says : Only far right wing commentators and trump sycophants are mocking Kamala Harris, everybody else is mocking dumb old trump.>> <<@lesl4454 says : How could those audiences buy her word salad. Incompetent chakalala>> <<@lizgaspari-gasparinutrition says : Oh god, what happened in Hawaii "O" ?>> <<@jaydasmith2269 says : Celestial said it fufilled iykyk 🙏praise Yahweh. #themastersvoiceprophecy.>> <<@grannyllama617 says : She is an empty vessel>> <<@Jeanpaul678 says : Kamala Harris cant answer questions and give direct answers sumply because if she gets into office it will business as usual from day one. All her former policies will be put to the forefront. Also in this interview, you can see that Oprah has seen through how dense and imbecilic this woman is.>> <<@franks3531 says : monty python skit...>> <<@ivettecordova5824 says : Everyone must look this up yo get to know her: Judge Joe Brown Drops BOMBSHELLS on Kamala’s Career" | Kamala Harris Vs Trump | Latest News>> <<@cynthiadelacruz5113 says : What else can be done for Kamala, to win the VOTES of the people.>> <<@DavidJones-ms5ek says : A fraud interviewing a fraud. How sad for America.>> <<@franks3531 says : 🍸>> <<@valeriegowan1098 says : I’m a democrat, I’m still voting for her, but I was completely embarrassed, and she said the same thing that she says on every single stage that she’s been on since she started. I am voting for her because I am standing up for democracy for our country.>> <<@giiggii11 says : So her strength was given to her only by the media!she was lifted only by the media.>> <<@franks3531 says : Oprah has a large head 🫥🤔>> <<@Aimeeejolee8019 says : I never thought I could get so full from salad. I’ve had enough of her word salad. Her words are empty like empty calories that get you nothing and nowhere.>> <<@legendtsukino says : Hah and yet people will still vote for her. unbelievable.>> <<@tortoisetraveler5815 says : Discuss the reason behind her making way to the throne instead of Elizabeth Warren-the much more deserving candidate. Don't say Kamala is Black, thats why. That is not right answer!! Because if both exchanged their skin color, still the result would be the same. Kamala would be the candidate!>> <<@sharonmitchell4066 says : What about the "actors & actresses" that went along with this??>> <<@ohlsenjulian3288 says : Camela got caught using the teleprompter!>> <<@cherylhorner3097 says : AMERICANS ARE TORED OF ELECTION IS ALL ABOUT MONEY THERE NEEDS TO BE A CAP AND GO BACK TO ELECTION ON THE JOB A PERSON WILL DO , AND THEIR ETHICS, AND THE PERSONS VALUES>> <<@tommycurr8747 says : This is America kamala poor!! Weak. Trans.>> <<@Rectifier950 says : She going the same direction as biden duhhhhhh!!!!!!>> <<@buckyfairbanx says : I used to smoke a lot off weed, a lot of good weed…like many people, she must smoke all the time and maybe even just before this,>> <<@flurryX says : Anyone that thinks that Oprah/Kammy was informative on actual problems are delusional 🙄>> <<@cherylhorner3097 says : BUT SHE WANTS YOUR GUNS>> <<@michaelkivinen1691 says : How about stop funding the war in ukraine that will lead to collapse America which is the target for a NEW WORLD ORDER the same what is happening in all western democracy and they will have it for 6 years left, upto the near end of the year 2029. Yes Freedom to have total control of the IGNORANT. Remember it's always the majority are fooled. MPK.>> <<@karlrobertson456 says : What should frighten everyone is they're gonna throw her down throat for the we like it or not , our vote don't mean shit>> <<@markgreen1878 says : The music is to loud, I can't hear what they are saying.>> <<@crispinc4161 says : Amusing, Kamala says stand your ground laws are racist then admits she would stand her ground and shoot someone breaking into her home.>> <<@cherylhorner3097 says : HARRIS YOU DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS JUST WORD SALAD>> <<@roysrodzinski6544 says : You can't fool all the people all the time>> <<@cherylhorner3097 says : HARRIS, YOU BEEN THERE FOR 3 3/4 YRS HARRIS AND BIDEN ARE THE ONES THAT MADE THE PRICES GO UP !!! SHE HAS HAD 4 YRS DO DO SOMETHING ON ANYTHING AND DIDN'T DO NOTHING BUT MAKE THINGS WORSE. HARRIS GETS IN IT WILL GET WORSE ,>> <<@bobcarter5205 says : MAGA ZOMBIES don’t like facts! Research these Biden / Harris stats for truth ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET: inflation has GONE DOWN eleven straight months IN A ROW from November 2023 to September 2024. Not a single month in the last eleven months has inflation increased. Under the Biden / Harris Administration the DOW Industrials stock market reached 40,000 points for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY. Also, the stock market has stayed WELL ABOVE 40,000 (currently at 42,000) for SIX STRAIGHT months. The Federal Reserve has REDUCED THEIR INTEREST RATE BY .50 PERCENTAGE POINT because the Biden / Harris Administration lowered the inflation rate consistently for so long. Under the Trump Administration the FEDERAL RESERVE NEVER lowered the interest rate AT ALL, NO NONE AT ALL during the four years Trump was throwing ketchup at the walls in the Oval Office. Also, in case you didn’t know it already, when Trump was President the stock market plummeted six straight months in a row on three different occasions (18 months total) while stumbling through 4 years of Trump’s Presidency like a scene from an episode of a soap opera. In four years you couldn’t name a single thing Trump had done as President EXCEPT raise the deficit by $7 trillion dollars and gave tax breaks to the richest people in America! Then Trump recently faked a news story about a NOTHING SANDWICH of a news story just to get a few more votes in November. RESEARCH THE FLORIDA “GOLF COURSE” INDICTMENT!! Or you can stay ignorant if you like! No bullets in the rifle in the Florida / Trump non event!! There was NO ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT!! Proof?? Even the Courts knows this was no true “assassination attempt”. Notice the Federal Court is only charging the FELON / ADMITTED MAGA man that had a gun NEAR Donald Trump with illegal GUN POSSESSION. Nothing, nothing at all about firing a gun AT ANYBODY!! This is just a FAKE attempted assassination drama, AGAIN! Both times MAGA people were involved. EXACT COPY of last BULLSHlT fake fake fake assassination attempt but this time without the two bodies. Apparently these MAGA ZOMBIE idiots are showing America a slingshot is deadlier than an assault rifle with a 30 round clip. The old convicted rapist Donald Trump is probably using this DRAMA so his pitiful campaign can stall for time, so Trump doesn’t have to speak in public through the fog of his own mental illness. By the way: where was Lora Loona at the time?>> <<@josephinefreeman5145 says : The pit Kamula digs, she will fall in the pit she dug for someone else.>>