<<@bonstar3221 says : Wake up she doesn't believe in democracy she is all for communism do your research and you'll be horrified at what she really believes in. Most or all of the people in the audience were more than likely payed to be there 😮>> <<@KaySorrels-f4k says : GAO😂😂😮😮>> <<@danilobulseco1064 says : So empty. No substance at all>> <<@rileymorgan9084 says : What I would look ke to know? Who in the global elite had the idea to run this empty skull individual run for president? I have this to say too each of you. Money doesn't make you smart. How many of these celebrities took part in these freak off parties?>> <<@deborahwarrick4344 says : 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮>> <<@gecko-sb1kp says : Laugh along with Harris. It will never outweigh the the millions laughing at her. And there are billions of them across the world right now...including quite a few nasty ones...>> <<@katherinedoughty839 says : Glad to see its worked well so far!🤦 🍦>> <<@smirkey90 says : Maybe Chris Rock needs another slap.>> <<@punisher5882 says : This was a complete joke , just like her running. She going to fix what she help break ! Yeah ooookay .. u literally have to be a hard core libtard sheep to believe this crap..>> <<@kingeatking says : Didn't Meryl Streep give a standing ovation for a p*********!?>> <<@michelereynolds7295 says : Kamala comes across as a total fool Does she answer questions? No She uses word salad rubbish WellMr Trump you may not have to say anything, Kamala will bury herself I hope you have mellowed Donald you definitely need to!>> <<@BrianBellia says : It was a circus. 🤡>> <<@robindelude3787 says : Yikes! Could it be any cringy-er? I just vomited all over myself!>> <<@Genesis-007 says : Going for drama, this interview was like a mothball pizza served up for window lickers.>> <<@miekeborkent1875 says : 🤮>> <<@patricklorio7657 says : Can you imagine her as president and have to listen to that voice all the time?>> <<@lorenshetler6395 says : She has two brain cells fighting for third place>> <<@pettami1 says : Celebs would endorse Hitler if they were paid. They are all rich with no money problems and have no concept of what your average American is going through. Oh and they lack a tremendous amount of braincells>> <<@tothemax324 says : Notice leftism 98% controls academia, journalism and entertainment? Chairman Mao would be tripping right now.>> <<@kane-vn6bn says : two great minds, intellectual giants coming together to..... segregate, discriminate and abuse the people of earth>> <<@roykamara2437 says : Chris Rock must have been slapped so hard that he lost his sense of reasoning. What utter rubbish was that!>> <<@jamesnelson1901 says : Disgusting pigs>> <<@yanivyaffe says : wow>> <<@ForestConfetti says : *Gag reflex activated*>> <<@markymark2509 says : Trump said no to another debate... Exactly the correct move. Everybody knows exactly what his policies are. Everybody knows he delivered a better economy (2016 - 2020), better citizen safety and far better prosperity than Biden and Kamala,... who is still V.P. by the way,... but has done none of the things she is now claiming as Her policies... 3 .6 years of the current Biden/Harris presidency..., A complete and total disaster... Unlike Kamala Trump never flip flops... He's been saying exactly the same thing since the 80s and nineties... He did a great job of delivering promises in his 4 years in office. Which by the way was back in 2016 - 2020. Even V/P. candidate Waltz stated 2 days ago that America "cannot afford another term like the last 4 years". (his words) The last 4 years Biden was President, not Trump. There will be no second 3 on 1,... debate with only Trump being fact checked...No second debate using earphone earing's to tell Kamala exactly what to say, line by line... . Let Kamala the extreme leftist explain who she is by actually allowing the press to ask her hard questions about her policy backflips, her wild and dangerous progressive Marxist ideology... Her desperate attempt to cling onto MAGA policies to survive and steel an election from those who really believe in Trumps policies.., Let the press discuss her monumental and deadly failure as the person tasked with stopping the illegal immigrants and fentanyl... entering through an open border that she and Biden simply refused to declare closed...... Gun confiscation, defund the police, opposing ICE, support ... it goes on and on and on... Trump and his impressive achievements as POTUS are known by the people. The Failed Marxist Kamala will need to start talking to America on her own if she wants exposure... Bring on the word salads, the fake McDonalds employee story.. The fake middle class story (Her parents are both PHD and she grew up in a privileged location)..... The fake accents to pander... Nothing defines a persons ability to lead like being able to articulate a powerful and compelling vision... Kamala can't even answer the simplest of simple questions because her hidden answer is always the same.. Hard core Marxism imposed and the destruction of constitutional America from within...>> <<@DCarey-g6y says : 🤦‍♀️>> <<@JohnHogg-m9f says : Anyone else notice 95% of the Rich people(actors musicians celebrities) etc are Endorsing this Weird Creature,that's because open Borders don't affect them in their Gated Communitys it's the working middle class that are going to cop the violence and massive financial Burden that these Illegals are going to cost the U.S,BEWARE VOTERS.>> <<@patriciaritter4090 says : Don't tell me, let me guess. All these celebrities were asked to come on to give their unscripted, absolutely real accounts of how marvelous this idiot is. Paa..leezzz. They lie so well because it is their profession.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : I’m suspicious there is somehow not going to even be an election, if it does go ahead and she is installed the world will witness election fraud out loud and proud>> <<@AG-M23 says : 1. Even with Ozempic, Oprah looks large. 2. Is Harris drunk here? Someone should do a drug test. I guess even the covid test would say she's drunk. 3. They are actors, they PRETEND to be someone else. It is their job!! They are acting here, nobody talks and behaves like that in reality.>> <<@lesl4454 says : She's Indian not black>> <<@lonepineX says : rock & stiller sucks balls, sad>> <<@lesl4454 says : Kamala you are a disaster, lunatic. Can you not answer a single question. Dummy.. answer the question you sh*t.>> <<@ellforde7592 says : Is she drunk 🥴>> <<@matthawkins1893 says : 2 whores about to go lower they have ever been before. Can't wait for the diddy tapes..>> <<@frank00135 says : Kamala is a total air head, there is a total vacuum between her ears. Her being President would be the end off the USA as a country.>> <<@damo7228 says : Sky News Australia is the King of Zero Substance , Zero facts, and Zero credibility>> <<@LynetteCrawford-lx7tc says : Actors following their lines given by those paying them. Except Karmala clearly forgot her lines.>> <<@magdalenac4014 says : Kamala is the only one pointing fingers, calling Trump a threat that's pointing fingers, saying that Trumps policies are this and that when Trump has been clear, but Kamala keeps making false accusations to the POINT of Trumps life being targeted because Kamala has pointed fingers lied and tell democrats to go to Trumps rallies. Is Kamala on drugs or drunk? Because she sounds like JIM JONES. Kamala won't answer questions SHADY!>> <<@aright2lucidity says : Won't watch. Guaranteed that's a barf fest.>> <<@ROBERTOGARCIA-ld2hj says : What a bunch of fakes! Liars! This thing is a clone. The real oprah was executed, hanged in GITMO. Ask michael baxter of RRN. He knows all.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Indians are from India. Blacks are from Africa. I thought Kabala was part Indian>> <<@Prognosis__ says : Kabala talks utter drivel>> <<@sallycent6598 says : America is the only country in the world that involves the famous and the celebrities with its politics and elections. It is a very bad way to let the rich celebrities and the famous to decide who should win the election, because those people are not related to the poor and the average Americans.>> <<@FerociousPoofyPeanut says : Ah, the biased media at it's finest. You sure got the headline right. No substance, No detail, Zero brain cells. Maryam Moshiri is a far better than this man. She still has a career even after flipping the bird on live television. Something this man wouldn't have the guts to do.>> <<@rickwelch2224 says : This is america.....america i like how she repeats herself everytime she is a pathetic loser and a liar!>> <<@AgentAO7 says : This is America?? Really Kamala?? Lol.. How about going out the streets & talk to real people. Not those paid actors behind & A-List Billionaire celebrities. Oprah-paganda at it’s finest!!!! 🤮>> <<@angiekanellos7493 says : Cowards>> <<@waynedodds5839 says : This seriously wants to make me projectile vomit - 🤮 USA you’re totally screwed.. and we ain’t far behind ya..>> <<@America-always says : Hollywood need to get a brain and vote for Trump/Vance 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸to stop communism.>>