<<@Jackson89949 says : GOD LOVES US 🙏🙏 CAN WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER THE SAME WAY GOD LOVES US IN JESUS NAME AMEN 🙏😇💙>> <<@DallasJohnson-s1i says : Robinson Thomas Lewis Thomas Anderson Laura>> <<@coolsharq says : plant for winning againts Russia is probably request another aid money from the US>> <<@SubhasChandrawan says : HA HA so funny of comedian president! With full supporting of India Mr Putin cannot lose! We daily sending crores rupees supporting the good warcrimings of Putin sahib. In two or three years more only he will have the victory! Jai shree Putin!!!>> <<@joshcolity5895 says : You want to bring the world into your war, you don't have peace plan 😢>> <<@Redpilled66 says : Zelensky: "I have a plan for victory!! General 1: But Mr President, the eastern front lines are completely collapsing to the Russian military!" Zelensky: "Dont worry I have a plan for victory!" General 2: " But Mr President, the Kursk offensive has completely failed." Zelensky: Dont worry, I have a plan for victory!" General 3: "but Mr President, we are losing thousands of men a week, our soldiers are fleeing the battlefields and our military infrastructure is being destroyed." Zelensky: "Don't worry, I have a plan for victory!" Generals: Well what is it? Zelensky: Er, what? Generals: Your plan? Zelensky: "Oh....Victory!!!!">>