<<@vincegoupil says : What is indoctrination? Religious theories, economic-political theories, racist theories....Their common point: they cannot be certified by studies. Schools are places of training. This education is called indoctrination by those who disagree with the professed education. They want to promote their indoctrination instead of education.>> <<@anne-mariereed6306 says : The public schools and especially the inner city schools and all the poor school district. he The Teacher's Unions have done a disservice to the children of America. The have fought School Choice and School Voucher's, because that would be less money for them. It is never about the students, it always about their pensions, their salaries and their struggle. Oh Please give me a break. The US Department of Education needs to be torn down and rebuilt so that the children all across this country have a fair shot at a first class education. They need to be proficient in Math, Science, English, Grammer, Reading, Social Studies, History, Civics.Bring back Art, Music and Physical Education, Home Economics, Shop Classes, Vocational Classes. Everyone learns at a different level and has certain skills or talents that they exceed in and we as a society should accept this. We put so much pressure on the youth of today to be successful with everything they do. Instead of saying yes my child is no really made to go to college, but is really great with his hands and loves Vehicle Mechanics, Plumbing, Electrical. Instead it is push the kids to be in with cool kids and it is all about keeping up with the Jones's. We have a whole generation that is coming out of Universities that are so ill prepared for the real world. These Universities are charging a lot of money to have their students have no clue what they are doing. it is an embarrassing time to live in America. I have friends that are amazed when they interview these people that they know nothing of the real world. No work experience, no idea how to speak properly and how ill informed that they are on real issues around them. Totally Clueless and these are the people who are going to take care of us and who are going to be the next leaders of this country. Yikes, we are in big trouble.>> <<@adamfirooz6103 says : Trump 2024>> <<@RonX-i1v says : Republican Congress kicks spending bucket down the road again.>> <<@David-z6o2c says : America is not failing, Trump is. MAGA is. About 30 MAGA congressmen (women) are going to prison with Trump. MAGA has been lied to for 50 years and misled into being traitors to the USA. January 6th is treason.>> <<@antoniosantiago9794 says : OUR 47th PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL BRING BACK WORLD PEACE, AGAIN! GOD BLESS US! TRUMP WILL END THE WARS, HELP RESCUE THE HOSTAGES, AND PREVENT WW3! TRUMP WILL MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY, POWERFUL, AND RESPECTED AGAIN! AMERICA FIRST! TRUMP WILL MAKE IMMIGRATION LEGAL AGAIN! TRUMP WILL SECURE THE BORDERS AGAIN!>> <<@sandyca1106 says : “EDUCATION is a WEAPON whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” quote by Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union.>> <<@noname-fn6cp says : The Mayan King could've been kidnapped. 🧐💜📝📝📝📝📝🎧📹>> <<@malcolmpitt7934 says : Good sir the its the Principle and school broads that got it this way. Like how do students tell adult teachers their looking for purpose when we're verbally being uneducated, molested like at d diddy party, and no answers why waste picker is being paid more than the teachers. Please remember love not pride with no parents>> <<@jholmes9717 says : How do you go from George Floyd to kids failing school? One of these things is not like the other...>> <<@davidwedlake1987 says : I love this and I've been saying this for a long time here's the kicker I'm white this happens with white people too all people but also I don't even have children and I can still see the decline of our society because of the lack of education this man actually cares you can see it you can hear it you should too>> <<@Zorn76 says : Pedos run public schools.>> <<@whatisitsteve says : Project 2025 would eliminate the entire department of education.>> <<@RoBear-xo6zw says : The racism is directed at whites>> <<@KingReza2 says : Kamala Harris was Born in Jamaica to an Indian and Jamaican illegal immigrant parents who were Soviet Union supporters and un- apologic communists.>> <<@RoBear-xo6zw says : You would be better served getting your school district laws changed to equal funding>> <<@jamesskinner7185 says : They want to make kids stupid….>> <<@earthforge3578 says : Opportunity Block ! May God Aid you in this effort pastor !>> <<@noddy2583 says : Electing a failed reality star show what in gods name would you expect 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@noddy2583 says : From an outsider looking in Americans are not the sharpest tools in the shed so this is not surprising a rapist who tried to overthrow the government for president REALLY i mean that is ludicrous their disrespect for the female is on full show>> <<@edwardgerrit1056 says : EDWARD'S FINAL REMARK'S 《《$☆☆☆☆☆$☆☆☆☆☆$》》 EVERLASTING LIFE LOSTS NOW PUT YOUR SOUL'S IN THE AIR 》 Jurisdiction The Court may exercise jurisdiction in a situation where genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes were committed on or after 1 July 2002 and: the crimes were committed by a State Party national, or in the territory of a State Party, or in a State that has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court; or the crimes were referred to the ICC Prosecutor by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) pursuant to a resolution adopted under chapter VII of the UN charter. As of 17 July 2018, a situation in which an act of aggression would appear to have occurred could be referred to the Court by the Security Council, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, irrespective as to whether it involves States Parties or non-States Parties. In the absence of a UNSC referral of an act of aggression, the Prosecutor may initiate an investigation on his own initiative or upon request from a State Party. The Prosecutor shall first ascertain whether the Security Council has made a determination of an act of aggression committed by the State concerned. Where no such determination has been made within six months after the date of notification to the UNSC by the Prosecutor of the situation, the Prosecutor may nonetheless proceed with the investigation, provided that the Pre-Trial Division has authorized the commencement of the investigation. Also, under these circumstances, the Court shall not exercise its jurisdiction regarding a crime of aggression when committed by a national or on the territory of a State Party that has not ratified or accepted these amendments. I WILL NOT UNPROFESSIONAL OFFICE 🏢 CHILD ABUSE AFTER YEAR'S OF COUNTRY HUMAN BLASTS EFFECTS/ LITTLE CHILDREN DRIVING 🚘 BIG CARS OWNING THEIR BUSINESSES/ WHAT PREVENTS ME FROM NOOOOOOW OPEN PROJECTS KICK STARTS? MATURE ILLITERATES ANSWER? FAILURES TO LEAVE ITALY 🇮🇹 TODAY WILL BE USED AGAINST YOUR GRAVE FROM HENCE JEHOVAH'S DAY DAY IN MIND, I'M HOLY AND SMART AND INTELLIGENT 🧠/ LANGUAGE EXPLAINED BREAKING HOW POWERFUL JEHOVAH'S SPIRIT CAN BE AFTER MAN WATCHING THEIR OWN KIDS TRAVEL TO LEARN IN THER OWN PRIVATE JETS? WHO'S MORE EDUCATED! MATURE ELDERS ANSWER? COWARDS/>> <<@edwardgerrit1056 says : EDWARD'S FINAL REMARK'S 《《$☆☆☆☆☆$☆☆☆☆☆$》》 EVERLASTING LIFE LOSTS NOW PUT YOUR SOUL'S IN THE AIR 》 EDWARD'S FINAL REMARK'S 《《$☆☆☆☆☆$☆☆☆☆☆$》》 EVERLASTING LIFE LOSTS NOW PUT YOUR SOUL'S IN THE AIR 》 Jurisdiction The Court may exercise jurisdiction in a situation where genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes were committed on or after 1 July 2002 and: the crimes were committed by a State Party national, or in the territory of a State Party, or in a State that has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court; or the crimes were referred to the ICC Prosecutor by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) pursuant to a resolution adopted under chapter VII of the UN charter. As of 17 July 2018, a situation in which an act of aggression would appear to have occurred could be referred to the Court by the Security Council, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, irrespective as to whether it involves States Parties or non-States Parties. In the absence of a UNSC referral of an act of aggression, the Prosecutor may initiate an investigation on his own initiative or upon request from a State Party. The Prosecutor shall first ascertain whether the Security Council has made a determination of an act of aggression committed by the State concerned. Where no such determination has been made within six months after the date of notification to the UNSC by the Prosecutor of the situation, the Prosecutor may nonetheless proceed with the investigation, provided that the Pre-Trial Division has authorized the commencement of the investigation. Also, under these circumstances, the Court shall not exercise its jurisdiction regarding a crime of aggression when committed by a national or on the territory of a State Party that has not ratified or accepted these amendments. I WILL NOT UNPROFESSIONAL OFFICE 🏢 CHILD ABUSE AFTER YEAR'S OF COUNTRY HUMAN BLASTS EFFECTS/ LITTLE CHILDREN DRIVING 🚘 BIG CARS OWNING THEIR BUSINESSES/ WHAT PREVENTS ME FROM NOOOOOOW OPEN PROJECTS KICK STARTS? MATURE ILLITERATES ANSWER? FAILURES TO LEAVE ITALY 🇮🇹 TODAY WILL BE USED AGAINST YOUR GRAVE FROM HENCE JEHOVAH'S DAY DAY IN MIND, I'M HOLY AND SMART AND INTELLIGENT 🧠/ LANGUAGE EXPLAINED BREAKING HOW POWERFUL JEHOVAH'S SPIRIT CAN BE AFTER MAN WATCHING THEIR OWN KIDS TRAVEL TO LEARN IN THER OWN PRIVATE JETS? WHO'S MORE EDUCATED! MATURE ELDERS ANSWER? COWARDS/>> <<@Martin-gf1hh says : America is a place of nightmares>> <<@GodkingTrumpwetrust says : It's not fair to our children for them to have to attend a classroom with Trans, Republicans, or immigrants. Absolutely revolting.>> <<@michaelmichael1001 says : 💙💙VOTE BLUE💙💙 SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY 💙💙VOTE BLUE💙💙>> <<@RAYRAY-ec6ge1ks1i says : Look out for the trolls and bots there's two on here that's only been subscribed for one day, which means they've only been subscribed for a few minutes,>> <<@LARRIE_COLE says : A combination of black people wanting welfare income for having a child so badly that they are willing pretend the fathers are not capable of supporting a family or even have a job. Why turn down free money. So 98% do not stick around, disgusting, and generates fatherless homes that spawns generation after generation of black crime. They are doing it to themselves, do not respect themselves., and must grow up.>> <<@amethystAnge7 says : Right>> <<@abiharun-l6j says : It is obvious to the rest of the world that America's school system has been failing for a long time. The end product of that failure is that the two best people you can put up for arguably the most important elected office in the world are a conman and an inexperienced chancer.>> <<@DeanMorgan-b1w says : 👤🇺🇲VANCE 2024X 😎>> <<@Users_rx says : They fail math but somehow know how many genders there are. (ANSWER: ONLY TWO)>> <<@federalistpapers4523 says : *Quality education should take precedence over liberal indoctrination classes.*>> <<@MichaelM-q2q says : Very driven pastorall winter last year . Good man here you pay attention to wise man>> <<@combatvetusa76 says : He kind of looks like Mark Robinson but with a beard.>> <<@CeeDEE-l8b says : Thank you for your community work Pastor.>> <<@federalistpapers4523 says : *US education has fallen to unprecedented lows under democrat leadership. This must stop.*>> <<@ginosko_ says : Just let your kids be dumb half the country is already retwrded might as well accelerate the process>> <<@ange6580 says : It's 9 AM, where are the 24 hour MAGA?>> <<@Toutuu98 says : That's why I homeschool my kids. My 12 year old is about to start Calculus and my 15 year old is starting college level classes. They're not even super geniuses, it is just that our school systems are holding most kids back by the way they are structured.>> <<@ange6580 says : Is it criminal offense to urinate on a sépulture in America ? Just asking for Europe and also where will the orange sépulture be located when the time comes?>> <<@beautifulseattle says : You are the voice for forgotten Americans. I couldn't hardly read at 1st and second grade so my mother taught me phonics at home, and I'm white and grew up poor.>> <<@MYJEWISHLAMPSHADES says : *GIGGLIN''S ISLAND* PLEASE WATCH THIS.>> <<@INSANEKAMALA says : *GIGGLIN ISLAND* WATCH AND ENJOY IT.>> <<@ange6580 says : Trump is looking frail He's mind is not well Soon he will fail And eventually journey to h......>> <<@INSANEKAMALA says : SCHIFF🇮🇱 SCHUMER🇮🇱 NADDLER🇮🇱 SANDERS🇮🇱 PELOSI🇮🇱 😮😮😮😮😮>> <<@INSANEKAMALA says : I will *NEVER VOTE BLUE* again.😟>> <<@INSANEKAMALA says : *THE EPSTEIN LIST.* AL GORE🇮🇱 ALAN DERSHOWITZ🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 ALEC BALDWIN🇮🇱 ANDERSON COOPER🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 ANGELINA JOLIE🇮🇱 BARACK OBAMA🏀 MICHELLE OBAMA🏀🏳️‍🌈 BEN AFFLECK🇮🇱 BERNIE SANDERS🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 BEYONCE KNOWLES🏀 BILL CLINTON🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 HILARY CLINTON🇮🇱 BOB SAGAT🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 BILL MURRAY🇮🇱 BRUCE WILLIS 🇮🇱 CHARLIE SHEEN🇮🇱 CELINE DION🇮🇱 CHARLES BARKLEY🏀🏳️‍🌈 CHER🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 CHARLIZE THERON🇮🇱 CHRIS TUCKER🏀🏳️‍🌈 COURTNEY COX🇮🇱 COURTNEY LOVE🇮🇱 DEMI MOORE🇮🇱 DAVID SPADE🇮🇱 DREW BARRYMORE🇮🇱 ELLEN DEGENERES🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 GEORGE CLOONEY🇮🇱 GWEN STEFANI🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 HEIDI KLUM🇮🇱 JAMES FRANCO🇮🇱 JIM CARREY🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 JIMMY KIMMEL🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 JOE BIDEN🇮🇱 JOHN CUSACK🇮🇱 JOHN LEGEND🇮🇱 JOHN TRAVOLTA🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 JOY BEHAR🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 JUSTIN TRUDEAU🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 SOPHIE TRUDEAU🇮🇱 KATY PERRY 🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 KATHY GRIFFIN🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 KEVIN SPACEY🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 LADY GAGA🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 MADONNA🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 MARK EPSTEIN🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 MERYL STREEP🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 MILEY CYRUS🇮🇱 OPRAH WINFREY🏀🏳️‍🌈 ORLANDO BLOOM🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 PARIS HILTON🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 PAULA EPSTEIN🇮🇱 🏳️‍🌈 PRINCE ANDREW🔱🏳️‍🌈 PRINCE CHARLES🔱🏳️‍🌈 QUENTIN TARANTINO🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 RACHEL MADDOW🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 ROBERT DENIRO🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 ROBERT DOWNEY JR🇮🇱 RIHANNA🏀🏳️‍🌈 ROB REINER🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 SARAH SILVERMAN🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 STEVEN SPIELBERG🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 STEVEN TYLER🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 STEVEN COLBERT🇮🇱 SETH GREEN🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 TOM HANKS🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈 WHOOPI GOLDBERG🏀🏳️‍🌈 WANDA SYKES🏀🏳️‍🌈 NO TRUMP. BYE DEMOCRATS.😅😅😅😅>> <<@INSANEKAMALA says : *GIGGLIN'S ISLAND* WATCH AND ENJOY>> <<@INSANEKAMALA says : PLUMBIS😮>>