<<@jjsc4396 says : Finally!…..Uber-weak sauce that will ultimately fail in its objectives. This is Australia. Who can no longer deliver…anything but real estate flippers and banal influencers 😂>> <<@pb9040 says : 30% from 2020 right across the board>> <<@carbonite1999 says : socialism 101.. make you obey ,this is how much you pay ,open everyday , waiting for more of your pay, all at my cost. or shop somewhere else ! dictating profit ,dictating thought ,dictating how long you live .>> <<@skeletalfluorosis4you says : they could put the price of everything down $1-2 permanently.. they throw out most of the stock, it's not even being sold. they're scrooges.>> <<@IDontTalkToCops says : BOYCOTT COLES AND WOOLWORTHS!!!>> <<@bookertee3057 says : How the investigate the Ignorant dummies in government? Their Ignoramus policies are the cause of price hikes. Lower taxes!>> <<@iamasmurf1122 says : Anyone can file a lawsuit nothing at all hard about it .. however their is no substance in this law suit nothing illegal about company’s selling products how they want to>> <<@moistfarts351 says : Bs>> <<@mjmack633 says : So supermarkets have been caught price gouging and believe me there not the only companies doing it, and yet for some reason Sky News and most right wing sycophants want to blame the Labor Government for the current inflation, and I also see some people want to blame the Government for the supermarkets action. Wake up big corporations are calling the shots not the Government.>> <<@LIKEFUNK says : Price inquiry into politician's pay rates and perks required instead thanks>> <<@LIKEFUNK says : Products in packets are shrinking too remember! I remember when it took two hands to handle a Whopper....in a couple of years a 5 year old could hold it with one hand!>> <<@LIKEFUNK says : The way to win is to do as I do, live in an opulent suburb but I only shop in a beggars paradise suburb, one Woolies I shop at are so stupid they have 200 pack tea bags for $7.80 and sitting beside such on the same shelf is the same product in 100 pack size for $3.00....it isn't rocket science kids!>> <<@tonzawallace50 says : So what about the shrinkflation of half our groceries that have nearly halved in size and doubled in prices? Not a word?>> <<@andrewtannenbaum1 says : The enemy of the people is not the retail establishment, but big government and its wayward spending. The retailers are reigned in by competition over fewer consumer dollars.>> <<@smackcheeks says : Tell us exactly how Colesworths are price gouging. Don’t just make the claim and rely on a negative cliche as some kind of evidence. Tell us what the price gouging strategies are and in context otherwise f#^k off with your shitty sound bites.>> <<@just_julie00 says : ok so they sue Coles & Woolies now what do they do with that money>> <<@w2class says : More distraction to avoid the government taking responsibility for the inflation it has created.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WUTT ABOAT BOWENISST'A HAYE'S HAULERING OAT WHERE'S MAYE BOWLA LAYBOUR OAT'S UND-MAYE CUPA CHINESE LAYBOUR TAYE ☕️ 👋 🤪 ☕️ 👋 😳 DAVAYE IS ALUTTA PROUD OF DEE OLE NAULSTEOUS OF DAMNED OLE DAYOOH'S 👋 🤪 👋 😳>> <<@SCARAB1956 says : This is bu** s*ht. Announcers sitting at a desk with no knowledge of what it takes to survive on a 1% net margin. Costs going up on everything. Wages, wholesale costs, electricity, transportation. To name a few challenges. And these idiots know better than the professionals in the industry.>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : Every legal cost and or fine Woolies and Coles incurs will be added to grocery prices.>> <<@jonathoncalabrese2035 says : ATM this is all talk. Let’s see if anything actually happens>> <<@PJC005 says : This is the trade off for the deal to mandate "stuff" and push the "voices". Now they just do what they want and the gubberment cant control them.>> <<@Dismas2503 says : How about the ACCC investigate corruption in the NDIS; childcare sector, aged care sector; universities and private schools, medicare rorts, the charity industry, etc.>> <<@Americaisgreat1-w3f says : Hopefully this will make it's way to America. We are getting ripped off by all the grocery stores!!>> <<@blwairconditioning4350 says : This government needs to be held to account and take responsibility that would be news.>> <<@Inexistentruth says : Refund all the old age pensioners you shameless crooks.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : WELL DONE ALBO 💥On 25 January 2024,💥 the Australian Government announced that it will direct the ACCC to conduct an inquiry into Australia's supermarket sector. **Anthony Albanese has offered to give the competition watchdog extra powers to combat price gouging, after comments from the regulator suggesting it could sue Reply>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : So last year I bought something $10 and sold it for $11,but this year it cost $20 to buy I sell for $21. Now I sell them on special for $19 does that mean I broke the law because last year I could sell them for $11.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : On this one Andrew, you are completely clueless. That you support Labor, despite attempts to appear an independent journalist, is painfully obvious. This is nothing more that a government directive to deflect from the real causes of inflation eg. energy policy, unsustainable immigration, reckless government spending.>> <<@jaxia-eu6jf says : Woolies and coles need to give whoever shops with them 4 free weekly shops a year for the next 5years to semi make up for RIPPING OFF YOUR CUSTOMERS>> <<@Conky769 says : I bet this is simply a way to raise union wages and raise food prices.>> <<@magmabuildup says : accc toothless tiger sustain your life,grow,well,solar...>>