<<@mikespike2099 says : If you care about Australia it will be ONE NATION all the way!>> <<@patrussell8917 says : Safe" Labor seat of Mackay in danger of losing its decades long hold on it Most locals aware of long term retarding progress>> <<@Want0nS0up says : More “independents” (Labor sly) deceiving voters to support Labor.>> <<@andrewwhite1065 says : God Qld. needs change and so does the ACT. Labor does nothing except spend our money on frivolous b/s cultural events, intermittent green energy, increases in public servant wages and infrastructure projects that are unionised money pits. My question to undecided voter's is.... 'what do you actually have to loose by voting another way'?>> <<@ianking-jv4hg says : The Labor Party should be UnderThreat from All Intelligent Australians for their Blatant MisUse and Abuse of Both Truth and Power !>> <<@sidecarmisanthrope5927 says : I wish that the clueless twats in the cities would stop electing Labor and Liberals. We in the bush have to live with your poor decisions. You won't be happy when the growers stop producing food for you. Next election think about what is best for the farmers who supply your food.>> <<@MrDyhard says : ‘standing on the banks of the Fitzroy River’. Old mate is clearly not a local. Standing on the banks of the Fitzroy with your back to the river is a sure fire way to end up an afternoon snack for the saltire that live there. 😂>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Hopefully it will be replicated at ALL levels of governments i.e. the removal of the uni-party including all shades of Green and at a State level ALL what voters and if MSM should ALL be asking candidates and parties who will be REPEALING section (215) into The Land, Explosives and Other Legislation amendment Act 2019 Queensland that made all Land Title Certificates LEGALLY VOID, both the red and blue teams voted this in and the Government and banks have destroyed our old property deeds which is a criminal offence.>> <<@sallycent6598 says : To be honest QLD can’t afford the Labor and the greens because is depending on the agricultural, mining and tourism , so the green energy will destroy its economy and its beautiful nature.>> <<@ianpickett8420 says : The main election issue ? The current Labor Premier is an idiot !!! People want less taxation and less government !!!>> <<@Coastal603 says : Go James Ashby for Keppel! 🇦🇺>> <<@Berserker978 says : Hey!! Where'd my comment go Ya Party Poopers. 😆>> <<@MB-wc3jf says : Good.>> <<@SamuelSalty says : why the fuck cant one nation get its shit together and stop being such a joke - noone will take them seriously if they keep having such poor candidates that chop and change all over the place>> <<@wtf22playa56 says : I'll be shocked if a single electorate outside of Brisbane goes Labor. Regional QLD has been completely ignored and forgotten by this govt for the last 9 years. Housing, roads, hospitals, high crime..not a single dollar been spent here>> <<@coronavirusboogieman3568 says : no more major parties!!!>> <<@garrysecuramot says : I just hope voters have woken up, and don't vote for any Greens candidates, because their only agenda is to destroy the country, and promote division.>> <<@NoWindNoSunNoPower says : Sounds good.>>