<<@leephilips3669 says : Cash is king…>> <<@AwakenedWookie says : Oh that's clever. Give people the choice of bank transfers....or the government's new "centrepay". Which will be linked to your up coming digital ID and therefore, your social credit score. The government will be able to withhold money from your landlord until they evict you. They'll be able to "black flag" you on all rental payment systems. Not for being a bad tenant but for being a disobedient citizen. All landlords will be given massive incentives to use the centrepay system (to the same value as the no fees system has taken from them) and boom....they have every landlord under federal control. Do you see where this is heading yet? Or you all still far too drunk and scared to open your eyes?>> <<@annacarter6559 says : Thanks for the $30. Now do something about the $500 a week my one bedroom costs>> <<@jjsc4396 says : 😂 The dithering-tinkering to distract from dealing with the primary causes of your frighteningly serious housing crisis is both comical & disturbing.>> <<@Envexitytg says : They have tried the italian .. skimming method .. with rentals the same as malta ... Where each party pays half .. rent . Just for one person yo open the door once and sit with one piece of paper . For 10 minuyes>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : Pay cash. Simple problems require simple solutions.>> <<@stevehaut6494 says : My reason for not allowing "dogs" on my rental property is... I don't like dogs. My property, my choice. Find someone else to rent from.>> <<@majorlaff8682 says : Pay your rent at the office with cash. Simple.>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : While they're at it, what about fair rules for rent increases. No more than 5% per annum and only after a year. Once I rented a flat for $150pw from those bastards at Acton in Mosman Park (WA), and three weeks after moving in, they upped the rent to $185pw, just like that, for no reason except greed. Well screw Acton is all I have to say about them after that.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : And this is supposedly part of fixing a rental crisis. Make investment properties even less attractive by forcing landlords to now accept unruly, property damaging, and neighbor upsetting dogs.>> <<@heatherc2576 says : Your government is crap>> <<@stevebrown4475 says : They started doing this in Qld to>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : The dogs of the former tenant at my sons rental property did MASSIVE damage, chewing at everything, totally destroying the rear steps, fly screens, and the place STANK! . Not only this they barked aggressively and constantly, even at the neighbors who share a common driveway every time they walked past. Under no circumstance would I EVER rent a property to someone with dogs again. Yes, I know not all dogs are like this, so blame the people with out of control dogs, not landlords.>> <<@magmabuildup says : How about scrapping income tax>>